Feel strong, toned and terrific with the latest moves in strength training Whether you're a beginner who doesn't know a barbell from a chocolate bar, a fitness junkie looking to expand your knowledge on weight training, or you're recovering from an injury and need to rebuild strength, this book is for you. Find out how to use exercise machines and weights at the gym and design a workout to do at home. Know your way around a gym – learn all the weight lifting lingo, equipment and etiquette Help control your weight – raise your basal metabolism and burn fat, not muscle, while eating right Keep your bones healthy – maintain bone density and reduce your risk of developing osteoporosis Track your progress – use a daily workout log to track your journey from soft to strong Stay motivated – try a blend of machines, free weights, balls, bands and classes to keep your workout interesting Improve your heart health – work your heart and lungs with aerobic exercise to complement your strength training Exercise safely – follow step-by-step instructions on how to train without hurting yourself Mix up your weight training – improve your balance and coordination with yoga and Pilates moves Open the book and find: More than 150 weight training exercises with photos The latest in equipment, including free weights and machines The best moves for working your core Information on toning and strengthening without bulking up How to find a fitness trainer The latest exercise DVDs to hire, buy or download The lowdown on exercise deals and duds Current data on nutritional supplements Learn to: Customise a safe and effective exercise program to suit your lifestyle Use free weights, kettlebells andmore to target specific areas Complement your workout withPilates and yoga Balance your diet to fuel your workout
Power up your day with a daily dose of chia! Omega-3 fatty acids and fiber are the superstars of cardiovascular health, and chia seeds contain them both in spades. They're also great sources of iron, calcium, magnesium, and zinc, and have been linked to better cholesterol, triglycerides, and blood pressure levels. It's no wonder they've been a staple in Central American diets since the Aztecs, and are once again growing in popularity. Chia is truly a superfood, both nutritious and versatile. Both the seeds and sprouts are edible, but there's so much more to chia than that! Cooking With Chia For Dummies explores the benefits and many uses of the chia seed, and guides you through a multitude of ways to add chia to your diet. Featuring over 125 recipes, you'll learn how to choose among the different types of chia options, how to use and how to use it, and exactly how much you need to reap the health benefits. Camouflage your chia or make it the star of the dish Incorporate chia into your favorite meal Adapt the recipes to be vegan, vegetarian, or gluten-free Discover chia recipes that even kids will eat Learn why you shouldn't harvest the sprouts from your Chia pet, and where to buy high-quality seeds to eat. Chia is already fueling endurance athletes and is beloved by dietitians. You deserve to feel great, and there's no reason your taste buds should suffer for it. Chia is a delicious addition to any meal, and there's no reason for you to miss out. Cooking With Chia For Dummies is your comprehensive guide to adding chia to your diet, and your companion on the journey to ultimate health.
Ditch the fad diets and discover how to eat mindfully Packed with tips to help you make lasting dietary changes, Mindful Eating For Dummies paves the way for redefining your relationship with food, challenging your attitude about eating and making attainable changes to integrate mindful eating into everyday life. This no-nonsense, friendly guide offers essential guidance to get healthy, lose weight and avoid negative thought patterns associated with food—the mindful way. Mindfulness allows you to pay attention to what is going on in your surroundings in order to keep yourself alert and able to react effectively in the present. When applied to eating habits, the practice of mindfulness helps you to pay close attention to the sensation and purpose of each mouthful of food to avoid overeating and fully discover the joys of your meals. Learn how to reduce overeating and change your approach to food forever Begin to choose healthy foods mindfully Find advice on eating mindfully when you're dining out Discover how mindful eating can combat emotional hunger Whether you want to develop a healthier relationship with food to lose weight, manage a diet- or lifestyle-related illness or simply experience a better awareness and connection at mealtime, Mindful Eating For Dummies is your go-to guide for getting it done.
Термином «поток» определяется оптимальное состояние человека, когда его мозг и тело работают в тесной гармонии, будучи нацеленными на решение конкретной задачи. Авторы книги во главе с известным психологом Михаем Чиксентмихайи научат, как достигать состояния «потока» во время бега – как на тренировках, так и на соревнованиях – и благодаря этому получать больше удовольствия от спорта и добиваться лучших результатов. Люди, которые регулярно испытывают состояние «потока», как правило, живут более счастливой и наполненной жизнью. На русском языке публикуется впервые.
Tackle everything about football with this comprehensive guide from the pros! Always wanted to understand football, but don't know your X's from your O's? Football For Dummies has you covered! This fun, easy-to-read guide offers a comprehensive overview of the game. Former professional player and current NFL analyst Howie Long teams up with professional football consultant John Czarnecki to guide you through the game like no one else can, with analysis of football positions, basic and advanced offensive and defensive strategies, and the latest updates to the game and the rules. Learn about the latest NFL stadium technologies, new stars in the game, and get details about football that apply to every level, from pee wee to high school, college, and the pros! Perfect for both knowledgeable fans as a reference, or to those new to the sport, this fun guide makes learning football easy. Jump in and you'll be talking the football talk in no time! Offers a perfect comprehensive and updated guide to football for both new fans and old pros Provides detailed explanations of positions, offensive and defensive plays, and analysis of approaches to various game situations Includes updated content on new stadium technology, new players, and the latest rules and regulations Packed with information that's applicable for every level Dive right in to Football For Dummies to get the latest in-depth analysis to the most popular sport in America!
Tone up, burn calories, stay strong Weight Training For Dummies makes it easy to get started with weight training by offering trusted and straightforward guidance on the latest circuit and resistance training, and all-new information on the highly popular bodyweight and High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). Whether you're working with dumbbells, free weight sets, or machines, you'll find out how to combine weight training with other exercise to properly strength train and get in the best shape of your life. Along with aerobic exercise and flexibility, body weight training is an integral part of a complete physical activity program. But with all the different equipment and techniques available, getting started can feel overwhelming. Want to get pumped about weight training? Consider these facts: strength training, whether via free weights or a machine, builds muscle. And the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism and the less prone you are to injuries—in and out of the gym. Plus, strength training promotes bone strength, which can significantly reduce your odds of developing osteoporosis. If that's not enough, strength training—unlike cardio workouts like running—reaps benefits almost immediately. So what are you waiting for? Weight Training For Dummies has everything you need to get started. Provides examples and directions for powerful 20-minute weight training routines for the time challenged Features advice to help you choose a weight training system that you enjoy and that fits into your lifestyle Includes new coverage devoted to warm-ups and the hottest and most beneficial stretches Introduces using weight training to address specific health or orthopedic conditions Whether you're already in the gym several times a week or are just starting out with a fitness routine, Weight Training For Dummies shows you how to use free weights or weight machines to get results—fast.
Lose weight with the Fast Diets? Easy! Over the last few decades, food fads have come and gone, but the standard medical advice on what constitutes a healthy lifestyle has stayed much the same: eat low-fat foods, exercise more, and never, ever skip meals. Yet, over that same period, levels of obesity worldwide have soared. So is there a different, evidence-based approach? Yes! Fast Diets are the revolutionary part-time weight loss programs with lifelong health and anti-aging results. Fast Diets For Dummies is your hands-on, friendly guide to achieving weight loss, without having to endlessly deprive yourself. Inside, you’ll get the lowdown on easily incorporating one or all of these unique dietary programs into your busy life. You will get the lowdown on tackling the most popular fasting diets such as: The Fast Diet (5-2 Diet), Intermittent Fasting, Micro-Fasting, and One Meal a Day (Warrior Diet). It offers you information and tips on how to incorporate these unique and popular dietary programs into your busy daily life. How and why the benefits of these fasting diets go well beyond weight loss Fast diets dos and don’ts How to get started and everything you need to know to help you along the way Over fifty 500- and 600- calorie meals that are quick and easy to make
Журнал «Тарпон» назван по имени русской яхты, сто лет назад прославившейся своими яркими выступлениями на европейских регатах. Он рассказывает о прошлом и настоящем российского и мирового яхтинга. «Люди, яхты, горизонты» – это не только девиз журнала «Тарпон», но и названия его основных разделов. Мы пишем о делах и поступках людей, чьи имена неразрывно связаны с морем. Рассказываем об истории создания интересных яхт и их судьбах; знакомимся с новыми моделями. Со страниц журнала открываются острова, страны и города. Мы любознательны, как и наши читатели, и надеемся, что результат нашего труда понравится вам. Читайте в номере: Люди Будни и праздники. Заметки о любимой книге К общей пользе… Купальные скандалы Яхты «Alter Ego». В поиске альтернативы Блестящий трофей Встреча на Эльбе Горизонты Большой – малый, малый – большой Остров Котлин. Вид спереди и сзади Город, которого нет и многое другое
В книге собран весь мой опыт тренировки рук за 7 лет! Лучшая тренировочная программа, которую вы не найдете в интернете! Моя книга позволит вам на начальном этапе быть осведомленным и получить результат за более короткие сроки. Все самые необходимые практические рекомендации для максимальной результативности ваших тренировок.
Николай Калиниченко – академик Академии шахматно-шашечного искусства при РАН, гроссмейстер Международной федерации игры в шахматы по переписке, автор более 40 книг по теории шахмат, шахматный историк. Владимир Линдер – писатель, известный шахматный журналист и редактор. Совместно они подготовили второе издание фундаментального учебника шахмат, не имеющего аналогов в отечественной литературе. Создатели книги надеются, что она не просто поможет вам узнать, как ходят шахматные фигуры, но и станет настоящим путеводителем в прекрасный и таинственный мир шахмат. При составлении учебника они постарались использовать известные произведения отечественных теоретиков и историков, мастеров и гроссмейстеров, которые уже прошли испытание временем. Особое внимание в книге уделяется изучению трех основных стадий партии – дебюта, миттельшпиля и эндшпиля. Здесь вашими учителями станут мэтры отечественных шахмат. Для развития вашего шахматного кругозора по просьбе составителей «Полного курса» ведущие российские специалисты написали главы, посвященные истории шахмат. Оригинальность подачи материала обеспечивается специальными мини-вставками, дающими ценную дополнительную информацию и облегчающими усвоение классических основ шахмат.