John Wiley & Sons Limited

Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited

    Children and Play. Understanding Children's Worlds

    Peter Smith K.

    The role of play in child development is a source of ongoing interest and debate. In this book, renowned expert Peter Smith offers an expansive definition of the term “play”, taking an in-depth look at its impact on children, as well as its adaptive value for birds and mammals, including primates. Using both contemporary and classic research, Smith examines how different age groups and sexes participate in a wide variety of play, including exercise and rough-and- tumble play, fantasy play and imaginary friends, and play with objects. The book gauges the function of play in early childhood education and makes the case for and against recess breaks in school. How play occurs in different societies and among various populations – including children with special needs – is also explored. With its comprehensive coverage of theoretical, historical, cross-cultural, and evolutionary perspectives, Children and Play holds significant insights for parents, educators, and clinicians.

    Atomic Force Microscopy. Understanding Basic Modes and Advanced Applications

    Greg Haugstad

    This book enlightens readers on the basic surface properties and distance-dependent intersurface forces one must understand to obtain even simple data from an atomic force microscope (AFM). The material becomes progressively more complex throughout the book, explaining details of calibration, physical origin of artifacts, and signal/noise limitations. Coverage spans imaging, materials property characterization, in-liquid interfacial analysis, tribology, and electromagnetic interactions. “Supplementary material for this book can be found by entering ISBN 9780470638828 on”

    Group Dynamics and Team Interventions. Understanding and Improving Team Performance

    Timothy Franz M.

    Organizations thrive or struggle as a result of interactions among team members. To optimize the performance of teams, Group Dynamics and Team Interventions bridges the gap between the most up-to-date academic research findings about group behavior and real-life practice. Chapters summarize the theories behind group and team behavior while offering proven application and intervention techniques that can be utilized in workplace settings. Topics addressed include team formation and development; understanding culture and team diversity; improving team cohesion, decision making, and problem solving; managing and reducing team conflict; team leadership, power, and influence; and others. Brief case studies and interventions that illustrate each theory help to enhance the clarity of the topics. Group Dynamics and Team Interventions will benefit academics and practitioners alike, who gain from a better understanding of the dynamics that inform team behavior, along with assessment tools and practical intervention techniques to create and maintain a high-performing team.

    Mein Auto repariert sich selbst. Und andere Technologien von übermorgen

    Rolf Frobose

    Renowned science journalist Rolf Froböse illustrates using numerous examples how our modern world will change in the years to come and how technical revolutions large and small are announcing themselves by way of exciting and inventive discoveries.

    Language in Cognition. Uncovering Mental Structures and the Rules Behind Them

    Cedric Boeckx

    This textbook explores the ways in which language informs the structure and function of the human mind, offering a point of entry into the fascinating territory of cognitive science. Focusing mainly on syntactic issues, Language in Cognition is a unique contribution to this burgeoning field of study. Guides undergraduate students through the core questions of linguistics and cognitive science, and provides tools that will help them think about the field in a structured way Uses the study of language and how language informs the structure and function of the human mind to introduce the major ideas in modern cognitive science, including its history and controversies Explores questions such as: what does it mean to say that linguistics is part of the cognitive sciences; how do the core properties of language compare with the core properties of other human cognitive abilities such as vision, music, mathematics, and other mental building blocks; and what is the relationship between language and thought? Includes an indispensable study guide as well as extensive references to encourage further independent study

    The Rise of Western Christendom. Triumph and Diversity, A.D. 200-1000

    Peter Brown

    This tenth anniversary revised edition of the authoritative text on Christianity’s first thousand years of history features a new preface, additional color images, and an updated bibliography. The essential general survey of medieval European Christendom, Brown’s vivid prose charts the compelling and tumultuous rise of an institution that came to wield enormous religious and secular power. • Clear and vivid history of Christianity’s rise and its pivotal role in the making of Europe • Written by the celebrated Princeton scholar who originated of the field of study known as ‘late antiquity’ • Includes a fully updated bibliography and index

    Effective Group Coaching. Tried and Tested Tools and Resources for Optimum Coaching Results

    Jennifer Britton J.

    Group coaching is rapidly becoming the preferred coaching option for businesses and individuals. Effective Group Coaching is a practical, resource rich, hands-on guide for the group coaching facilitator in one of the fastest growing new disciplines. Organizations, community groups and individuals are discovering that group coaching is an exciting and sustainable model and process for learning and growth. Written for internal and external coaches, HR professionals, trainers and facilitators wanting to expand their work into this area, this book provides tested methodologies and tools and tips. Both new and seasoned coaches will find the book a practical roadmap and go-to guide when designing, implementing and marketing their own group coaching programs. Case studies highlight how group coaching programs are being delivered globally through corporate and public prgrams, virtually and in person. Also, the author's dedicated web site offers resources and articles available for downloading.

    Psychobiological Approaches for Anxiety Disorders. Treatment Combination Strategies

    Stefan Hofmann G.

    Psychobiological Approaches for Anxiety Disorders presents a comprehensive overview of the latest empirical evidence and research results on combining pharmacological agents and CBT techniques for the treatment of anxiety disorders. The first book to focus on the issue of enhancing CBT with pharmacological agents Features chapters from leading authors in the fields of psychiatry, pharmacology, clinical psychology, neuroscience, and emotion research Contributes significantly to the field by summarizing the contemporary research in combination treatments in anxiety disorders A valuable resource for clinicians in training, as well as experienced clinicians seeking to help patients with anxiety disorders

    Evo-Devo of Child Growth. Treatise on Child Growth and Human Evolution

    Ze'ev Hochberg

    Working with principles from the fields of evolutionary and developmental biology (evo-devo), this fascinating work offers a new approach to analyzing child growth and development, examining each stage and transition in detail, from fetal development to preadulthood. Based on the author's in-depth review of the current literature and his own observations as a pediatric endocrinologist, the book demonstrates how the transitions between human life history phases represent unique periods of evolutionary adaptive response to the environment. In addition, the author explains why an understanding of these transition periods enables us to better understand the sequence and mechanisms of child growth as well as to better diagnose child growth disorders. Logically organized and clearly written, Evo-Devo of Child Growth: Sets a solid foundation of principles such as evolutionary thinking in medicine and child growth, life history theory, and heterochrony and allometry Examines the relationship between child growth and the theory of life history Applies evo-devo theory to fetal growth, infancy, childhood, juvenility, adolescence, and preadulthood Explores the trade-offs and adaptive phenotypic plasticity during transition periods Explains the role of life history theory in understanding and diagnosing growth disorders such as Down syndrome, Noonan syndrome, and Silver-Russell syndrome In addition to the author's own analysis and observations, this book also features notes from leading clinicians and evolutionary biologists, offering additional perspectives on the relationship between evo-devo and child growth and development. Evo-Devo of Child Growth provides a new perspective for evolutionary biologists to understand the phases and transitions of child growth. Moreover, it offers a new approach to help clinicians to better understand and diagnose a broad range of child growth disorders.

    The Author's Hand and the Printer's Mind. Transformations of the Written Word in Early Modern Europe

    Roger Chartier

    In Early Modern Europe the first readers of a book were not those who bought it. They were the scribes who copied the author’s or translator’s manuscript, the censors who licensed it, the publisher who decided to put this title in his catalogue, the copy editor who prepared the text for the press, divided it and added punctuation, the typesetters who composed the pages of the book, and the proof reader who corrected them. The author’s hand cannot be separated from the printers’ mind. This book is devoted to the process of publication of the works that framed their readers’ representations of the past or of the world. Linking cultural history, textual criticism and bibliographical studies, dealing with canonical works – like Cervantes’ Don Quixote or Shakespeare’s plays – as well as lesser known texts, Roger Chartier identifies the fundamental discontinuities that transformed the circulation of the written word between the invention of printing and the definition, three centuries later, of what we call 'literature'.