Quasicrystals form a new state of solid matter beside the crystalline and the amorphous. The positions of the atoms are ordered, but with noncrystallographic rotational symmetries and in a nonperiodic way. The new structure induces unusual physical properties, promising interesting applications. This book provides a comprehensive and up-to-date review and presents most recent research results, achieved by a collaboration of physicists, chemists, material scientists and mathematicians within the Priority Programme «Quasicrystals: Structure and Physical Properties» of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). Starting from metallurgy, synthesis and characterization, the authors carry on with structure and mathematical modelling. On this basis electronic, magnetic, thermal, dynamic and mechanical properties are dealt with and finally surfaces and thin films.
Intended as a first introduction to the micromechanics of porous media, this book entitled “Microporomechanics” deals with the mechanics and physics of multiphase porous materials at nano and micro scales. It is composed of a logical and didactic build up from fundamental concepts to state-of-the-art theories. It features four parts: following a brief introduction to the mathematical rules for upscaling operations, the first part deals with the homogenization of transport properties of porous media within the context of asymptotic expansion techniques. The second part deals with linear microporomechanics, and introduces linear mean-field theories based on the concept of a representative elementary volume for the homogenization of poroelastic properties of porous materials. The third part is devoted to Eshelby’s problem of ellipsoidal inclusions, on which much of the micromechanics techniques are based, and illustrates its application to linear diffusion and microporoelasticity. Finally, the fourth part extends the analysis to microporo-in-elasticity, that is the nonlinear homogenization of a large range of frequently encountered porous material behaviors, namely, strength homogenization, nonsaturated microporomechanics, microporoplasticity and microporofracture and microporodamage theory.
The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss results. The Novartis Foundation, originally known as the Ciba Foundation, is well known to scientists and clinicians around the world.
Oogenesis – the process by which female germ cells develop into mature eggs, or ova – is a complex process involving many important elements of developmental and cellular biology: from cell-cell interactions, complex signalling cascades, specialized cell cycles and cytoskeleton organization. Oocytes from various species (including clam, starfish, xenopus and mouse) are excellent model systems to study the biochemistry of cell division with important implications for basic and clinical research. This book describes the entire process of oogenesis in chronological order with contributions from leading international researchers and chapters covering medical and ethical considerations in oogenic biology. Topics include sex determination and gonadal development, control of meiotic chromosome pairing and homologous recombination, control of meiotic divisions and the remodelling of the oocyte into a totipotent zygote as well as medically-assisted reproduction. This volume is an essential resource for all students, researchers and clinicians in developmental and reproductive biology. Key features: Reaches beyond the study of simply meiosis to cover all aspects of oogenesis Synthesizes recent advances in the field, drawing on studies from different model species Chapter sequence designed to follow the time line in vivo Written by an international panel of expert researchers
Derived from the highly acclaimed series Materials Science and Technology, this book covers the properties as well as the present and emerging applications of intermetallics. Mechanical characteristics, microstructure as well as the environmental influence on intermetallics are treated in depth. In addition, the prospects and risks inherent in materials development as well as typical applications of intermetallics are critically assessed. It is the author's aim to provide the basis for understanding the physical mechanisms, which influence the properties of the materials and ultimately their areas of application. Materials covered include: Titanium Aluminides and Related Phases * Nickel Aluminides and Related Phases * Iron Aluminides and Related Phases * Cu-Base Phases * A15 Phases * Laves Phases * Rare-Earth Compound * Beryllides * Silicides Intermetallics is a valuable source of information for researchers and graduate students working in materials science, metallurgy, condensed-matter physics, and engineering.
Electrochromic devices have a number of important commercial applications, for instance in displays, as optical shutters, and as modulators for mirrors, windows, and sun-glasses. Electrochromism – Fundamentals and Applications is the first in-depth treatise on the topic. Written by leading scientists in the field, it is a state-of-the-art account of all aspects of electrochromism, presented at a level accessible to chemists, physicists, materials scientists and engineers. Both the physical and chemical background of electrochromic phenomena are described and a comprehensive survey of both organic and inorganic compounds and systems is given. Special emphasis is placed on providing detailed, hands-on information on applications and potential uses of electrochromic systems. This book is essential reading for scientists active in the field and for anyone wishing to enter the field. An extensive list of carefully chosen references rounds off this valuable reference source.
Die Massebestimmung hat eine zentrale Bedeutung in Wissenschaft, Technik und Wirtschaft. Von der Mikrowaage bis zu Wägesystemen für Güterzugwaggons, vom Massenspektrometer bis zur Bestimmung der Massen von Himmelskörpern reichen die Geräte und Verfahren. Dieses Buch, von Wissenschaftlern der Physikalisch-Technischen Bundesanstalt herausgegeben, gibt einen Überblick über das gesamte Gebiet. Es spannt den Bogen von den physikalischen Grundlagen – einschließlich aktueller Fragenstellungen, z.B. zu der Neudefinition des Kilogramm – über das SI-System, praktisch allen Wägeverfahren bis hin zu wissenschaftlichen Experimenten oder Beobachtungen. Laien und Fachleute werden gleichermassen angesprochen. Ausführliche Ausflüge in die Geschichte und eine wohl konkurrenzlos umfassende Literatursammlung runden dieses Standardwerk ab. Das Buch wendet sich an alle, die in Grundlagenforschung, technischer Anwendung oder Normungsfragen mit dem Thema befaßt sind, an Lehrer und nicht zuletzt an Wissenschaftshistoriker.
Microoptics is an important enabling technology for many areas of application. In this updated second edition of their modern text and reference book, Stefan Sinzinger and Jurgen Jahns expertly and comprehensively present the basics and applications in microoptics, while incorporating the most important developments in recent years. An absolute must for physicists and electrical engineers, from advanced students right up to designers working in the field.
Erganzt um mehr als 100 Seiten und 80 neue Abbildungen vereint das etablierte Handbuch zur Optik in bewahrter Form die Funktion eines Lehrbuches mit der eines Nachschlagewerkes. In einem ausgewogenen Verhaltnis werden methodisches Rustzeug und praktisch notwendige Kenntnisse uber grundlegende optische Elemente vermittelt. Uberarbeitet und ubersichtlich in einem neuen Kapitel zusammengefasst wurden in der aktualisierten und inhaltlich erweiterten vierten Auflage die Themengebiete Strahlungsphysik und Lichttechnik, abbildende und nichtabbildende optische Funktionselemente, optische Instrumente und Systeme. Sehr hilfreich ist die ausfuhrliche Behandlung der Gebiete, die erfahrungsgema? dem Studierenden besondere Schwierigkeiten bereiten. Durch das bewahrte Konzept spricht es sowohl den Lernenden an Fachhochschulen und Universitaten an als auch den Praktiker.
This well established introductory work covers physical basics, principles of operation, computation models and control methods of thermographic systems and their various modern fields of application.