Jude Welton

Список книг автора Jude Welton

    Can I tell you about Autism?

    Jude Welton

    Meet Tom – a young boy with autism. Tom invites readers to learn about autism from his perspective, helping them to understand what it is and explaining the challenges he faces with issues such as social communication, sensory overload and changes in his routine. Tom tells readers about all the ways he can be helped and supported by those around him. This illustrated book is ideally suited for readers aged 7 and upwards, and will be an excellent way to increase understanding about autism, in the classroom or at home. It also includes clear, useful information for parents and professionals.

    Can I tell you about Dementia?

    Jude Welton

    Meet Jack – an older man with dementia. Jack invites readers to learn about dementia from his perspective, helping them to understand the challenges faced by someone with dementia and the changes it causes to memory, communication and behaviour. He also gives advice on how to help someone with dementia stay as mentally and physically active as possible, keep safe and continue to feel cared for and valued. With illustrations throughout, this useful book will be an ideal introduction to dementia for anyone from child to adult. It will also guide family, friends and carers in understanding and explaining the condition and could serve as an excellent starting point for family discussions.

    What Did You Say? What Do You Mean?

    Jude Welton

    Children with autism or Asperger Syndrome (AS) have difficulty understanding figurative language because they use and comprehend language literally and expect words to mean exactly what they say. This can often lead to misunderstandings at home and in the classroom. Jude Welton looks at a hundred of the most common figures of speech in this visual workbook designed as a springboard for family and classroom discussions. Each figure of speech is accompanied by an illustration showing its literal meaning, which will help AS children recognize and learn to enjoy metaphors and figurative language. The book can be used by parents one-to-one with their ASD child. Teachers can also use the book as the basis for classroom work on figurative language.

    Can I tell you about Asperger Syndrome?

    Jude Welton

    Meet Adam – a young boy with AS. Adam invites young readers to learn about AS from his perspective. He helps children understand the difficulties faced by a child with AS – he tells them what AS is, what it feels like to have AS and how they can help children with AS by understanding their differences and appreciating their many talents. This illustrated book is ideally suited for boys and girls between 7 and 15 years old and also serves as an excellent starting point for family and classroom discussions.

    Adam's Alternative Sports Day

    Jude Welton

    Nine-year-old Adam dreads Sports Day – he usually comes last in the races and never gets chosen for the team events. So he is delighted when Mr Williams, the head teacher, announces that this year there will be an Alternative Sports Day with some very different challenges. There will be quizzes, riddles to solve, and a treasure hunt – all the things that Adam enjoys. At last he'll have a chance of winning something. But as the competition runs high, how will Adam feel if his best friend Josie beats him to the Challenge Cup? And what will they do when they discover that James, the new boy in the class, is cheating? A fun and absorbing children's story, Adam's Alternative Sports Day is suitable for children aged 7 and over. 'This is a very useful book for any staff involved in teaching students on the autism spectrum. Its strength is its easy-to-read structure and the engaging illustrations, lists and notes. It meets the needs of many students and adults who find it hard to understand and cope with competition and unstructured events. I can strongly recommend this book to pupils between the ages of 6 and 13 years. It is a good idea for teachers or parents to read it to children and allow them to participate in the activities. It is also a good read for children who do not have Asperger's syndrome as it will help to develop their awareness.' – Good Autism Practice

    Tomas Loves...

    Jude Welton

    Tomas is a little boy who loves trains, trampolines and his dog Flynn. He hates sudden noise, surprises and changes in routine. There are many things about Tomas that make him special and unique, but despite his differences he loves fun and friendship – just like you. This beautifully illustrated, rhyming book is a perfect introduction to autism for young readers aged 2 and over, including children on the autism spectrum and their friends and siblings. In helping the reader get to know Tomas, the book encourages children to recognise what they have in common with him, not just what makes him different.