1 Law 4 All - Vegas. Billy Angel

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Название 1 Law 4 All - Vegas
Автор произведения Billy Angel
Жанр Контркультура
Издательство Контркультура
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781456620509

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to the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The Red-tail Hawk Release amendment transferred slightly over 50,000 acres from Arizona's Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge to public domain lands. Once Obamacare, as the Affordable Care Act came to be known, passed, the land went up for auction. Sneed's daughter, Jennifer Ariosto, submitted the only bid for the land through Depsands, Inc., a Cayman Islands, offshore corporation she controls for her father.

      With Sneed's involvement, Jennifer's bid was accepted by the U.S Department of the Interior, but Arizona's Bureau of Land Management was holding up the deeding process. A local Phoenix sheriff named, Hal Lenard, received a tip about the land sale. He contacted the BLM and questioned the sale. Overseeing Arizona's BLM was sheriff Lenard's former deputy, Ken Sanchez.

      Arizona's immigration reform boiled over to the national stage about the same time. Interest in deeding the 50,000 acres became a low priority. Senator Sneed pushed but Sanchez pushed back with questions wrapped in red tape. The funds Jennifer used to purchase the land were funneled through Depsands, Inc. They originated inside the Chinese government.

      "Good afternoon, Mr. Wing," Senator Sneed chirped.

      Stoically, Wing walked through the Senator's doorway. With a ever so slight bow, Wing shook Sneed's hand and returned the greeting.

      Sneed said, "I have good news for you," as they moved to the office's sitting area. "Legal counsel is meeting with Mr. Sanchez, Arizona's BLM chief, to expedite the deeding process." He lied having nothing else to report since last month's meeting.

      Wing looked as if he could care less. "The Quon-Rong Holding Group has authorized me to purchase land in southeastern Nevada. Harvey Redman, the senior Senator there says he has many real estate contacts. He assures me that he can expedite the necessary land purchases and essential building permits within months. My superiors cannot wait any longer. The solar farm project will start this year."

      "You won't find prime real estate in Nevada. The land I set aside for you has direct access to Mexico with U.S. protections. It's an ideal situation for selling electricity to the US and Mexico."

      "Yes, we agree. We believed your promise to deliver the land. That is why significant amounts of money were transferred to your Depsands company. Now, however, after two years of stalling, we cannot recover that money as quickly as calculated if the solar farm had been producing this past year."

      "I have an idea to make up for some of your losses. Tell your superiors that I am in a leadership position on the National Cyber Attack Committee. I can stall any White House plans to battle your cyberspies hacking into America's small businesses."

      "This is what I'll do. I will introduce a bill to further investigate anti-hacking measures. After it passes the Senate and House, I will personally guarantee that the President will sign it in between his golf matches. Then, I'll volunteer to head the investigation and make sure it's years before we reach any conclusions."

      A hint of a smile broke across Wing's restraint lips. His leaders frown on decadent sport outings like golf. Only for business or international competition would they condone playing golf. "I will take your proposal to my superiors. Give me the exact schedule when your delaying measures and the cyber bill will be effective."

      "Monday, the cyber delay measures will begin. As for our land deal. I will pressure the state processors to move forward. Between both, we will be able to continue our mutually beneficial relationship for a very long time."

      Wing responded. "The Nevada land hunt is out of my hands. My superiors have assigned another agent to investigate those possibilities. I suggest you complete our land deal immediately. Or else return our money."

      Sneed began to squirm. He had no means to pay back the Chinese. They had given him close to $100M. The land was worthless without the deed. He couldn't even sell it back to the U.S. government.

      Sneed said, feeling the urgency of this situation, "Mr. Wing, you have my word we will have progress in one week." Then an idea flashed before him. "Why don't you join me on my trip this weekend. I'm going to Las Vegas for the World Series of Poker finals."

      Wing, an avid gambler, rounded his eyes. The thought of gambling excitement changed his drab demeanor. Then he returned to his more stoic state. "If I go, this doesn't change my superior's position."

      "I understand perfectly," Sneed said as if hooking a large marlin. "Be back here at eleven o'clock tonight. We'll fly out in a government jet and watch the sunrise at 20,000 feet. Oh, and bring a black tie. We'll have lady escorts for the finals."

      Wing stood. His head bowed slightly in Sneed's direction. "I will meet you here at eleven this evening." Expressionless, Wing turned and left the Senator's office.

      Sneed walked to his desk and grabbed the disposal phone from his drawer. He dialed his daughter and a voice answered, "Hello."

      "Jennifer, it's your dad."

      "Hi dad. How did the meeting go with Mr. Wing?"

      "Can we meet for dinner?"

      "Sure. How about Bailey's. They have the kind of beer you like."

      "Ok. About seven."

      "Sure. You're buying!"

      Sneed hung up the phone and dialed the Nevada number for Ralph Locci. When Locci answered he explained the land situation and the problem between him and Ken Sanchez. "I need you to send someone to Phoenix to persuade Sanchez, the BLM guy, to immediately deed the 50,000 acres from the Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge property. Can you do that for me?" Without waiting for an answer, Sneed gave him the details about the land.

      Locci responded with a few seconds of silence after Sneed finished talking. "What can I expect in return. Seems like I've become your boy Friday lately."

      "I can highly recommend the Galaxy for the AARP, PETA and NORAL's annual conventions. I'm on each of their advisory boards."

      Satisfied, Locci asked, "Anything else, Senator?"

      "Yea, get another Saturday night date for Mr. Wing and another two tickets for the Poker World Series. Can't go to the poker finals without eye-candy."

      "Ok." Locci grimaced.

      Chapter 13 Go To Electronics

      An auxiliary conference room in Mac's office doubled as the Foundation's communications center. It was transformed into a media room equipped with two dedicated T1 fiber optic, broadband internet lines.

      Bob Turnbol tested the connections. Then he finished bundling computer wires while humming Lying Eyes, an old Eagles tune. There wasn't much space behind the six, 27-inch LED LCD computer monitors mounted around the six footed long, semi-circular workstation.

      "Everything should work," he proclaimed to Mac and Ben walking into the room.

      They were impressed by the workstation's size and scope. "Do I need a hundred page manual to operate this?" Ben asked skeptically.

      Mac visualized putting Kitiona's face on all six monitors. Then he anxiously said, "Power up this monster!"

      Bob pushed the power button. "Leave the computer on all the time. The monitors will go into screensaver then sleep mode after an hour of inactivity."

      Bob smiled looking at Ben. "Think of all these monitors as one screen." He demonstrated the options for changing screens. He put the cursor over the taskbar, monitor-shaped, icon and clicked. "You have lots more options, but you should learn these two first. This option puts the same picture on all the screens and this option divides the screen into six parts, one for each monitor."

      Ben glanced at his watch and announced, "It's noon, meeting time."

      Mac sat in the control chair and opened their Skype account. Bob configured the program to put each person on separate screens.

      Skype's home screen indicated all the Foundation members were online. One by one Mac sent video conferencing invites to Jimmy in Las Vegas, Carol in Washington, DC, Kitiona in American Samoa and Juan in Sarasota, Florida. As they came online, the program