The Book of Household Management - The Original Classic Edition. Beeton Mrs

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Название The Book of Household Management - The Original Classic Edition
Автор произведения Beeton Mrs
Жанр Учебная литература
Издательство Учебная литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781486411986

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Marlborough 1304

       Marmalade and vermicelli 1305

       Marrow, boiled or baked 1307

       Military 1308

       Monday's 1312

       Mutton 735

       Nesselrode 1313

       Orange, baked 1314 batter 1249

       Paradise 1322

       Pease 1323

       Plum, an excellent 1325 baked 1324

       fresh fruit 1330

       Potato 1333

       Pound, plum 1329 an unrivalled 1326

       Quickly made 1366

       Raisin, baked 1336 boiled 1337

       Rhubarb, boiled 1338

       Rice, baked 1342

       more economical 1343

       boiled with dried and fresh fruit 1345-6

       French, or gateau de riz 1352 ground, boiled or baked 1353 iced 1354

       miniature 1355 plain, boiled 1344


       Roly-poly jam 1291

       Royal Coburg 1260

       Sago 1367

       Semolina, baked 1369

       Somersetshire 1374

       Suet, to serve with roast meat 1375

       Tapioca 1370

       Treacle, rolled 1372

       Toad-in-the-hole 672 of cold meat 743

       Vermicelli 1377

       Vicarage 1378

       West Indian 1382

       Yorkshire 1384

       Puddings and pastry, directions for making 1180, 1204 general observations on 1175-1179

       Puits d'amour, or puff-paste rings 1321

       Pumpkin, preserved 1584

       Punch 1839

       To make hot 1839

       Purchasing a house 2695-98

       Quadrupeds, general observations on 585, 597

       Quail, description of the 1046

       To carve a 1065

       To dress a 1046

       Queen-cakes 1773

       Quenelles a tortue 189

       Veal 422

       Quince, the 1233

       Jelly 1585

       Marmalade 1586

       Quin's sauce 500

       Rabbit, a la minute 980

       Angora 985

       Boiled 977

       Common wild 978

       Curried 978

       Fecundity of the 981

       Fried 979

       Habitat of the 977

       Hare 985

       Himalaya 985

       House 982

       Hutch 983

       Pie 981

       Ragout of, or hare 982

       Roast or baked 983

       Soup 181

       Stewed 984

       in milk 1874 larded 985

       To carve a 1004

       Varieties of the 979

       Rabbits, fancy 984

       Radish, varieties of the 1152

       Raised pie, of poultry or game 1340

       Pork 835-6

       Veal and ham 1841


       Raisin, the 1327

       Raisins, cheese 1587

       Grape 1324

       Pudding, baked 1336 boiled 1337

       Ramakins, pastry 1650

       To serve with cheese course 1649

       Raspberry, and currant salad 1592 tart 1267

       Cream 1175

       Jam 1588

       Jelly 1589

       Vinegar 1828

       Raspberries, red and white 1267

       Ratafias 1745

       Ravigotte, a French salad sauce 501

       Reading sauce 502

       Rearing by hand 2497-8

       Rearing, management, and diseases of infancy and childhood 2415-2577

       Receipts 2730

       Regency soup 182

       Remoulade, or French salad dressing 503

       Rent, recovery of 2719-22

       Rhubarb, and orange jam 1591

       Description of 1339

       Jam 1590

       Pudding, boiled 1338

       Tart 1339

       Wine 1829

       Ribbons, or silk, to clean 2275

       Rice, and apples 1400

       Biscuits or cakes 1746

       Blancmange 1476

       Boiled for curries 1347

       Bread 1720

       Buttered 1349

       Cake 1772

       Casserole of, savoury 1350 sweet 1351

       Croquettes 1477

       Esteemed by the ancients 1349

       Fritters 1478

       Ground 1746 boiled 1353

       Iced 1354

       Indian, origin of 150

       Milk 1875

       Paddy 1347

       Pudding, baked 1342 more economical 1343 boiled 1345

       plain 1344

       with dried or fresh fruit 1346

       French, or gateau de riz 1352

       Miniature 1355

       Qualities of 1342

       Snowballs 1479

       Souffle 1480


       Soup 150-1

       To boil for curries 1348

       Varieties of 1345

       Ringworm, cure for 2667

       Alterative powders for 2668

       Rinsing 2379

       Rissoles, beef 465

       Roach, the 243

       Roasting, age of 65

       Memoranda in 657

       Rock biscuits 1747

       Rolls, excellent 1723

       Fluted 1317

       Hot 1724

       Meat, or sausage 1373

       Roux, brown, for thickening sauces 525

       White, 526

       Rusks, Italian 1733

       To make 1734

       Sage 427

       And onion stuffing 501

       Sago, alimentary properties of 1367

       How procured 152

       Pudding 1367

       Sauce for sweet puddings 1368