Прочая образовательная литература

Различные книги в жанре Прочая образовательная литература


David Waltham

This book is for students who did not follow mathematics through to the end of their school careers, and graduates and professionals who are looking for a refresher course. This new edition contains many new problems and also has associated spreadsheets designed to improve students' understanding. These spreadsheets can also be used to solve many of the problems students are likely to encounter during the remainder of their geological careers. The book aims to teach simple mathematics using geological examples to illustrate mathematical ideas. This approach emphasizes the relevance of mathematics to geology, helps to motivate the reader and gives examples of mathematical concepts in a context familiar to the reader. With an increasing use of computers and quantitative methods in all aspects of geology it is vital that geologists be seen as numerate as their colleagues in other physical sciences. The book begins by discussing basic tools such as the use of symbols to represent geological quantities and the use of scientific notation for expressing very large and very small numbers. Simple functional relationships between geological variables are then covered (for example, straight lines, polynomials, logarithms) followed by chapters on algebraic manipulations. The mid-part of the book is devoted to trigonometry (including an introduction to vectors) and statistics. The last two chapters give an introduction to differential and integral calculus. The book is prepared with a large number of worked examples and problems for the students to attempt themselves. Answers to all the questions are given at the end of the book.


Maurice Tucker E.

This volume contains 23 state-of-the-art papers presented at the Dolomieu Conference on Carbonate Platforms and Dolomitization held in September 1991 in Ortisei, Italy. The conference was co-sponsored by the International Association of Sedimentologists (IAS) and the Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM), and marked the 200th anniversary of the 1791 paper by Deodat de Dolomieu describing dolomite in detail for the first time. The papers presented do not aim to give a complete review of the current state of the dolomitic art, but rather discuss important advances and gaps in our knowledge of dolomitization. State-of-the-art papers from worldwide experts. Includes basic science and economic applications.


Jurgen Popp

An account of a three-year research program funded by the German government, in which physicists and physical chemists set off together with biologists and physicians to develop new techniques for medical and biological problems and ended up with sophisticated scientific solutions and innovative equipment, partly ready for the market. It not only includes a concise description of the new discoveries but also offers also an introduction to the various fields within optics.


Arthur Sytkowski J.

The use of Epo in medical practice is increasing constantly. It has revolutionized how we think of blood transfusion in medicine and surgery. Moreover, it has become widely known to scientists, physicians, biotech and pharmaceutical executives and the general public. Additionally, the past ten years have seen important advances in our knowledge and understanding of its action both within and outside of the hematopoietic system. Until now, there has been no single source that contains up-to-date information on Epo addressing the array of subjects that this book presents. The book covers all aspects from developmental biology to specific topics such as medical applications of recombinant Epo, receptor biology, mechanisms of Epo activity, structure/activity relationship, disease states and important actions on non-hematopoietic organs and tissues, including the central nervous system, heart, gastrointestinal tract, reproductive organs and endothelium.


CIBA Foundation Symposium

The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss results. The Novartis Foundation, originally known as the Ciba Foundation, is well known to scientists and clinicians around the world.


Adrian Sumner T.

Integrating classical knowledge of chromosome organisation with recent molecular and functional findings, this book presents an up-to-date view of chromosome organisation and function for advanced undergraduate students studying genetics. The organisation and behaviour of chromosomes is central to genetics and the equal segregation of genes and chromosomes into daughter cells at cell division is vital. This text aims to provide a clear and straightforward explanation of these complex processes. Following a brief historical introduction, the text covers the topics of cell cycle dynamics and DNA replication; mitosis and meiosis; the organisation of DNA into chromatin; the arrangement of chromosomes in interphase; euchromatin and heterochromatin; nucleolus organisers; centromeres and telomeres; lampbrush and polytene chromosomes; chromosomes and evolution; chromosomes and disease, and artificial chromosomes. Topics are illustrated with examples from a wide variety of organisms, including fungi, plants, invertebrates and vertebrates. This book will be valuable resource for plant, animal and human geneticists and cell biologists. Originally a zoologist, Adrian Sumner has spent over 25 years studying human and other mammalian chromosomes with the Medical Research Council (UK). One of the pioneers of chromosome banding, he has used electron microscopy and immunofluorescence to study chromosome organisation and function, and latterly has studied factors involved in chromosome separation at mitosis. Adrian is an Associate Editor of the journal Chromosome Research, acts as a consultant biologist and is also Chair of the Committee of the International Chromosome Conferences. The most up-to-date overview of chromosomes in all their forms. Introduces cutting-edge topics such as artificial chromosomes and studies of telomere biology. Describes the methods used to study chromosomes. The perfect complement to Turner.


Gail Cardew

'Homology' as a concept became increasingly elusive during the course of the 20th century. The central debates and controversies concern both fundamental definitions and the nature of the criteria by which homology is judged. Attempts to move away from comparative morphology to ideas based on developmental pathways have tended to founder on the fact that developmental pathways evolve and that similar cells or tissues or structures in animals will often have different developmental origins. The use of information about conserved molecules in seemingly conserved developmental processes has also proven controversial. In molecular biology, the use of the term 'homology' has given rise to more debate, although here the issue seems to involve primarily the criteria for assessing whether parts of genes are the same because of shared descent or for other reasons. The contributions to the book explore these topics systematically. There are chapters on the historical development of the concept of homology and its use in population studies. Other chapters deal with issues of homology in morphological and developmental studies, in behavioural studies, and especially in studies at the level of molecular genetics.


Julie Whelan

An international group of researchers addresses basic mechanism involved in the metastatic spread of tumors and considers new methods of prevention and treatment. Compares behavior of normal and abnormal cells, with emphasis on cell surface mechanisms–especially invasive processes–and inhibitors that might prevent metastasis. Also discusses determination of the metastatic genotype, the role of the immune system, and reduction of metastasis via liposome-activated macrophages.


David Whitford

Proteins: Structure and Function is a comprehensive introduction to the study of proteins and their importance to modern biochemistry. Each chapter addresses the structure and function of proteins with a definitive theme designed to enhance student understanding. Opening with a brief historical overview of the subject the book moves on to discuss the ‘building blocks’ of proteins and their respective chemical and physical properties. Later chapters explore experimental and computational methods of comparing proteins, methods of protein purification and protein folding and stability. The latest developments in the field are included and key concepts introduced in a user-friendly way to ensure that students are able to grasp the essentials before moving on to more advanced study and analysis of proteins. An invaluable resource for students of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Medicine and Chemistry providing a modern approach to the subject of Proteins.


Thomas Engel

This essential guide to the knowledge and tools in the field includes everything from the basic concepts to modern methods, while also forming a bridge to bioinformatics. The textbook offers a very clear and didactical structure, starting from the basics and the theory, before going on to provide an overview of the methods. Learning is now even easier thanks to exercises at the end of each section or chapter. Software tools are explained in detail, so that the students not only learn the necessary theoretical background, but also how to use the different software packages available. The wide range of applications is presented in the corresponding book Applied Chemoinformatics – Achievements and Future Opportunities (ISBN 9783527342013). For Master and PhD students in chemistry, biochemistry and computer science, as well as providing an excellent introduction for other newcomers to the field.