Прочая образовательная литература

Различные книги в жанре Прочая образовательная литература


Alastair Ruffell

This book is a comprehensive introduction to the application of geoscience to criminal investigations. Clearly structured throughout, the text follows a path from the large-scale application of remote sensing, landforms and geophysics in the first half to the increasingly small-scale examination of rock and soils to trace amounts of material. The two scales of investigation are linked by geoscience applications to forensics that can be applied at a range of dimensions. These include the use of topographic mapping, x-ray imaging, geophysics and remote sensing in assessing whether sediment, rocks or concrete may have hidden or buried materials inside for example, drugs, weapons, bodies. This book describes the wider application of many different geoscience-based methods in assisting law enforcers with investigations such as international and national crimes of genocide and pollution, terrorism and domestic crime as well as accident investigation. The text makes a clear link to the increasingly important aspects of the spatial distribution of geoscience materials (be it soil sampling or the distribution of mud-spatter on clothing), Geographic Information Science and geostatistics. A comprehensive introduction to the application of geoscience to criminal investigation Examples taken from an environmental and humanitarian perspective in addition to the terrorist and domestic criminal cases more regularly discussed A chapter on the use of GIS in criminalistics and information on unusual applications and methods – for example underwater scene mapping and extraterrestrial applications Material on how geoscience methods and applications are used at a crime scene Accompanying website including key images and references to further material An invaluable text for both undergraduate and postgraduate students taking general forensic science degrees or geoscience courses «The whole book is peppered with useful and appropriate examples from the authors’ wide experiences and also from the wider literature… an essential purchase for any forensic science department as well as for any law enforcement organisation.» Lorna Dawson, Macaulay Institute


Julio Licinio

This work represents the first comprehensive publication in the innovative field of pharmacogenomics, a field which is set to revolutionize pharmaceutical research. In addition to renowned editors, the list of contributors is a «who-is-who» in the field. Broad coverage of all aspects of pharmacogenomics with a full presentation of applications to disease conditions is featured. Anyone involved in pharmaceutical research and drug development needs this book to keep up with this new and revolutionary approach


Mark Rothstein A.

Through analyses of the complex underlying issues, this interdisciplinary volume frames the agenda for dealing with genetic variation and incorporating pharmacogenomics into health care. The three sections of this book, Research Issues, Clinical Issues, and Social Perspectives address key elements integral to a comprehensive discussion of this emerging field. This groundbreaking text… Examines new research strategies, methodologies, and ethical and social considerations of pharmacogenomics Addresses practical considerations of anticipated changes in education, training, oversight, guidelines and protocols, and continuing education requirements Provides analyses of the potential enormous impact of pharmacogenomics, such as in the standard of care and treatment, including perspectives from the fields of anthropology, law, ethics, and economics


Gregory Bock R.

This book draws together contributions from some of the leading investigators in the field of autism to consider specific problem areas in current research. Each contributor brings expertise from a different field, providing a balanced view of the whole spectrum of study of this disorder. It covers four main areas: Twin and family studies indicate that the heritability of the underlying liability to autism exceeds 90% and point to a multifactorial causation, involving a relatively small number of susceptibility genes. The book discusses this issue in detail, along with the problem of why some additional symptoms are associated with autism while others are not. New techniques are available for examining the neurobiology of autism. The book contains results from imaging studies showing the contributions of different brain regions to autism. It includes neuropathological data and examines the neuropharmacology of autism. There is considerable discussion concerning the fundamental psychological deficit in children with autism. There is good evidence that «Theory of Mind» deficits are associated with autism and this issue is discussed in the book, as are other competing possibilities. The most important practical question facing medical and psychological practitioners is how to help children with autism. The evidence relating to possible psychological or psychiatric interventions for rehabilitation of children with autism is examined in detail. Drug treatments have generally been disappointing in this field and there is one chapter devoted specifically to this problem. The book focusses ultimately on intervention studies and so is of practical relevance to people interested in helping autistic children. In addition, it provides a very convenient summary of the principal controversies which currently exist in research on autism.


Gail Cardew

Epigenetics pertains to the development of an organism from an undifferential cell, resulting in the successive formation and development of organs and parts that did not pre-exist in the fertilized egg. An exciting and stimulating volume which used the extensive knowledge of basic transcriptional control as a foundation to explore the more complex and interesting level at which genes can be regulated.


Steven McCutcheon C.

Phytormediation is an exciting new method for controlling and cleaning up hazardous wastes using green plants. This book is the first to compile the state of the science and engineering arts in this rapidly advancing field. Phytormediation: Approaches the subject from the perspectives of biochemistry, genetics, toxicology, and pathway analysis. Is written by two of the premier experts in the field.


Murray Gray

A counterpoint to biodiversity, geodiversity describes the rocks, sediments, soils, fossils, landforms, and the physical processes that underlie our environment. The first book to focus exclusively on the subject, Geodiversity describes the interrelationships between geodiversity and biodiversity, the value of geodiversity to society, as well as current threats to its existence. Illustrated with global case studies throughout, the book examines traditional approaches to protecting biodiversity and the new management agenda which is starting to be used instead.


Harbhajan Singh

The first encyclopedic examination of the application of fungi in bioremediation, this book gives an overview of the science today and covers all aspects of this multidisciplinary field. It provides a solid foundation in the fundamentals and progresses to practical applications. It features step-by-step guidance for a myriad of effective techniques to identify, select, and apply fungi towards the remediation of contaminated sites.


I. Grant S.

The Manchester Physics Series General Editors: D. J. Sandiford; F. Mandl; A. C. Phillips Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester Properties of Matter B. H. Flowers and E. Mendoza Optics Second Edition F. G. Smith and J. H. Thomson Statistical Physics Second Edition F. Mandl Electromagnetism Second Edition I. S. Grant and W. R. Phillips Statistics R. J. Barlow Solid State Physics Second Edition J. R. Hook and H. E. Hall Quantum Mechanics F. Mandl Particle Physics Second Edition B. R. Martin and G. Shaw the Physics of Stars Second Edition A. C. Phillips Computing for Scientists R. J. Barlow and A. R. Barnett Electromagnetism, Second Edition is suitable for a first course in electromagnetism, whilst also covering many topics frequently encountered in later courses. The material has been carefully arranged and allows for flexi-bility in its use for courses of different length and structure. A knowledge of calculus and an elementary knowledge of vectors is assumed, but the mathematical properties of the differential vector operators are described in sufficient detail for an introductory course, and their physical significance in the context of electromagnetism is emphasised. In this Second Edition the authors give a fuller treatment of circuit analysis and include a discussion of the dispersion of electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetism, Second Edition features: The application of the laws of electromagnetism to practical problems such as the behaviour of antennas, transmission lines and transformers. Sets of problems at the end of each chapter to help student understanding, with hints and solutions to the problems given at the end of the book. Optional «starred» sections containing more specialised and advanced material for the more ambitious reader. An Appendix with a thorough discussion of electromagnetic standards and units. Recommended by many institutions. Electromagnetism. Second Edition has also been adopted by the Open University as the course book for its third level course on electromagnetism.


Ian Jarvis

Sedimentology has seen many significant advances and changes over the past 40 years, ranging from facies modelling to sequence stratigraphy; chemostratigraphy to basin analysis; and the integration of studies of physical, chemical and, increasingly, biological processes in the interpretation and prediction of sedimentary environments and products. The subject is becoming ever more interdisciplinary and applied, and now has far more links to other physical sciences. Research and debate are continuing afresh as we move into this new interdisciplinary phase and promise many developments and increased uses of our subject. Now seemed a good time to publish a series of review papers concerning some key current areas of research. We hope that these papers will provide comprehensive starting points for those wishing to become acquainted with an area, act as stimuli for debate, and provide awareness and ideas for future research avenues. No issue of this sort can, of course, ever be truly comprehensive in its coverage: these reviews concern only selected snippets from the wide scope of sedimentology and each has, of necessity, been selective in its own area.