1 Law 4 All - Vegas. Billy Angel

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Название 1 Law 4 All - Vegas
Автор произведения Billy Angel
Жанр Контркультура
Издательство Контркультура
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781456620509

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two," Rizzo explained getting off the ground. "That was supposed to be a clean head shot."

      "We better get out of here before those banditos come back with friends and more guns," Jimmy said.

      Todd opened the back of the SUV. Rizzo gave Todd the Barrett rifle. Todd handed Rizzo a 12-pack of rocket bullets. "You can have these. You might find a need for them someday. They'll fire from any 30-06 rifle."

      "Thanks, Todd," Rizzo said. "Need some help with those tires?"

      They pulled out two of the four spare tires on rims.

      "Do you always carry this many spare tires?" Rizzo asked.

      "This isn't the first time a green and white SUV has had its tires shot out!" Todd grinned.

      "We've seen enough," Sheriff Lenard said. "Too much excitement for one day."

      "Now the paperwork begins," Chase said.

      The other four looked at Chase like he was crazy. Todd spoke up. "My orders were to experiment and practice with our new weaponry. As far as I'm concerned, I shot at some rabbits and a few cactus today. Anyone have a problem with that?"

      "Rabbits and cactus, perfect," sighed Chase.

      Chapter 18 Guest Who

      A ashen-faced Chase waved to them from the border patrol's SUV window. Rizzo said to no one in particular, "I'll bet Chase sticks to his BLM desk like glue from now on. Field work is not in his future!"

      They spoke little during the helicopter ride back to Phoenix. They all knew that without the Barrett rifle and Todd's experimental rocket bullets, the Refuse standoff could have been disastrous. With the helicopter safety on the ground, Jimmy commented, "You boys lead a dull life out here in Arizona!"

      They boarded the sheriff's car. Comfortably inside, Lenard commented, "You're welcome to stop by for a little excitement, anytime. I imagine the only action in Vegas is at the tables."

      "Appreciate that sheriff. I think we're ready to grab that meth-cooker and get a little further from the border," Rizzo chuckled.

      With the prisoner in tow, Jimmy and Rizzo flew home. They deposited, Ike the chief, in the city jail.

      Walking out of the station, Rizzo asked, "Ready for some Sugar?"

      "After our wild west border tour, I can honestly say that I am," Jimmy grinned.

      Jimmy texted Sugar and Rizzo texted Tonya that they were going to Anthony's. They both signed off with 'hope 2 C U'.

      They were on their second Evan Williams when Tonya and Sugar bounced through Anthony's bar. They hugged Paula. And then with big smiles on their faces continued towards the boys.

      Tonya wore a white midi-dress with black lace from her chest to her neck. Sugar sported a smoke colored, silhouette dress with lacey inserts. Both wore their black high heels. Both walked the runway walk.

      At the table the girls leaned over their respective man and pecked a cheek kiss. Rizzo showed his disappointment. Tonya winked. "Saving the good stuff for later!"

      "Don't tell me. Big smiles means big tippers," Jimmy said.

      Sugar tilted her head and pursed her lips. "We're so happy to see you."

      "Not as happy as we are to see you," Jimmy responded. "Rizzo had to shoot three banditos so we could be sitting with you lovelies tonight."

      "As in Frito banditos!" Tonya laughed.

      "As in drug cartel, human trafficking, banditos," Jimmy returned without smiling.

      Sugar's eyes expressed concern. Then with enthusiasm, like she was going to find out what happened on the last episode of American Idol, she said, "Tell us all about it!"

      Jimmy looked in Rizzo's direction. "You're on buddy!"

      Rizzo took a deep breath, "It was nothing. All in a day's work," he said modestly.

      "Give us the sweet details," Sugar demanded.

      Rizzo and Jimmy chuckled. "They can handle it," Jimmy said.

      Rizzo started telling about the border shootout. "We were pinned down behind the border patrol SUV. Bullets were flying all around."

      Sugar interrupted. "Did you ever think that if you were in an unmarked SUV maybe drug smugglers would have no reason to shoot at you?"

      Rizzo said directly to Sugar, "Do you want to hear the story or not, sweetness?"

      "Yes!" Tonya said putting her hand on his arm.

      "I assumed the sniper position under the front bumper. The rifle was an experiment model with experimental bullets. I lined up three shots. Practiced them once without shooting. Then I shot the three bad guys." Rizzo took a sip of his drink.

      The girls quietly moved their eyeballs towards each other. Sugar turned and called a server. "Two peach martinis, please."

      Jimmy wanted to add a little gore to the story. "The first shot hit the guy shooting at us in the throat."

      Rizzo took Jimmy's assist and slam dunked it. "I aimed between the guy's eyes, but the scope calibration was in German. I missed low."

      Jimmy picked up the order again. "The second shot hit the next guy in the left shoulder."

      "I jerked the rifle butt instead of gently massaging it," Rizzo commented.

      "Gently massaging butts is what I'm about," Tonya grinned.

      Jimmy finished with, "The third shot was a classic."

      Rizzo stopped Jimmy. "The third guy turned to see what was happening next to him when I shot. I aimed for a head kill. But when he turned his head, the bullet shot off his nose."

      "Oh! how gross," Sugar said starting to laugh.

      Tonya joined in and their drinks arrived. She raised her drink, "Here's to my sharp-shooting man!"

      Jimmy toasted Tonya's toast, "Noses are us!"

      They joked about the gunfight throughout dinner. Jimmy realized the girls hadn't talked about their dates so he brought up the subject. "How did your escorting go," he asked.

      "Wing and Wang were in from DC," Sugar said.

      "They were a couple of stiffs. After the poker match, they wanted to go out to Chelsea's Pony Farm instead of screwing with us. Can you imagine?" Tonya said. Then she realized what she implicated. "I mean, they were a couple of perverts. We would have slipped them 'doze' drops if they made any moves on us."

      "Doze drops?" Jimmy questioned.

      Sugar stepped in. "When escorts don't want to have sex with whoever, a couple of doze drops in a drink puts the client out for the night. When they wake up, we tell them they were remarkable lovers last night and we're sore all over. They may feel disorientated, but they go out strutting like a stud and leave a big tip!"

      "OMG!" Jimmy proclaimed.

      "We would never do that to you," Tonya said with a tight grin that showed the dimple in her left cheek.

      Sugar wanted to shift the conversation away from their escorting secrets. "One of the guys was from China, a Li Wing. The other guy was from DC. His name was Barry or Harry or something like that, Sneed."

      Jimmy froze, seriously sober. "Sneed, as in Senator Larry Sneed?"

      Chapter 19 Pillow Talk

      "Sneed, whatever," Sugar picked up on Jimmy's lost lightheartedness.

      "Got a senator tonight! Remember?" Jimmy emphasized wide-eyed.

      Sugar and Tonya stopped breathing with their mouths open. A light in Rizzo's eyes flicked on. He said, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

      Sugar said, "I have to go to the powder room."

      "Me too," Tanya said powder room pairing.
