1 Law 4 All - Vegas. Billy Angel

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Название 1 Law 4 All - Vegas
Автор произведения Billy Angel
Жанр Контркультура
Издательство Контркультура
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781456620509

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tonight, ok?"

      Rizzo started walking towards the door. He turned, smiled and said, "Give me some Sugar!"

      Chapter 15 Phoenix This Time

      Jimmy told Rizzo the bad news shortly after ordering drinks. "The girls aren't meeting us for dessert. Sugar texted me that they were asked to escort two VIPs' to the poker finals at the Galaxy tonight. They're suppose to have drinks and dinner with them after, too."

      Disappointed, Rizzo lean forward in his chair and speculated. "Hopefully, there's a nice big tip in it for them. Do you think it will be a full service or serve yourself escort evening for them?"

      "Well, the way I look at it, we wouldn't care either way if this was two weeks ago," Jimmy philosophized.

      Rizzo sighed and sipped his Evan Williams. "It's probably better if I turn in early tonight anyways. I have to pick up a prisoner in Phoenix tomorrow morning, He's a roving meth-ice cooker. He's known as the Iron Chief of the Southwest." He stopped and looked at Jimmy. "Do you want to go with me?"

      Jimmy knew he had a light work load the next day. After processing the pros and cons of rescheduling a few clients, he accepted. "I've never met a meth-ice cooker. Maybe, I'll ask him to exchange recipes!" Smiling he said, "Sure, why not."

      The two finished dinner and left for home. "Meet me at McCarran, security station two, 5:30 sharp, cop time not lazy lawyer time!"

      Jimmy walked away mumbling, "No basketball tomorrow!"

      After Locci closed the penthouse door to the Senator's room, he called his mob associate, Lino, in Phoenix.

      "Hello," Lino said.

      "Lino, it's Ralph. Did your boys find Sanchez and discuss the advantages of deeding the Refuse property immediately?"

      "Yea, but it took more persuading than usual. We had to guarantee his family's safety, if you know what I mean."

      "When will the deed be issued?"

      "As soon as he's released from the hospital, probably Monday or Tuesday."

      "Good work, Lino. Come up to Vegas when you're free and I'll comp you at the Galaxy."

      The next morning, Jimmy met Rizzo at the airport. They flew commercial to Phoenix. A sheriff's car met them at the airport.

      The driver introduced himself and they motored towards town. "We're stopping at Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center on the way to the office. Sheriff Lenard is visiting a former deputy who was beat up last night."

      Jimmy looked a Rizzo. "Lot of that going around."

      At the Medical Center, the driver said to go to room 324 and ask for the Sheriff. They arrived at the room and peeked in. "Is Sheriff Lenard here?" Rizzo said to several officers standing around the bed.

      "I'm Lenard," the sheriff said taking a step towards them.

      Sheriff Sam Lenard looked like a lawman right out of a John Wayne western. Heavy set, pushing 210 pounds, his sandy colored hair complimented his dark, steely eyes. The wrinkles around his face told the tale of years of law enforcement stress in the dessert.

      "Detective Rizzo from LVPD to pick up a prisoner."

      "Come in," Lenard said.

      Rizzo and Jimmy shook hands all around. They alternately took hard glances at the patient. His face reminded them of the palavering Wendy took.

      A few minutes later, Lenard said his goodbyes and took Jimmy and Rizzo with him. The sheriff discussed what happened to his friend Sanchez while they walked through the Medical Center.

      "He was my deputy for ten years before he took a desk job with the Bureau of Land Management. He thought it would be less dangerous. The people that beat him up wanted him to deed some land purchased by some corporation without producing an environmental impact report for a solar farm."

      Rizzo wondered, "Someone must have serious money tied up in the land."

      "And know some nasty people," Jimmy added recalling his mob background.

      They stopped at the hospital's entrance waiting for his driver. "Boys," Sheriff Lenard started, "The prisoner won't be processed until later this afternoon. I apologize but sometimes crap happens. I can put you up in a hotel for six or seven hours or I can take you on a helicopter ride. I need to see for myself what's so special about the land Sanchez's took a beating for."

      Rizzo turned and looked at Jimmy. "Have you ever flown in a chopper?"

      "Can't say that I have. Flying in them looks cool in the movies."

      "Well boys, this is the plan. We'll fly down to a border patrol station. There we'll meet two agents, one border patrol guy and another one from the BLM. After we survey the land we'll come directly back. We should be here in time to catch the 4:45 flight back to Vegas with one ice-cooker in tow."

      "Sounds good," Rizzo said as Jimmy phone indicated a incoming text message from Sugar.

      Jimmy opened the message. It read, 'Possible, VIP's want to leave early. May go to Chelsea's Pony Farm. See U 2nite?' Jimmy showed the message to Rizzo.

      "Chelsea's Pony Farm," Rizzo laugh.

      The sheriff turned around and looked into the back seat. "You guys go there?"

      "Sometimes, to bust crack heads in their parking lot," Rizzo said. "We know a couple of showgirls that do a little escorting for the Galaxy VIP's. They might get dumped tonight by their VIP dates in favor of Chelsea's."

      "Those VIP's probably did Sugar and Tonya a favor," Jimmy added.

      Lenard stared at them and said, "Sugar?"

      Chapter 16 The US Border

      Jimmy answered Sugar's text, 'we're in Phoenix & should be back in time'. "That's my first text from a helicopter," Jimmy said grinning.

      The helicopter flight to the outskirts of the Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge went smoothly. The three exited the copter and introduced themselves to BLM's man, Chase Cartwright and Border patrol agent, Todd Wagner.

      Chase looked like a pencil pusher with long skinny limbs, slicked back, dark hair and black, horn-rimmed glasses. Todd sported a healthy tan on his five foot, eight inch muscular frame. Both Chase and Todd dressed in active-wear, field clothes. Todd pointed the group in the direction of his green and white, Border Patrol, SUV.

      "Thanks guys for meeting us," Sheriff Lenard said.

      "Glad to be of service," Todd answered. "All the agents I know admire the work you're doing fighting illegal's and their drug trafficking. Anything we can do to help. We're here for you!"

      Chase joined in, "Sanchez is a friend of mine. He's visited the Refuge several times. We both wonder what the buyers are going to do with this God forsaken, border land."

      "It sure is hot and bright. Maybe they want to dry grapes into raisins!" Jimmy said trying to lighten up the conversation.

      They drove southward for about forty minutes into the Refuge and stopped on a knoll overlooking the Rio Grande river. They got out and walked around, stretching their legs. With their backs to the a river bed, they admired the wide open vistas to the north.

      Todd motioned the other four over to look at the ground. He pointed out what looks like cow tracks. "Smugglers," he says, pointing to the tracks leading into the U.S. "They put cow-shoes on so they won't leave footprints."

      "Cow-shoes," Jimmy smiled. "I really am a city-slicker. I have no idea what cow-shoes are."

      "Don't feel bad. I didn't either until my assignment here," Todd said.

      Rizzo asked, "Are cow-shoes like horse shoes except for cows?"

      "Don't look at me. I'm just along for the ride," Chase said.

      Sheriff Lenard knew where Todd was taking this, so he played along. "Are they shoes made from cowhide?"