1 Law 4 All - Vegas. Billy Angel

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Название 1 Law 4 All - Vegas
Автор произведения Billy Angel
Жанр Контркультура
Издательство Контркультура
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781456620509

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Sneed continued. "Is the other thing over and done with?"

      Locci delayed his response. Toms saw to the disposal of Janelle's body and cleaned up Sneed's room flawlessly. There was one complication. In any case, he didn't want a repeat performance.

      "No problem with the tickets or the date. But I suggest you maintain your cool if you entertain in your room."

      Sneed resented being spoken to like a teenager. But he sucked it up because Locci provided any number of girly options. He told himself to swear off tall women and go for the shorter ones. He smirked and thought that maybe screwing midgets would help erase the memory of the tall, red head.

      "I've learnt my lesson. I think I'll mix in some shorter women along with the tall, leggy ones. But, for public appearances, I want tall, beautiful women around me."

      Locci accepted Sneed's quasi assurance. "A few minor details concerning the situation you referred to are almost resolved. I'm seeing to it personally." Locci hesitated for a few seconds. He would miss beautiful Wendy, Janelle's close friend.

      Wendy danced in the Galaxy's satellite lounge. Locci spotted her moving erotically to a rap song during rehearsals one morning. Her moves hooked his interest. From interest to setting her up in cottage 64, in the exclusive Blue Lake community, took less than a week. With Wendy out of the picture, he'd have to teach someone else her special, 'it's time' move.

      Locci continued. "Would you like the Galaxy limo or an unmarked SUV to pick you up?"

      "Either will be fine. I'm coming out alone. I'll text you the time I'll be landing at McCarran's private jet terminal."

      "Do you have any extra special requests, Senator? Maybe a room for your secret service people?"

      "Most of my trips to Vegas are off the books. There's no need for protection." Sneed paused and considered his short person idea. "If the mood hits me, I'm thinking of going to Chelsea's Pony Farm the night before the World Series finals."

      The thought of Chelsea's Farm revolted Locci. In his opinion, the Pony Farm was a brothel for the weird. It catered to strange and even bizarre sexual escapades. Midgets, amputees, old people, transvestites and an occasional animal were all on the bill of fare.

      "For Chelsea's, we'll definitely use an unmark SUV. But you'd better phone ahead. We wouldn't want you to be disappointed. Do you have their number?"

      "Yes. See you Friday."

      Senator Sneed recalled the last time he visited Chelsea's. The women menu ranged from tall and fat to very short and skinny. He'd always gravitated to the taller, fat side of the line. He was thinking of starting with the short girls this time.

      The short girls hadn't seen the two inch scar on his right shoulder. He smugly brags about it, thinking it adds something macho to his persona. He liked telling the story of how he fended off a would be robber trying to get into his car at a downtown Phoenix stoplight. The story makes him seem like a real tough guy.

      Chapter 10 The Visit

      Jimmy and Rizzo quietly chewed their breakfast at the Shut-up Café. Last night's visit to St. Mary's Hospital sucked them emotionally dry. Swollen, puffiness from multiple fractured bones and distorted nose cartilage replaced a beautiful girl's classical facial structure. They both knew that Wendy would never look as attractive as before.

      Rizzo asked Jimmy, "Do you want to go to the hospital this morning with me?"

      "Yea. The poor girl is going to need all the encouragement we can muster."

      "What did you mean last night when you said something about bringing in the rest of your team?"

      Jimmy reflected for a short time. He figured to give Rizzo the Reader's Digest version. Then he began.

      "Some law school friends and I helped a young girl find out who murdered her family in American Samoa. The corporation indirectly responsible, settled out of court. A Senator, married to the CEO, orchestrated the cover up with this corporation's help. She was killed by a mob guy who is now in prison. To thank us, this young girl, Kitiona is her name, paid off all our school loans and set up the 1 Law 4 All Foundation. Three of my law school buddies and I are on retainer to the Foundation."

      "The Foundation's objective is to investigate and expose corrupt politicians. There are six of us all together. One retired lawyer who is an ex-marine. And four of us young lawyers scattered all over the country. And of course, Kitiona. That's my team."

      "Must be some team to do all that. Well, if we're all going to work on finding Janelle, and who pulverized Wendy, I'll need to be introduced to the members of this team."

      "I'll be setting up an electronic meeting with the gang within the next forty-eight hours. I'll let you know the time. We'll talk to them on Skype at my office."

      Rizzo's curiosity quench, he made hand jesters towards Jimmy's cell phone playing the theme from X-files on the table.

      Jimmy said, "That's my text message ring tone. Some of the messages I get are straight from the X-files." He opened the text message. He clenched his teeth with a grimmest. "Sugar wants a back massage in between rehearsals."

      "That's not all she wants massaged. I'm going to the hospital now. Text her something to sweeten the deal next time and let's get going."

      Jimmy texted back, 'can't, business, feet and back too next time'.

      As they walked to Rizzo's car, the X-files theme sounded again from Jimmy's phone.

      Rizzo predicted, "If she's in love she'll say something about patience. Then you'll know she's hooked."

      Jimmy's faced flushed as he read the message.

      "What did she say?" Rizzo quickly asked.

      Jimmy said, "I've got nothing but time."

      "Ok, lover boy, let's get you back into the real world!"

      Rizzo parked the police sedan at the entrance of St. Mary's Hospital. He turned his visor down exposing the 'police business' sign.

      Wendy looked peaceful in bed. She opened one eye when Jimmy said, "Maybe we should wait another day or two."

      Wendy suddenly came to life and said, "No!"

      Jimmy looked at Rizzo and they both looked at Wendy. Jimmy moved to the side of the bed. Rizzo was content to have Jimmy talk first.

      "How are you feeling?" Jimmy asked.

      She answered, "How do I look?"

      The silent broke all their hearts.

      "I guess I'm going to have to rely on my brain from now on," she muttered.

      Rizzo stepped forward. "Wendy, can you tell us who did this to you?"

      "Yes, and I can tell you why, too."

      Rizzo felt a break in the case coming. "We're here and we want to help you. Who worked you over?"

      "Locci's goons."

      "We'll nail him to the wall for this," Rizzo said excitedly.

      "No you won't. I won't testify. Locci told me as much as he loved me, I needed to get out of town. He gave me fifty grand for traveling money and is paying the hospital bills. He said to forget everything or else."

      "Or else what?" Jimmy butted in.

      "Use your imagination. People that cross people like Locci end up buried in the desert. I can only hope he forgets about me. Or, I'm a dead girl walking."

      "Why," asked Jimmy.

      "Because of a text message Janelle sent me."

      "Was it the message saying, got a senator tonight?" Jimmy threw out a guess based on his conversation with Mac.

      Wendy opened her second eye beyond the limits of the swelling. "How did you know?"

      "I know because Janelle's brother asked me to find her. Do you remember talking to Mark, Janelle's brother?'