Прочая образовательная литература

Различные книги в жанре Прочая образовательная литература

Industrielle Farbprüfung

Hans Völz G.

Alle Farberscheinungen, die wir an eingefarbten Medien (Lacke, Anstrichfarben, Kunststoffe) beobachten konnen, haben ihre Ursache in der Wechselwirkung zwischen dem Material des Mediums und dem sichtbaren Licht. Die Wechselwirkung produziert die Phanomene Absorption und Streuung, die praktisch das optische Geschehen bestimmen. Dieses Buch ist eine geschlossene Darstellung aller theoretischen Grundlagen der farbmetrischen Eigenschaften von Pigmenten und Farbstoffen sowie von pigmentierten bzw. gefarbten Beschichtungen. Daruber hinaus werden die Prufmethoden einzeln diskutiert und an praktischen Beispielen vorgefuhrt. ' … Fur jeden, der uber die in der pigmentherstellenden und -verarbeitenden Industrie heute ublichen bzw. moglichen optischen Prufverfahren mehr erfahren will …' Farbe und Lack ' … Es wendet sich an alle, die mit eingefarbten Medien in Form von Lacken, Anstrichfarben und farbigen Kunststoffen zu tun haben, wobei besonders die Diskussion der Prufmethoden an praktischen Beispielen von allergro?tem Interesse fur den Anwender sein durfte.' Industrie Lackierbetrieb ' … Fur Hersteller, Verarbeiter und Anwender von Farbmitteln, pigmentierten und eingefarbten Materialien, die es genau wissen wollen, ist Volz mit seinem Standardwerk um keine Antwort verlegen.' Kunststoffe ' … Man kann davon ausgehen, dass dieses Buch ein Standardwerk wird; zumal es auch fur den Einsteiger das notige Rustzeug liefert. Fur den versierten Fachmann ist es als Nachschlagewerk geeignet.' Fahrzeug + Karosserie ' … Ein anderes, mit gleicher Grundlichkeit zusammengestelltes Buch werden Sie kaum auf dem Markt finden …' Scope

Contamination Control in Practice

Matts Ramstorp

Contamination control has received great interest and found increasing use within several industrial branches including microelectronics, pharmaceuticals, food and beverages using various concepts of contamination control in their production, purification or packaging process. The book supplies a holistic view of contamination control, presenting the different types of contaminants in a summarized form. The focus is on how to protect products and processes from external contamination and also on different ways to take care of and control contaminants generated in the process. The aim is to eliminate them from a product or a process flow (e.g. through filtration), or to render them harmless (e.g. through sterilisation by moist heat). Product purity or the cleanliness of process flows are often complex matters and hard to define in easily understood terms. This book covers a variety of different techniques used in order to achieve and maintain certain overall cleanliness levels for both microbiological or inanimate particle contaminants. It supplies basic knowledge including validation aspects for industrial branches working with increased demands of cleanliness, for instance water purification, steam, pressurized gases and different flows in a process together with finished products.

Multivariate Datenanalyse

Waltraud Kessler

Die Multivariate Datenanalyse bietet neue Möglichkeiten für eine effiziente und umfangreiche Datenauswertung. Sämtliche Methoden und Verfahren werden anhand von praktischen Beispielen mit einer beigefügten Demoversion des Programms «The Unscrambler» von der Firma Camo erklärt.

Mischen und Rühren

Matthias Kraume

Die Herstellung einer Chemikalie ohne Misch- und Ruhrprozesse ist nahezu undenkbar. Durch Ruhren lassen sich mischbare Flussigkeiten homogenisieren, nicht mischbare dispergieren, Feststoffteilchen in Flussigkeiten aufwirbeln und Feststoffe miteinander vermischen. Je nach Art der zu ruhrenden Stoffe werden unterschiedliche Anforderungen an die Ruhrer und Mischer gestellt. Das Ruhren als eine der wichtigsten verfahrenstechnischen Grundoperationen findet Anwendung in allen Bereichen der chemischen und pharmazeutischen Industrie, der Lebensmittel- und Biotechnologie, und uberall dort, wo chemische Erzeugnisse hergestellt und verarbeitet werden. Dieses Buch beschreibt neben den Bauelementen ruhrtechnischer Apparate und Behalter auch die zum Verstandnis notwendigen theoretischen Grundlagen sowie moderne Messverfahren fur Mischprozesse.

Extracellular Targeting of Cell Signaling in Cancer

Roseann Benson M.

International experts present innovative therapeutic strategies to treat cancer patients and prevent disease progression Extracellular Targeting of Cell Signaling in Cancer highlights innovative therapeutic strategies to treat cancer metastasis and prevent tumor progression. Currently, there are no drugs available to treat or prevent metastatic cancer other than non-selective, toxic chemotherapy. With contributions from an international panel of experts in the field, the book integrates diverse aspects of biochemistry, molecular biology, protein engineering, proteomics, cell biology, pharmacology, biophysics, structural biology, medicinal chemistry and drug development. A large class of proteins called kinases are enzymes required by cancer cells to grow, proliferate, and survive apoptosis (death) by the immune system. Two important kinases are MET and RON which are receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) that initiate cell signaling pathways outside the cell surface in response to extracellular ligands (growth factors.) Both kinases are oncogenes which are required by cancer cells to migrate away from the primary tumor, invade surrounding tissue and metastasize. MET and RON reside on both cancer cells and the support cells surrounding the tumor, called the microenvironment. MET and RON are activated by their particular ligands, the growth factors HGF and MSP, respectively. Blocking MET and RON kinase activation and downstream signaling is a promising therapeutic strategy for preventing tumor progression and metastasis. Written for cancer physicians and biologists as well as drug discovery and development teams in both industry and academia, this is the first book of its kind which explores novel approaches to inhibit MET and RON kinases other than traditional small molecule kinase inhibitors. These new strategies target key tumorigenic processes on the outside of the cell, such as growth factor activation by proteases. These unique strategies have promising potential as an improved alternative to kinase inhibitors, chemotherapy, or radiation treatment.

Boron-Based Compounds

Evamarie Hey-Hawkins

Noted experts review the current status of boron-containing drugs and materials for molecular medical diagnostics Boron-Based Compounds offers a summary of the present status and promotes the further development of new boron-containing drugs and advanced materials, mostly boron clusters, for molecular medical diagnostics. The knowledge accumulated during the past decades on the chemistry and biology of bioorganic and organometallic boron compounds laid the foundation for the emergence of a new area of study and application of boron compounds as lipophilic pharmacophores and modulators of biologically active molecules.This important text brings together in one comprehensive volume contributions from renowned experts in the field of medicinal chemistry of boron compounds. The authors cover a range of the most relevant topics including boron compounds as modulators of the bioactivity of biomolecules, boron clusters as pharmacophores or for drug delivery, boron compounds for boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) and for diagnostics, as well as in silico molecular modeling of boron- and carborane-containing compounds in drug design. Authoritative and accessible, Boron-Based Compounds: Contains contributions from a panel of internationally renowned experts in the field Offers a concise summary of the current status of boron-containing drugs and materials used for molecular diagnostics Highlights the range and capacity of boron-based compounds in medical applications Includes information on boron neutron capture therapy and diagnostics Designed for academic and industrial scientists, this important resource offers the cutting-edge information needed to understand the current state of boron-containing drugs and materials for molecular medical diagnostics.

The Chemistry of Membranes Used in Fuel Cells

Shulamith Schlick

Examines the important topic of fuel cell science by way of combining membrane design, chemical degradation mechanisms, and stabilization strategies This book describes the mechanism of membrane degradation and stabilization, as well as the search for stable membranes that can be used in alkaline fuel cells. Arranged in ten chapters, the book presents detailed studies that can help readers understand the attack and degradation mechanisms of polymer membranes and mitigation strategies. Coverage starts from fundamentals and moves to different fuel cell membrane types and methods to profile and analyze them. The Chemistry of Membranes Used in Fuel Cells: Degradation and Stabilization features chapters on: Fuel Cell Fundamentals: The Evolution of Fuel Cells and their Components; Degradation Mechanism of Perfluorinated Membranes; Ranking the Stability of Perfluorinated Membranes Used in Fuel Cells to Attack by Hydroxyl Radicals; Stabilization Mechanism of Perfluorinated Membranes by Ce(III) and Mn(II); Hydrocarbon Proton Exchange Membranes; Stabilization of Perfluorinated Membranes Using Nanoparticle Additives; Degradation Mechanism in Aquivion Perfluorinated Membranes and Stabilization Strategies; Anion Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells: Synthesis and Stability; In-depth Profiling of Degradation Processes in Nafion Due to Pt Dissolution and Migration into the Membrane; and Quantum Mechanical Calculations of the Degradation Mechanism in Perfluorinated Membranes. Brings together aspects of membrane design, chemical degradation mechanisms and stabilization strategies Emphasizes chemistry of fuel cells, which is underemphasized in other books Includes discussion of fuel cell performance and behavior, analytical profiling methods, and quantum mechanical calculations The Chemistry of Membranes Used in Fuel Cells is an ideal book for polymer scientists, chemists, chemical engineers, electrochemists, material scientists, energy and electrical engineers, and physicists. It is also important for grad students studying advanced polymers and applications.

Human and Ecological Risk Assessment

Dennis Paustenbach J.

Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: Theory and Practice assembles the expertise of more than fifty authorities from fifteen different fields, forming a comprehensive reference and textbook on risk assessment. Containing two dozen case studies of environmental or human health risk assessments, the text not only presents the theoretical underpinnings of the discipline, but also serves as a complete handbook and «how-to» guide for individuals conducting or interpreting risk assessments. In addition, more than 4,000 published papers and books in the field are cited. Editor Dennis Paustenbach has assembled chapters that present the most current methods for conducting hazard identification, dose-response and exposure assessment, and risk characterization components for risk assessments of any chemical hazard to humans or wildlife (fish, birds, and terrestrials). Topics addressed include hazards posed by: Air emissions Radiological hazards Contaminated soil and foods Agricultural hazards Occupational hazards Consumer products and water Hazardous waste sites Contaminated air and water The bringing together of so many of the world's authorities on these topics, plus the comprehensive nature of the text, promises to make Human and Ecological Risk Assessment the text against which others will be measured in the coming years.

Voigt's Pharmaceutical Technology

Alfred Fahr

A textbook which is both comprehensive and comprehensible and that offers easy but scientifically sound reading to both students and professionals Now in its 12th edition in its native German, Voigt's Pharmaceutical Technology is an interdisciplinary textbook covering the fundamental principles of pharmaceutical technology. Available for the first time in English, this edition is produced in full colour throughout, with a concise, clear structure developed after consultation with students, instructors and researchers. This book: Features clear chapter layouts and easily digestible content Presents novel trends, devices and processes Discusses classical and modern manufacturing processes Covers all formulation principles including tablets, ointments, capsules, nanosystems and biopharmaceutics Takes account of legal requirements for both qualitative and quantitative composition Addresses quality assurance considerations Relates contrasting international pharmacopeia from EU, US and Japan to formulation principles Includes examples and text boxes for quicker data assimilation Written for both students studying pharmacy and industry professionals in the field as well as toxicologists, biochemists, medical lab technicians, Voigt’s Pharmaceutical Technology is the essential resource for understanding the various aspects of pharmaceutical technology.

The Handbook of Advanced Materials

James Wessel K.

Written to educate readers about recent advances in the area of new materials used in making products. Materials and their properties usually limit the component designer. * Presents information about all of these advanced materials that enable products to be designed in a new way * Provides a cost effective way for the design engineer to become acquainted with new materials * The material expert benefits by being aware of the latest development in all these areas so he/she can focus on further improvements