Прочая образовательная литература

Различные книги в жанре Прочая образовательная литература

The lifespan of Animals, Volume 5

CIBA Foundation Symposium

The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss results. The Novartis Foundation, originally known as the Ciba Foundation, is well known to scientists and clinicians around the world.

Clinical Applications of TGF-Beta

Joan Marsh

TGF-beta, originally identified as a transforming growth factor with similar properties, is now known to exist as a family of factors with similar properties. These factors promote cell proliferation in some tissue types or conditions and induce cell differentiation in others. Features the latest information on the TGF-beta family and its receptors. Describes correlations between TGF-beta and certain cancers, including glioblastomas. Also contains reports of preliminary investigations of clinical applications for TGF-beta in many diseases, including leukemia and its use to accelerate wound healing.

The Biology of Hyaluronan

David Evered

Presents state-of-the-art applications in hyaluronan research, from hyaluronan's physicochemical properties to its clinical role as a connective tissue marker and its surgical implications, particularly in ear, eye and orthopaedic surgery. Covers hyaluronan's synthesis and catabolism, its role in cells, its interactions with specific binding proteins, and its role in the embryonic nervous system.

Mitochondrial Dysfunction Caused by Drugs and Environmental Toxicants

Yvonne Will

Developed as a one-stop reference source for drug safety and toxicology professionals, this book explains why mitochondrial failure is a crucial step in drug toxicity and how it can be avoided. • Covers both basic science and applied technology / methods • Allows readers to understand the basis of mitochondrial function, the preclinical assessments used, and what they reveal about drug effects • Contains both in vitro and in vivo methods for analysis, including practical screening approaches for drug discovery and development • Adds coverage about mitochondrial toxicity underlying organ injury, clinical reports on drug classes, and discussion of environmental toxicants affecting mitochondria

Green Metrics

Paul T. Anastas

There has been dramatic growth in the community of researchers and industrialists working in the area of Green Chemistry. There has been an increasing recognition by a wide-range of scientists and engineers in the chemical enterprise that the framework of Green Chemistry is relevant and enabling to their work. There has been a significant body of work that has accumulated over the past decade that details the breakthroughs, innovation and creativity within Green Chemistry and Engineering. While there have been edited volumes on Green Chemistry that collect a limited number of papers often on a particular topic area, there is not currently a series that seeks to provide a more comprehensive overview of the current state of the science. The lack of this type of series is a notable niche for which the continually growing Green Chemistry and engineering community would value and welcome.

Resource Efficiency of Processing Plants

Sebastian Engell

This monograph provides foundations, methods, guidelines and examples for monitoring and improving resource efficiency during the operation of processing plants and for improving their design. The measures taken to improve their energy and resource efficiency are strongly influenced by regulations and standards which are covered in Part I of this book. Without changing the actual processing equipment, the way how the processes are operated can have a strong influence on the resource efficiency of the plants and this potential can be exploited with much smaller investments than needed for the introduction of new process technologies. This aspect is the focus of Part II. In Part III we discuss physical changes of the process technology such as heat integration, synthesis and realization of optimal processes, and industrial symbiosis. The last part deals with the people that are needed to make these changes possible and discusses the path towards a company and sector wide resource efficiency culture. Written with industrial solutions in mind, this text will benefit practitioners as well as the academic community.

Makromoleküle, Band 4

Hans-Georg Elias

Band 3 eines Klassikers! Kein anderes Werk der Makromolekularen Chemie hat jemals sechs Auflagen erlebt. Die Anderung der Produktion und des Verbrauchs von Polymeren ist ein Ma?stab fur die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung. Dieser Band gibt eine Ubersicht uber Synthese und grundlegende Eigenschaften der technisch und wissenschaftlich wichtigsten Polymere, geordnet nach ihren Kettenstrukturen, was in den meisten Fallen auch einer Ordnung nach Rohstoffen und/oder Syntheseverfahren entspricht. Im Vordergrund stehen dabei die technischen Synthesen. Dabei werden viele neuere Polymere wie Fullerene, Metallocen-Polymere usw. berucksichtigt. Die Kapitel uber die klassischen Makromolekule sind stark uberarbeitet und erweitert worden. Eine Behandlung der Rohstoffe fur die Polymere und der zur Synthese und Verarbeitung erforderliche Energiebedarf runden den Uberblick uber das gesamte Gebiet der industriellen Polymere ab. Bei allen Stoffgruppen wurden neu umfangreiche vergleichende Eigenschaftstabellen aufgenommen, so dass thermische, mechanische und elektrische Eigenschaften auf einen Blick aufgefunden und verglichen werden konnen. Auch dieser dritte Band der Reihe prasentiert sich damit als modernes, umfassendes Nachschlagewerk!


Karl Adams H.

Ein Buch fur Ingenieure, Chemiker und Techniker die sich mit Fragestellungen rund um die richtige chemische Vorbehandlung von Oberflachen vor dem Lackieren, Emaillieren oder Kleben beschaftigen. Es spricht Praktiker im Betrieb an, die Losungen suchen, ohne mit chemischen oder mathematischen Formeln belastet zu werden. Naturlich kommt es auf die Qualitat der Beschichtungsstoffe an – aber alle Muhe ist vergebens, wenn die Oberflache nicht optimal vorbereitet ist. Im Konkurrenzkampf bestehen aber nur diejenigen Betriebe, die dabei auch kostengunstig arbeiten. So sind Wirtschaftlichkeitsbetrachtungen ein Schwerpunkt dieses Leitfadens. Gleichzeitig mussen die geltenden Abwasser und Umweltvorschriften berucksichtigt werden, ein Bereich, auf den das Buch ebenfalls eingeht.


Hans Schuler

Process simulation is playing an increasingly important role in process engineering. Nowadays, process simulation is applied during all phases of process lifetime: the work of engineers is more often accompanied by simulations, from the development, planning and construction of plants to the operation. Computers are becoming cheaper to use and progress in the fundamental sciences of modelling and mathematics are favouring the extended application of simulation techniques in many fields. This book highlights the fundamentals, the present situation, and the development trends of process simulation. It provides a manual for orientation in this subject and gives a clearer insight into the potential of this method. Unlike other books available on simulation techniques, this volume concentrates on an important application – the simulation of process engineering processes.