Developed as a one-stop reference source for drug safety and toxicology professionals, this book explains why mitochondrial failure is a crucial step in drug toxicity and how it can be avoided. • Covers both basic science and applied technology / methods • Allows readers to understand the basis of mitochondrial function, the preclinical assessments used, and what they reveal about drug effects • Contains both in vitro and in vivo methods for analysis, including practical screening approaches for drug discovery and development • Adds coverage about mitochondrial toxicity underlying organ injury, clinical reports on drug classes, and discussion of environmental toxicants affecting mitochondria
This is the definitive, one-stop resource on preclinical drug evaluation for potential mitochondrial toxicity, addressing the issue upfront in the drug development process. It discusses mitochondrial impairment to organs, skeletal muscle, and nervous systems and details methodologies used to assess mitochondria function. It covers both in vitro and in vivo methods for analysis and includes the latest models. This is the authoritative reference on drug-induced mitochondrial dysfunction for safety assessment professionals in the pharmaceutical industry and for pharmacologists and toxicologists in both drug and environmental health sciences.
As a guide for pharmaceutical professionals to the issues and practices of drug discovery toxicology, this book integrates and reviews the strategy and application of tools and methods at each step of the drug discovery process. • Guides researchers as to what drug safety experiments are both practical and useful • Covers a variety of key topics – safety lead optimization, in vitro-in vivo translation, organ toxicology, ADME, animal models, biomarkers, and –omics tools • Describes what experiments are possible and useful and offers a view into the future, indicating key areas to watch for new predictive methods • Features contributions from firsthand industry experience, giving readers insight into the strategy and execution of predictive toxicology practices