Прочая образовательная литература

Различные книги в жанре Прочая образовательная литература


Jack Hardisty

Estuaries are complex and fascinating natural environments, where constantly changing water depths generate rapidly reversing currents and transport vast quantities of salt, heat, and sediment on a daily basis. Estuaries: Monitoring and Modeling the Physical System examines these processes, offering extensive information about the geological evolution of estuaries, and details of bathymetry, tides, currents, salt and heat, and suspended sediment. By carefully building a working computer model which accurately emulates the complexities inherent in estuaries, students learn quickly to model the tides and currents, and then to build and test salinity, temperature, and suspended sediment modules. The book is supported by a supplimentary material at www.blackwellpublishing.com/hardisty which includes: * Excel routines for individual formulae and diagrams * Full coding for the estuarine model THE ANALYSIS OF TIDAL STREAM POWER – For Jack Hardisty’s other book and the accompanying website please click here: http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-047072451X.html


Immo Scheffler E.

Mitochondria are complex organelles, possessing inner and outer membranes and even their own DNA. A typical cell contains 800 mitochondria, termed the «powerhouse of the cell», playing a central role in metabolism, respiration, and ATF production. Mitochondria is the first modern, truly comprehensive authored book which tackles the biochemistry, genetics, and pathology of mitochondria in different organisms.


Immo Scheffler E.

This volume inspires. It certainly will be much appreciated by cell biologists all over the world. Quarterly Review of Biology, March 2009 This book is the eagerly awaited second edition of the best-selling Mitochondria, a book widely acknowledged as the first modern, truly comprehensive authored work on the important, scientifically fundamental topic of the cellular organelles known as mitochondria. This new edition brings readers completely up to date on the many significant findings that have occurred in the eight years since the book was first published. As in that seminal first edition, the second edition tackles the biochemistry, genetics, and pathology of mitochondria in different organisms. The new edition provides thorough updates of all literature concerning this vital organelle, its functions, ongoing research surrounding it, and its importance vis-à-vis a broad range of issues in cellular and molecular biology. The book includes detailed descriptions of current and developing technologies around mitochondrial research and discovery, and highlights subjects that are growing, such as the use of proteomics. This book is an invaluable resource for all geneticists, biologists, and educators in life sciences. It is also of interest for advanced students in genetics and molecular biology.


C. Tsai Stan

This book provides an integrated treatment of the structure and function of nucleic acids, proteins, and glycans, including thorough coverage of relevant computational biochemistry. The text begins with an introduction to the biomacromolecules, followed by discussion of methods of isolation and purification, physiochemical and biochemical properties, and structural characteristics. The next section of the book deals with sequence analysis, analysis of conformation using spectroscopy, chemical synthesis, and computational approaches. The following chapters discuss biomolecular interactions, enzyme action, gene transmission, signal transduction, and biomacromolecular informatics. The author concludes with presenting the latest findings in genomics, proteomics, glycomics, and biomacromolecular evolution. This text is an invaluable resource for research professionals wishing to move into genomics, proteomics, and glycomics research. It is also useful for students in biochemistry, molecular biology, bioengineering, biotechnology, and bioinformatics.


Nobuo Ohmae

The technology involved in lubrication by nanoparticles is a rapidly developing scientific area and one that has been watched with interest for the past ten years. Nanolubrication offers a solution to many problems associated with traditional lubricants that contain sulphur and phosphorus; and though for some time the production of nanoparticles was restricted by the technologies available, today synthesis methods have been improved to such a level that it is possible to produce large quantities relatively cheaply and efficiently. Nanolubricants develops a new concept of lubrication, based on these nanoparticles, and along with the authors’ own research it synthesises the information available on the topic of nanolubrication from existing literature and presents it in a concise form. Describes the many advantages and potential applications of nanotechnology in the tribological field. Offers a full review of the state-of-the-art as well as much original research that is yet unpublished. Includes sections on boundary lubrication by colloïdal systems, nanolubricants made of metal dichalcogenides, carbon-based nanolubricants, overbased detergent salts, nanolubricants made of metals and boron-based solid nanolubricants and lubrication additives. Authored by highly regarded experts in the field with contributions from leading international academics. Nanolubricants will appeal to postgraduate students, academics and researchers in mechanical engineering, chemical engineering and materials science. It should also be of interest to practising engineers with petroleum companies and mechanical manufacturers.


Marc Drillon

Magnetic phenomena and materials are everywhere. Our understanding of magnetic behavior, once thought to be mature, has enjoyed new impetus from contributions ranging from molecular chemistry, materials chemistry and sciences to solid state physics. New phenomena are explored that open promising perspectives for commercial applications in future – carrying out chemical reactions in magnetic fields is just one of those. The spectrum spans molecule-based – organic, (bio)inorganic, and hybrid – compounds, metallic materials as well as their oxides forming thin films, nanoparticles, wires etc. Reflecting contemporary knowledge, this open series of volumes provides a much-needed comprehensive overview of this growing interdisciplinary field. Topical reviews written by foremost scientists explain the trends and latest advances in a clear and detailed way. By maintaining the balance between theory and experiment, the book provides a guide for both advanced students and specialists to this research area. It will help evaluate their own experimental observations and serve as a basis for the design of new magnetic materials. A unique reference work, indispensable for everyone concerned with the phenomena of magnetism!


Marc Drillon

Combining the contemporary knowledge from widely scattered sources, this is a much-needed and comprehensive overview of the field. In maintaining a balance between theory and experiment, the book guides both advanced students and specialists to this research area. Topical reviews written by the foremost scientists explain recent trends and advances, focusing on the correlations between electronic structure and magnetic properties. The book spans recent trends in magnetism for molecules – as well as inorganic-based materials, with an emphasis on new phenomena being explored from both experimental and theoretical viewpoints with the aim of understanding magnetism on the atomic scale. The volume helps readers evaluate their own experimental observations and serves as a basis for the design of new magnetic materials. Topics covered include: * Metallocenium Salts of Radical Anion Bis-(dichalcogenate) metalates * Chiral Molecule-Based Magnets * Cooperative Magnetic Behavior in Metal-Dicyanamide Complexes * Lanthanide Ions in Molecular Exchange Coupled Systems * Monte Carlo Simulation * Metallocene-Based Magnets * Magnetic Nanoporous Molecular Materials A unique reference work, indispensable for everyone concerned with the phenomena of magnetism.


Benedikt Munk A.

A Convincing and Controversial Alternative Explanation of Metamaterials with a Negative Index of Refraction In a book that will generate both support and controversy, one of the world's foremost authorities on periodic structures addresses several of the current fashions in antenna design—most specifically, the popular subject of double negative metamaterials. Professor Munk provides a comprehensive theoretical electromagnetic investigation of the issues and concludes that many of the phenomena claimed by researchers may be impossible. While denying the existence of negative refraction, the author provides convincing alternative explanations for some of the experimental examples in the literature. Although the debate on this subject is just beginning, Professor Munk has received support by various numerical simulations, winning him the encouragement of numerous experts in the field. The issues that are raised here have not been addressed thoroughly by the metamaterials community, and this book will serve as a catalyst for much healthy debate and discussion. Metamaterials: Critique and Alternatives is destined to become a classic resource for graduate students and researchers in electromagnetics, antenna theory, materials research, and chemistry.


CIBA Foundation Symposium

The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss results. The Novartis Foundation, originally known as the Ciba Foundation, is well known to scientists and clinicians around the world.


Howard Armstrong

This is a new and completely rewritten edition of the well-known text Microfossils (first published in 1980) covering all the major microfossil groups, with information on taxonomy, phylogeny, ecology and palaeoecology. particular attention is given to the uses of microfossils in environmental reconstruction and biostratigraphy numerous line and half-tone illustrations emphasis on practical applications of micropalaeontology only student-friendly micropaleontology text available