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Domestic Violence and Child Protection

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How do you respond simultaneously to the needs of adults experiencing domestic violence and the specific needs of their children? Domestic Violence and Child Protection explores the challenges of working effectively in this complex field and offers positive models for practice. Leading practitioners and researchers outline the essential safety considerations for children, adult victims and child protection workers, and stress the importance of children's experiences, using children's own words to describe their diverse needs. The contributors offer examples of good practice in prevention, intervention and recovery, drawn from international settings. They highlight new directions for policy and practice, and consider whether these might be achieved through increased communication and coordination between agencies, or by developing multiprofessional agencies that are able to offer integrated responses. Individual chapters address child abduction, legal issues concerning child contact arrangements, and dealing with abuse in the context of divorce. Including perspectives from social services, health services and the voluntary sector, this book is a valuable source of information and ideas on how to work safely and sensitively with children living with domestic violence and will be a key reference for social workers, health professionals and policy makers.

Understanding the Nature of Autism and Asperger's Disorder

Edward R Ritvo

Edward R. Ritvo md is an internationally recognized medical expert, researcher and pioneer in the field of autism and Asperger's disorder and co-author of the official diagnostic criteria in the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). Much of what is known about these disorders today is based on his painstaking research and groundbreaking discoveries. In this book he shares his forty years' experience and opens his extensive UCLA casebook to the reader. Understanding the Nature of Autism and Asperger's Disorder is 'a consultation with Prof. Ritvo' – a thoroughly accessible introduction for professionals, families, spouses and individuals with autism and Asperger's Disorder. Prof. Ritvo traces the historical development of understanding about autism and Asperger's Disorder, from the centuries of misdiagnoses and the first recognition of the characteristics of the disorders to his own highly-regarded methods for making a diagnosis. Drawing on case histories from forty years' of clinical practice, he explains their basic nature, what the causes are, what is different in the brain, treatments that work (and those that don't), what a child with a diagnosis might be like when he or she grows up, and what future research may hold. This book will be an absolute must-read for anyone with an interest in autism and Asperger's Disorder, whether a practitioner, a parent, a student, or an affected individual.

Special Brothers and Sisters

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Special Brothers and Sisters is a collection of real-life accounts from the brothers and sisters of children with special needs, disability or serious illness, ranging in age from 3 to 18 years. They explain, in their own words, what it's like to live with their siblings. There is a lot of advice available for parents of a child with a disability or illness, but very little about the important issue of educating their siblings about how they feel, and why they may behave differently from other children. These stories – from 40 different families – come with related tips to help siblings deal with some of the things that happen in their family lives. The book also provides a helpful glossary to explain, in child-friendly language, the disabilities and medical conditions mentioned, including: * ADHD * autism * cerebral palsy * cystic fibrosis * Down syndrome Special Brothers and Sisters is an engaging and educational collection that will enable young people and adults to share in the extraordinary experience of being a sibling of a child with special needs, a disability or serious illness.

Deinstitutionalization and People with Intellectual Disabilities

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This international collection of personal and professional perspectives takes a fresh look at deinstitutionalization. It addresses the key steps towards deinstitutionalization as they have been experienced by people with intellectual disabilities: living inside total institutions, moving out, living in the community and moving on to new forms of both institutionalization and community life. Many of the chapters are contributions from people with intellectual disabilities. They are based on a life history approach and give a unique personal account of the lived experiences of institutional life and deinstitutionalization by the people who were subject to it. The life story of Tom Allen (19­12-1991) is interspersed throughout the book, providing a powerful testimony of the way institutions and deinstitutionalization have affected one individual over the course of almost a century. Researchers and practitioners will find this book an insightful and accessible reflection on deinstitutionalization, and a source of encouragement for improving the lives of people with intellectual disabilities.

Assessing and Developing Communication and Thinking Skills in People with Autism and Communication Difficulties

Kate Silver

This fully photocopiable resource offers a flexible framework for the assessment and measurement of the communication skills of children with autistic spectrum disorders (ASDs). Packed with practical assessment and planning sheets, it enables teachers, educators and other professionals to observe and record how children use and understand language, and to follow their progress over time. The completed assessment record is an accessible summary of a child's individual communication style, identifying strengths and weaknesses and the ways in which he or she is best assisted and motivated to communicate. It focuses on how children express themselves in everyday situations – for example, how they make requests or gain attention, the words they use most frequently, and how their communication is affected by different people and places. Most importantly, it provides a diagnosis of where communication skills can be developed and improved. Using the communication curriculum, educators can set appropriate targets, linked to work in other areas, such as literacy and science. A separate thinking skills curriculum aims to develop the skills and confidence necessary for social interaction, from making simple choices to understanding humour and abstract ideas. Originally devised for use with children with ASDs, this toolkit is equally effective in identifying communication problems in other children, and is an invaluable resource for teachers and speech and language therapists.

Children Taken Seriously

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In Children Taken Seriously, leading researchers and policy makers consider how children can be recognized as social actors rather than passive consumers or victims. Using children's own views and experiences as a starting point, they explore how children can be involved as partners in the decision-making processes that affect them, in social work, education, health care and broader social policies. Chapters on the theoretical background draw parallels between developments in children's and women's rights, and discuss communication issues and social and sexual constructions of children. Other chapters explore issues of policy and practice in a variety of areas, from Family Group Conferencing and child protection to child labour and notions of active citizenship. Highlighting the important role of schools in empowering children, the authors discuss children's engagement in and participation in their own education and how children's rights theory influences debates over discipline. This accessible and thought-provoking book is a rich source of insight and ideas for social workers, teachers, mental health professionals and anyone working with children.

Sex, Sexuality and the Autism Spectrum

Wendy Lawson

Written by an 'insider', an openly gay autistic adult, Wendy Lawson writes frankly and honestly about autism, sex and sexuality. In her new book, she draws upon her own experience to examine the implications of being autistic on relationships, sex and sexuality. Having discussed subjects such as basic sex education and autism, the author goes further to explore the wider issues of interpersonal relationships, same sex attraction, bisexuality and transgender issues. She also examines the unspoken rules that exist between people in relationships and explains why these rules can be difficult and confusing for people with autism. This book will give courage and information to adults with autism or Asperger Syndrome and provide essential insights to those living and working with them.

A Special Kind of Brain

Nancy Burger

Sharing the experience of bringing up a child with nonverbal learning disability (NLD), this warm and accessible book offers advice on subjects ranging across diagnosis and therapy, children's interaction with each other, suitable activities for a child with NLD and how to discuss NLD with children. An essential guide, this book will reassure, advise and inform parents and professionals who work with children with NLD.

Creative Writing in Health and Social Care

Fiona Sampson

This book is really a must-have for therapists and others in the creative arts, so that you can see how the workings of the human mind can be displayed through the arts. Even with serious illness, the mind can talk. And that is the point of the book'. – Metapsychology Online Book Reviews 'The references cited at the end of each chapter are instructive and useful with some contributors drawing on memoirs and creative work and others on textbooks and papers. As Fiona points out in her introduction, those with an interest in the field – which includes clinicians, patients, arts managers, psychotherapists, writers, occupational therapists, teachers – I am sure you can add to the list – inevitably speak different languages, reflecting their different priorities. I agree with her argument that this contributes to a healthy diversity of practice that may offer «something for everyone» and we should resist narrow definitions. The challenge for those of us in the field is to locate ourselves on this strange and exciting map and to chart our own experiences in whatever languages are appropriate. Conferences, such as Strange Baggage and the increasingly popular Lapidus annual event provide an excellent opportunity to journey beyond our usual borders to exchange travellers' tales with our colleagues'. – Lapidus 'An incisive collection of essays and case studies, where theory is applied to practical goals: working out methods for how to help and understand those with problems threatening their sanity or stability. Creative expression can contribute to personal and community health.' – Writing in Education 'Creative Writing in Health and Social Care is full of experience of working with patients with dementia, hospital, hospice and occupational therapy patients, and those in primary care. This is innovative work – deeply helpful to the patients, illuminatively described.' – The British Journal of General Practice This unique and comprehensive 'map' of the topic of creative writing in health and social care brings together contributions from health and social care professionals and provides the information needed to teach, counsel and write. Principally exploring poetry and story writing and telling, case studies range from work with pre-literate children in post-war Macedonia to people with dementia in Britain. Complementing these insights, theory-based contributions provide context, comparing different arts therapies using psychoanalytic and phenomenological theories of art and ideas, assessing the value of creative writing in a health care setting, examining methods of training therapists and looking at the aims of creative writing in terms of self development. This holistic approach ensures that Creative Writing in Health and Social Care is an essential guide for health care professionals and others seeking to use creative writing in therapeutic settings.

What Did You Say? What Do You Mean?

Jude Welton

Children with autism or Asperger Syndrome (AS) have difficulty understanding figurative language because they use and comprehend language literally and expect words to mean exactly what they say. This can often lead to misunderstandings at home and in the classroom. Jude Welton looks at a hundred of the most common figures of speech in this visual workbook designed as a springboard for family and classroom discussions. Each figure of speech is accompanied by an illustration showing its literal meaning, which will help AS children recognize and learn to enjoy metaphors and figurative language. The book can be used by parents one-to-one with their ASD child. Teachers can also use the book as the basis for classroom work on figurative language.