Прочая образовательная литература

Различные книги в жанре Прочая образовательная литература

The Periglacial Environment

Hugh French M.

The Periglacial Environment, Third Edition, provides an authoritative overview of the worldâ??s cold, non-glacial environments. Emphasis is placed upon the North American and Eurasian polar lowlands, but examples are also drawn from Antarctica, the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau, and the northern mid-latitudes. First published in 1976 and subsequently revised in 1996, the text has been the international standard for over 30 years. The Third Edition continues to be a personal interpretation of the frost-induced conditions, geomorphic processes, and landforms that typify periglacial environments. The text is divided into four parts. Part One discusses the periglacial concept and its interactions with geomorphology, geocryology and Quaternary science. It also outlines the range and variability of periglacial climates and the degree to which landscapes are in geomorphic equilibrium with prevailing periglacial conditions. Part Two describes present-day terrain that is either underlain by permafrost or experiencing intense frost action. The roles played by cryogenic weathering, ground ice, mass wasting, running water, wind action, snow and ice, and coastal processes are systematically analysed. Part Three summarizes evidence for the existence of periglacial conditions during the cold periods of the Pleistocene, with special reference to the mid-latitudes of Europe and North America. Part Four illustrates the geotechnical problems associated with human activity and resource development in periglacial environments, and discusses the potential impact of global climate change in the northern high latitudes. This excellent textbook is an invaluable resource for second and third year undergraduate students of Physical Geography, Geology, Environmental Science and Earth Science. The Periglacial Environment, Third Edition is also an informative reading for professionals, researchers and lecturers working and teaching in the field.

A Companion to Feminist Geography

Joni Seager

A Companion to Feminist Geography captures the breadth and diversity of this vibrant and substantive field. Shows how feminist geography has changed the landscape of geographical inquiry and knowledge since the 1970s. Explores the diverse literatures that comprise feminist geography today. Showcases cutting-edge research by feminist geographers. Charts emerging areas of scholarship, such as the body and the nation. Contributions from 50 leading international scholars in the field. Each chapter can be read for its own distinctive contribution.

Global Asian City

Francis Collins L.

Global Asian City provides a unique theoretical framework for studying the growth of cities and migration focused on the notion of desire as a major driver of international migration to Asian cities. Draws on more than 120 interviews of emigrants to Seoul—including migrant workers from Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam, English teachers from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, UK and USA, and international students at two elite Korean universities Features a comparative account of different migrant populations and the ways in which national migration systems and urban processes create differences between these groups Focuses on the causes of international migrant to Seoul, South Korea, and reveals how migration has transformed the city and nation, especially in the last two decades

Cryptic Concrete

Ian Klinke

Cryptic Concrete explores bunkered sites in Cold War Germany in order to understand the inner workings of the Cold War state. A scholarly work that suggests a reassessment of the history of geo- and bio-politics Attempts to understand the material architecture that was designed to protect and take life in nuclear war Zooms in on two types of structures – the nuclear bunker and the atomic missile silo Analyzes a broad range of sources through the lens of critical theory and argues for an appreciation of the two subterranean structures’ complementary nature

Transnational Geographies Of The Heart

Katie Walsh

Transnational Geographies of the Heart explores the spatialisation of intimacy in everyday life through an analysis of intimate subjectivities in transnational spaces. Draws on ethnographic research with British migrants in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, during a phase of rapid globalisation and economic diversification in 2002-2004 Highlights the negotiation of inter-personal relationships as enormously significant in relation to the dialectic of home and migration Includes four empirical chapters focused on the production of ‘expatriate’ subjectivities, community and friendships, sex and romance, and families Demonstrates that a critical analysis of the geographies of intimacy might productively contribute to our understanding of the ways in which intimate subjectivities are embodied, emplaced, and co-produced across binaries of public/private and local/global space

A New Deal for Transport?

Iain Docherty

Comprising contributions from a range of experts, this volume offers a critical commentary on the government's sustainable transport policy. A critical commentary on the Blair government's sustainable transport policy and its implementation. Firmly rooted in an appreciation of the politics of this controversial field. Experts contribute up-to-the-minute analyses of the key issues. Will inform debate over the future of transport policy. Includes a Foreword by David Begg, Chair of the Commission for Integrated Transport.

A Companion to Economic Geography

Eric Sheppard

A Companion to Economic Geography presents students of human geography with an essential collection of original essays providing a key to understanding this important subdiscipline. The contributions are written by prominent international scholars offering a wide-ranging overview of the field. Places economic geography in the wider context of geography. Contributions from leading international scholars in the field. Presents a comprehensive, up-to-date and accessible overview of all the major themes in the field. Explores key debates, controversies and questions using a variety of historical and theoretical vantage points. Charts the important work that has been done in recent years and looks forward to new developments in the global economy.

The Modeling Process in Geography

Yves Guermond

This title focuses on the evolution of the modeling process and on new research perspectives in theoretical and applied geography, as well as spatial planning. In the last 50 years, the achievements of spatial analysis models opened the way to a new understanding of the relationship between society and geographical space. In this book, these models are confronted by the real conditions of territorial prospect, regional dynamism, cultural policy, HMO, and spatial segregation. This confrontation takes into account the instability of social behavior and the permanence of partial determinist trajectories.

Grüne Gentechnik im Widerstreit

Alfred Puhler

Gentechnisch veranderte herbizidresistente Pflanzen eroffnen neue Optionen der chemischen Unkrautbekampfung, sie erweitern den Anwendungsbereich von nichtselektiven Herbiziden, die bisher nicht eingesetzt werden konnten, weil sie auch die Kulturpflanzen angreifen. Herbizidresistenz ist eines der ersten Projekte zur Anwendung der Gentechnik in der Pflanzenzuchtung. Die Perspektiven dieser Technik haben in der Offentlichkeit kontroverse Diskussionen ausgelost, vor allem uber die moglichen Risiken der Anwendung und Freisetzung transgener Pflanzen. In einem neuartigen diskursiven Verfahren zur Technikfolgenabschatzung fur den Anbau von Kulturpflanzen mit gentechnisch erzeugter Herbizidresistenz wurden die Themen der offentlichen Kritik aufgenommen und im Dialog zwischen Befurwortern und Gegnern diskutiert. In diesem Buch sind die Ergebnisse der Fachgutachten und der Diskussion der politischen und rechtlichen Folgen zusammengefa?t.

Entwicklung der Gentherapie

Senatskommission für Grundsatzfragen der Genforschung

Seit die DFG im Jahre 1995 eine erste Stellungnahme zum Thema Gentherapie veröffentlichte, hat sich dieses Forschungsfeld ernorm weiterentwickelt. Diese neue Stellungnahme zeigt nun die aktuellen Themen und Perspektiven der gentherapeutischen Forschung auf.