Our relationship with ads: it's complicated A must-read for anyone intrigued by the role and influence of the ad world, Seducing the Subconscious explores the complexities of our relationship to advertising. Robert Heath uses approaches from experimental psychology and cognitive neuroscience to outline his theory of the subconscious influence of advertising in its audience’s lives. In addition to looking at ads’ influence on consumers, Heath also addresses how advertising is evolving, noting especially the ethical implications of its development. Supported by current research, Seducing the Subconscious shows us just how strange and complicated our relationship is with the ads we see every day.
Round out your technical engineering abilities with the business know-how you need to succeed Technical competency, the «hard side» of engineering and other technical professions, is necessary but not sufficient for success in business. Young engineers must also develop nontechnical or «soft-side» competencies like communication, marketing, ethics, business accounting, and law and management in order to fully realize their potential in the workplace. This updated edition of Engineering Your Future is the go-to resource on the nontechnical aspects of professional practice for engineering students and young technical professionals alike. The content is explicitly linked to current efforts in the reform of engineering education including ABET's Engineering Criteria 2000, ASCE's Body of Knowledge, and those being undertaken by AAEE, AIChE and ASME. The book treats essential nontechnical topics you'll encounter in your career, like self-management, interpersonal relationships, teamwork, project and total quality management, design, construction, manufacturing, engineering economics, organizational structures, business accounting, and much more. Features new to this revised edition include: A stronger emphasis on management and leadership A focus on personal growth and developing relationships Expanded treatment of project management Coverage of how to develop a quality culture and ways to encourage creative and innovative thinking A discussion of how the results of design, the root of engineering, come to fruition in constructing and manufacturing, the fruit of engineering New information on accounting principles that can be used in your career-long financial planning An in-depth treatment of how engineering students and young practitioners can and should anticipate, participate in, and ultimately effect change If you're a student or young practitioner starting your engineering career, Engineering Your Future is essential reading.
Having worked with Erik on some of the most challenging computer forensic investigations during the early years of this industry's formation as well as having competed with him earnestly in the marketplace…I can truly say that Erik is one of the unique pioneers of computer forensic investigations. He not only can distill complex technical information into easily understandable concepts, but he always retained a long-term global perspective on the relevancy of our work and on the impact of the information revolution on the social and business structures of tomorrow. —From the Foreword by James Gordon, Managing Director, Navigant Consulting, Inc. Get the knowledge you need to make informed decisions throughout the computer forensic investigation process Investigative Computer Forensics zeroes in on a real need felt by lawyers, jurists, accountants, administrators, senior managers, and business executives around the globe: to understand the forensic investigation landscape before having an immediate and dire need for the services of a forensic investigator. Author Erik Laykin—leader and pioneer of computer forensic investigations—presents complex technical information in easily understandable concepts, covering: A primer on computers and networks Computer forensic fundamentals Investigative fundamentals Objectives and challenges in investigative computer forensics E-discovery responsibilities The future of computer forensic investigations Get the knowledge you need to make tough decisions during an internal investigation or while engaging the capabilities of a computer forensic professional with the proven guidance found in Investigative Computer Forensics.
This international bestselling book on acute paediatric care is the coursebook for the Advanced Life Support Group’s Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS). It uses their practical approach, a tried and tested method of treating children during the crucial first few hours of a life threatening condition. Advanced Paediatric Life Support is used in emergency and paediatric departments, by physicians, nurses and allied health professionals, and its clear layout and straightforward style make it a highly practical tool both for training and in the event of an emergency. The fifth edition includes major new features bringing it right up to date, including: The latest International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) 2010 Guidelines A discussion on the importance of human factors A new and improved design including full colour photographs and diagrams With this book at hand, paediatric and emergency staff can be confident in having comprehensive and authoritative guidance on the first principles of recognising life threatening conditions through to all the procedures necessary to save a child’s life.
Acute Medical Emergencies is based on the popular Advanced Life Support Group course MedicALS (Medical Advanced Life Support) and is an invaluable resource for all doctors dealing with medical emergencies. This comprehensive guide deals with the medical aspects of diagnosis and treatment of acute emergencies. Its structured approach teaches the novice how to assess and recognise a patient in an acute condition, and how to interpret vital symptoms such as breathlessness and chest or abdominal pain. There are separate sections on interpretation of investigations, and procedures for managing the emergency. It covers procedures for acute emergencies occurring anywhere – on hospital wards or beyond. The clarity of the text, including simple line illustrations, ensure its tried and tested procedures provide clear, concise advice on recognition and management of medical emergencies.
The way people think and act politically is not set in stone. People can and do change the fundamental cultural contours of their political situation. Their political culture does not only restrict imagination and action – it is also a resource for political creativity and invention. In Reinventing Political Culture, this resource is uncovered and explored. Analyzed as a tension between the power of culture and the culture of power, the concept of political culture is reinvented and applied to understanding the practice of people transforming their own political culture in very different circumstances. Three instances of such reinvention are closely examined: one historic, during the twilight of the Soviet empire; one actively in process and actively opposed, ‘the Obama revolution'; and one an apparent distant dream, the power of culture and the culture of power that would avoid ‘the clash of civilizations' in the Middle East. In accessible and engaging prose, Goldfarb clearly and forcefully presents students and scholars of sociology, comparative politics, and cultural studies with an original position on political culture, showing how the political cultures of our times pose not only grave dangers, but also opportunities for creative alternatives.
Once condemned by Modernism and compared to a ‘crime’ by Adolf Loos, ornament has made a spectacular return in contemporary architecture. This is typified by the works of well-known architects such as Herzog & de Meuron, Sauerbruch Hutton, Farshid Moussavi Architecture and OMA. There is no doubt that these new ornamental tendencies are inseparable from innovations in computer technology. The proliferation of developments in design software has enabled architects to experiment afresh with texture, colour, pattern and topology. Though inextricably linked with digital tools and culture, Antoine Picon argues that some significant traits in ornament persist from earlier Western architectural traditions. These he defines as the ‘subjective’ – the human interaction that ornament requires in both its production and its reception – and the political. Contrary to the message conveyed by the founding fathers of modern architecture, traditional ornament was not meant only for pleasure. It conveyed vital information about the designation of buildings as well as about the rank of their owners. As such, it participated in the expression of social values, hierarchies and order. By bringing previous traditions in ornament under scrutiny, Picon makes us question the political issues at stake in today’s ornamental revival. What does it tell us about present-day culture? Why are we presently so fearful of meaning in architecture? Could it be that by steering so vehemently away from symbolism, contemporary architecture is evading any explicit contribution to collective values?
Subprime Cities: The Political Economy of Mortgage Markets presents a collection of works from social scientists that offer insights into mortgage markets and the causes, effects, and aftermath of the recent 'subprime' mortgage crisis. Provides an even-handed and detailed analysis of mortgage markets and the recent housing crisis Features contributions from various social scientists with expertise in critical social theories who have assembled and analyzed detailed empirical information Offers a unique and powerful rebuttal to many of the misleading popular explanations of the crisis and its aftermath Reveals how racial minorities and the neighbourhoods inhabited by them are more likely to be targeted by subprime and predatory lenders
Everyone seeks to avoid getting into a lawsuit, but what do you do if this does happen? Getting sued for medical malpractice is one of the most traumatic events of a physician's career. This text will guide doctors and physicians through the process from the moment they receive a summons until the after-trial appeal process. Containing valuable information that physicians need to know to prevent making critical mistakes that can hurt their case With strategies explained to maximize their chances of a defendant's verdict. Including vital information on how to change your attorney, act at the deposition and dress for court, Navigating through what is a mysterious and terrifying process in non-legalese language that is easy to understand including what makes patients angry, strategies for coping, sample questions and tips on answering them to what happens in court and how to continue if there is a bad outcome.
ENGAGING STUDENTS In Phillip Schlechty's best-selling book Working on the Work, he outlined a motivational framework for improving student performance by improving the quality of schools designed for students. Engaging Students offers a next-step resource in which Schlechty incorporates what he's learned from the field and from the hundreds of workshops he and the Schlechty Center staff have conducted since Working on the Work was first published. This innovative and practical book is focused on helping teachers become increasingly successful in designing engaging work for their students. Schlechty contends that rather than viewing schools as teaching platforms, schools must be viewed as learning platforms. Rather than seeing schools as knowledge distribution systems, schools must be seen as knowledge work systems. Rather than defining teachers as instructors, teachers must be defined as designers, leaders, and guides to instruction. Engaging Students also includes useful questionnaires that will facilitate discussion, analysis, and action planning at both school and classroom levels. Praise for Engaging Students «In Engaging Students, Schlechty boldly delineates why the focus on engaging students overrides the focus on test scores. Every teacher and administrator in my district will use this guide to transform our entire organization into one that is truly focused on student engagement.» —KIM REDMOND, superintendent, Canton Local Schools, Canton, Ohio «This insightful book reminds us that every decision made in schools should ultimately benefit students. You will find yourself referring to this book again and again as a guide to support you in your role as an educator.» —ALLENE MAGILL, executive director, Professional Association of Georgia Educators, Atlanta, Georgia «Here is a much-enriched framework for everything Dr. Schlechty advocates: well articulated curriculum standards, schools as a platform for learning, teachers as leaders and designers of engaging and meaningful work, and students becoming responsible for their learning.» —NYANA SIMS, K-12 literacy and induction facilitator, Goshen School District, Torrington, Wyoming «By understanding and implementing the principles so thoughtfully articulated in this book, schools can become centers of highly engaged learners—and in that endeavor find again the joy of teaching and learning.» —JOHNNY VESELKA, executive director, Texas Association of School Administrators, Austin, Texas