1 Law 4 All - Vegas. Billy Angel

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Название 1 Law 4 All - Vegas
Автор произведения Billy Angel
Жанр Контркультура
Издательство Контркультура
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781456620509

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she stuck a finger deep down her throat forcing herself to throw-up. She rinsed her mouth with mouthwash and tidied up. She went to the office door and locked the dead bolt again. She returned to the couch. "Now it's my turn, you ugly old man," she said in a soft whisper. She laid back and moved her hand under her skirt and panties. She stroked her clitoris and fantasized about the young new intern. She enjoyed herself more this time, as was her routine.

      Chapter 27 Dancer

      The next morning in his office, Rizzo asked Wanda Wetbush. "Can you dance?"

      "A little when I was very young. And I took dancing lessons in high school, too." She flashed on Ginger Rogers twirling around the dance floor. "But, I couldn't make a living at it. The only dancing I've done lately has been on top of a client!"

      Jimmy could tell Wanda was reverting back to her relaxed, street-self. He thought that was good.

      Jimmy advised, "You sound much more relaxed today. That's good. You want to be yourself. The first and last thing to remember is be yourself."

      Rizzo continued with his go-getem speech. "Go to the Galaxy's Human Resources office on the second floor and apply for any job, but say you're a dancer. I know they're always looking for dancers so don't shy away from trying out. Locci likes dancers."

      "I'll give it my sexist try," Wanda said, sitting tall, pushing her chest forward. "Maybe my butt and tits will carry me."

      Jimmy noticed Wanda's charms. "They have my vote for dancer of the year!"

      "You're silly," Wanda grinned.

      "Do you remember the drop box location?" Rizzo quizzed giving her the key-ring recorder with a Ford car key attached. "They'll be a similar recorder key-ring with a car key just like this in the box."

      "Yep," she said taking the key-ring. "I haven't been to church in a long time."

      Jimmy assured her, "The Guardian Angel Cathedral gets lots of visitors and is open all day. Your daily visits will blend in with normal traffic."

      Rizzo stepped in. "Your car is the green, 2010 Ford Focus parked in the motel's lot. License 669NIT."

      "Easy to remember," Wanda said.

      Rizzo handed her a small piece of paper and an envelope with five thousand dollars in hundreds. "Find yourself an apartment. The rest of the money is for daily expenses. When your rent comes due, tell me the amount on the recorder and we'll leave it in the drop-box with the key-ring."

      "Just like in the spy movies," Wanda giggled. "I think I'm going to like this job."

      "Tomorrow morning eight AM sharp. Got it," Rizzo ordered.

      "I'll be there fresh out of the box," Wanda said.

      They all shook hands and Wanda left.

      Rizzo closed the door behind her. "Do you think this will work?"

      "It's your job on the line, not mine," Jimmy smacked. Then he became Rizzo's pal again. "Wanda's the wild card. But, I think she's motivated in a Florida kind of way."

      Rizzo asked, "Are you sure you're ok with being the exchange, pick up guy?"

      "No worries. We can both go, if your free that day. There's no reason you can't be seen going to church. Anyways, our moms will be proud of us going to church every day."

      "My tech guys inserted a locator device in each key-ring. I'll text you every day after she makes the drop. Hopefully, we won't have to keep an eye on Locci too long."

      "The feds will love this sting," Jimmy said.

      "They will, when I tell them," Rizzo smirked.

      "But you promised Wanda the witness protection program."

      "She'll get it automatically after testifying against a mob guy like Ralph Locci."

      Jimmy didn't like hearing this part of the set up, but the wheels were in motion. He hoped he wouldn't have to lawyer-up on Rizzo if something goes wrong. Changing the subject he said, "What did you think about the girls volunteering to be spies last night?"

      "Drinks in your office set the tone. They knew something was cooking. I think Tonya likes the locator idea."

      "I know Sugar feels more secure. They'll have to keep those pre-paid cell phones with them at all times."

      "We can satellite lock on to those babies from anywhere. God, I love our tech boys!" Rizzo exclaimed.

      Jimmy paused before saying. "Do you think asking them to befriend Wanda was a good idea?"

      "Normally, girls group in clusters. With Sugar and Tonya as friends, Wanda will be more relaxed and outgoing. That's what we need her to be."

      Jimmy nodded then his thoughts went back to last night after their office meeting. It was his first midnight frolic in a water park. "How did you get the water park people to open for us last night? It must have been closed for hours."

      "The badge is my 'get-into-the-water-park-for-free' ticket. I'm glad your sweetness didn't dissolve in the warm water!"

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