Прочая образовательная литература

Различные книги в жанре Прочая образовательная литература

The Poisioned Patient

CIBA Foundation Symposium

The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss results. The Novartis Foundation, originally known as the Ciba Foundation, is well known to scientists and clinicians around the world.

Handbook of Enology, 2nd Edition, Volume 2

Denis Dubourdieu

The Handbook of Enology Volume 2: The Chemistry of Wine Stabilization and Treatments uniquely combines chemical theory with the descriptions of day-to-day work in the latter stages of winemaking from clarification and stabilization treatments to ageing processes in vats and barrels. The expert authors discuss: Compounds in wine, such as organic acids, carbohydrates, and alcohol. Stabilization and treatments The chemical processes taking effect in bottled wine The information provided helps to achieve better results in winemaking, providing an authoritative and complete reference manual for both the winemaker and the student.

Handbook of Enology, Volume 1

Denis Dubourdieu

The «Microbiology» volume of the new revised and updated Handbook of Enology focuses on the vinification process. It describes how yeasts work and how they can be influenced to achieve better results. It continues to look at the metabolism of lactic acid bacterias and of acetic acid bacterias, and again, how can they be treated to avoid disasters in the winemaking process and how to achieve optimal results. The last chapters in the book deal with the use of sulfur-dioxide, the grape and its maturation process, harvest and pre-fermentation treatment, and the basis of red, white and speciality wine making. The result is the ultimate text and reference on the science and technology of the vinification process: understanding and dealing with yeasts and bacterias involved in the transformation from grape to wine. A must for all serious students and practitioners involved in winemaking.

Ice Templating and Freeze-Drying for Porous Materials and Their Applications

Haifei Zhang

Filling a gap in the literature, this is the first book to focus on the fabrication of functional porous materials by using ice templating and freeze drying. Comprehensive in its scope, the volume covers such techniques as the fabrication of porous polymers, porous ceramics, biomimic strong composites, carbon nanostructured materials, nanomedicine, porous nanostructures by freeze drying of colloidal or nanoparticle suspensions, and porous materials by combining ice templating and other techniques. In addition, applications for each type of material are also discussed. Of great benefit to those working in the freeze-drying field and researchers in porous materials, materials chemistry, engineering, and the use of such materials for various applications, both in academia and industry.

Applied Chemoinformatics

Thomas Engel

Edited by world-famous pioneers in chemoinformatics, this is a clearly structured and applications-oriented approach to the topic, providing up-to-date and focused information on the wide range of applications in this exciting field. The authors explain methods and software tools, such that the reader will not only learn the basics but also how to use the different software packages available. Experts describe applications in such different fields as structure-spectra correlations, virtual screening, prediction of active sites, library design, the prediction of the properties of chemicals, the development of new cosmetics products, quality control in food, the design of new materials with improved properties, toxicity modeling, assessment of the risk of chemicals, and the control of chemical processes. The book is aimed at advanced students as well as lectures but also at scientists that want to learn how chemoinformatics could assist them in solving their daily scientific tasks. Together with the corresponding textbook Chemoinformatics – Basic Concepts and Methods (ISBN 9783527331093) on the fundamentals of chemoinformatics readers will have a comprehensive overview of the field.

Intramolecular Charge Transfer

Ramprasad Misra

Bridging the gap between the multitude of advanced research articles and the knowledge newcomers to the field are looking for, this is a timely and comprehensive monograph covering the interdisciplinary topic of intramolecular charge transfer (ICT). The book not only covers the fundamentals and physico-chemical background of the ICT process, but also places a special emphasis on the latest experimental and theoretical studies that have been undertaken to understand this process and discusses key technological applications. After outlining the discovery of ICT molecules, the authors go on to discuss several important substance classes. They present the latest techniques for studying the underlying processes and show the interplay between charge transfer and the surrounding medium. Examples taken from nonlinear optics, viscosity and polarity sensors, and organic electronics testify to the vast range of applications. The result is a unique information source for experimentalists as well as theoreticians, from postgraduate students to researchers.

Visible Light Photocatalysis in Organic Chemistry

Tehshik Yoon P.

Filling the need for a ready reference that reflects the vast developments in this field, this book presents everything from fundamentals, applications, various reaction types, and technical applications. Edited by rising stars in the scientific community, the text focuses solely on visible light photocatalysis in the context of organic chemistry. This primarily entails photo-induced electron transfer and energy transfer chemistry sensitized by polypyridyl complexes, yet also includes the use of organic dyes and heterogeneous catalysts. A valuable resource to the synthetic organic community, polymer and medicinal chemists, as well as industry professionals.

Modern Terpyridine Chemistry

Ulrich Schubert S.

The first book to didactically illustrate this particular, prominent class of supramolecular building-blocks covers topics ranging from terpyridine syntheses, via their chemistry and properties, supramolecular structures, and multinuclear metal complexes, right up to functionalized polymers, 3D-architectures, and surfaces. Invaluable for students and lecturers in chemistry and biochemistry, materials scientists, as well as polymer, complex and physicochemists.

Persistent Toxic Substance Monitoring

Xing Chen

Filling the urgent need for a professional book that specifies the applications of nanoelectrochemistry for the monitoring of persistent toxic substances, this monograph clearly describes the design concept, construction strategies and practical applications of PTS sensing interfaces based on nanoelectrochemical methods. The comprehensive and systematic information not only provides readers with the fundamentals, but also inspires them to develop PTS monitoring sensors based on functional nanostructures and nanomaterials. Of interestto chemists, electrochemistry researchers, materials researchers, environmental scientists, and companies dealing with electrochemical treatment and environment.

Molecules in Electromagnetic Fields

Roman Krems V.

A tutorial for calculating the response of molecules to electric and magnetic fields with examples from research in ultracold physics, controlled chemistry, and molecular collisions in fields Molecules in Electromagnetic Fields is intended to serve as a tutorial for students beginning research, theoretical or experimental, in an area related to molecular physics. The author—a noted expert in the field—offers a systematic discussion of the effects of static and dynamic electric and magnetic fields on the rotational, fine, and hyperfine structure of molecules. The book illustrates how the concepts developed in ultracold physics research have led to what may be the beginning of controlled chemistry in the fully quantum regime. Offering a glimpse of the current state of the art research, this book suggests future research avenues for ultracold chemistry. The text describes theories needed to understand recent exciting developments in the research on trapping molecules, guiding molecular beams, laser control of molecular rotations, and external field control of microscopic intermolecular interactions. In addition, the author presents the description of scattering theory for molecules in electromagnetic fields and offers practical advice for students working on various aspects of molecular interactions. This important text: Offers information on theeffects of electromagnetic fields on the structure of molecular energy levels Includes thorough descriptions of the most useful theories for ultracold molecule researchers Presents a wealth of illustrative examples from recent experimental and theoretical work Contains helpful exercises that help to reinforce concepts presented throughout text Written for senior undergraduate and graduate students, professors, researchers, physicists, physical chemists, and chemical physicists, Molecules in Electromagnetic Fields is an interdisciplinary text describing theories and examples from the core of contemporary molecular physics.