Encyclopedia of Glass Science, Technology, History, and Culture. Группа авторов

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Жанр Техническая литература
Издательство Техническая литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781118799499

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and 5% fractile) for ...Table 3 A comparison of different laser cutting methods [5].

      22 Chapter 3.14Table 1 Coefficients involved in the enthalpy of strong and fragile liquids a...Table 2 First‐order glass‐to‐glass transitions under various pressures.Table 3 Dependence of the critical number n of supercluster atoms at Tg on mel...

      23 Chapter 4.1Table 1 Standard (fixed) points for fast determination of the viscosity–tempe...Table 2 Methods of measuring viscosity.Table 3 Frequently used three‐parameter (A, B, C) equations to represent the ...Table 4 Equations representing the temperature dependence of viscosity in ter...

      24 Chapter 4.3Table 1 Arrhenius parameters for diffusion in silicate glasses and melts.Table 2 Arrhenius parameters for diffusion in nonsilicate glasses and melts.

      25 Chapter 4.5Table 1 Glass chemical compositions.Table 2 Thermal diffusivity values and fitting parameters for selected glasse...Table 3 Thermal conductivities of selected glasses and liquids.

      26 Chapter 5.1Table 1 Reproducibility of XRF analyses (wt %).Table 2 Reproducibility of ICP‐OES analyses (wt %).Table 3 Comparison between hydrolytic‐resistance tests made for a F‐bearing g...Table 4 Defect in a float glass as revealed by anomalous chemical analyses ma...

      27 Chapter 5.3Table 1 Melt components in the Ghiorso–Carmichael model and calculation of th...Table 2 Thermodynamic data of fictive components k employed to represent the c...Table 3 Scaling particle theory energy terms [28]. The cavitation enthalpy at

      28 Chapter 5.5Table 1 Solubility (mol %) of H2O, CO2, and SO2 in NaAlSi3O8 composition melt...

      29 Chapter 5.7Table 1 Original (pre‐2002) values of γM for cationsa and Λ for binary ox...Table 2 Relationship of redox ratio,R, for ion couples with optical basicity;...Table 3 Electronegativity,xM, polarizability, αM, and αoxide(‐II)...

      30 Chapter 5.11Table 1 Summary of some tests made to determine glass durability.

      31 Chapter 5.12Table 1 Chemical‐gradient widths (nm) of boron profiles in surface altered la...

      32 Chapter 6.2Table 1 Glass coloring mechanisms.Table 2 Color yielded by various transition metal ions in glasses.

      33 Chapter 6.3Table 1 Electron configuration of some transition metal and rare earth elemen...Table 2 Prominent examples of laser‐active glasses.Table 3 Sensitizer–activator combinations in some laser glasses.

      34 Chapter 6.4Table 1 Representative properties for common optical fiber glasses.

      35 Chapter 6.5Table 1 Composition and main physical properties of fluoride and chalcogenide...

      36 Chapter 6.6Table 1 Calculated (τR) and measured(τm) lifetimes and quantum effi...Table 2 Spectroscopic properties of Tm3+ in various glasses [6].Table 3 Measured lifetimes (τm ) of the Ho3+: 5I5 level at 293 K for cha...Table 4 Coordination numbers (N), bond distances (R), and Debye–Waller factor...Table 5 Bohr exciton radii (aB), band‐gap energies (Eg), and wavelengths (λ...Table 6 Compositions and preparation of PbS‐, PbSe‐, and PbTe‐doped glasses.

      37 Chapter 6.9Table 1 Chemical composition of glasses for lighting.

      38 Chapter 6.10Table 1 Chemical composition (wt %) of glasses for color cathode‐ray tubes.Table 2 Effect of cation atomic weight on the mass absorption coefficients of...Table 3 Chemical compositions (wt %) of frit glasses for PDP.Table 4 Properties of glass substrates for thin‐film transistor liquid‐crysta...Table 5 Properties of glass substrates for plasma‐display panels.

      39 Chapter 7.1Table 1 Extraterrestrial glass compositions.

      40 Chapter 7.2Table 1 Composition of some natural glasses and average compositions of some ...Table 2 Trace element composition of obsidians from Mediterranean and Near Ea...

      41 Chapter 7.4Table 1 The required functions of the slag and important physical properties ...Table 2 Typical compositions for slags from different processes.Table 3 Comparison of approximate property values at specified temperatures f...

      42 Chapter 7.5Table 1 Composition and properties of liquid alkaline silicate water glasses ...

      43 Chapter 7.6Table 1 Approximate composition (wt %) of representative borosilicate glasses...

      44 Chapter 7.7Table 1 Composition ranges of type I and III pharmaceutical glasses (type II ...Table 2 Comparison between glass grain test results for borosilicate glass tu...Table 3 Typical surface test results for type I vials produced by different g...Table 4 Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP‐MS) analyses of ele...

      45 Chapter 7.8Table 1 Properties of oxynitride glasses.

      46 Chapter 7.9Table 1 Example thermal and optical properties of binary phosphate glasses.Table 2 Examples of phosphate glass phosphors.Table 3 Degradation rates of phosphate glasses containing different modifiers...

      47 Chapter 7.10Table 1 Representative metallic glasses: alloy systems and important mechanic...Table 2 Room‐temperature electrical conductivity, thermal diffusivity, and th...Table 3 Mechanical strength and fatigue data of bulk metallic glasses tested ...

      48 Chapter 7.11Table 1 Representative compositions of a few commercial glass‐ceramics [6].Table 2 Properties of a few commercial glass‐ceramics.Table 3 Composition and properties of a few noncommercial glass‐ceramics.Table 4 Chemical formula of the main crystalline phases mentioned in this cha...

      49 Chapter 8.2Table 1 Advantages of the sol–gel process.Table 2 Drawbacks of the sol–gel process.

      50 Chapter 8.3Table 1 Hydrophobic silica aerogel properties.

      51 Chapter 8.4Table 1 Selected bioactive glass compositions (mol %), network connectivity o...

      52 Chapter 8.5Table 1 Properties of IPS Empress® CAD (scientific report of November 2006, I...

      53 Chapter 8.8Table 1 Density, glass transition and melting temperatures, ultimate tensile ...Table 2 Values of the reactivity ratios r1,2 and resulting polymer architectur...Table 3 Macroscopic properties of the stereoisomers of poly(propylene) and po...Table 4 Influence of chain flexibility on Tg [3].Table 5 Effect of side chains on Tg for a series of methacrylates [2].

      54 Chapter 8.9Table 1 Comparison of inorganic and hybrid sol–gel processes/materials (commo...Table 2 Overview of properties of hybrid polymers.

      55 Chapter 9.3Table 1 Examples of mineral wool compositions (wt %).Table 2 Composition (wt %) of wool fibers (produced by cascade process) and c...

      56 Chapter 9.5Table 1 Li+ ion and Na+ ion conductivities for typical oxide and sulfide soli...

      57 Chapter 9.6Table 1 Early key technological milestones for flat glass.Table 2 Key technological milestones from the mid‐eighteenth to the mid‐ninet...Table 3 Key milestones from the 1960s to 2014 in process and product developm...Table 4 Key improvements from 1962 to 2014 on coatings, tempering, laminating...Table 5 Main usages of flat glass.Table 6 Key figures about flat‐glass products.Table 7 Foundation of some of the key flat‐glass companies.Table 8 Main producers of float glass in 1988 [9].Table 9 Main producers of float glass in 2015.

      58 Chapter 9.7Table 1 End‐ and cross‐fired regenerative furnaces.Table 2 Summary of other furnaces.Table 3 Bath depths: typical ranges and [in brackets] extreme values (mm).a Table 4 Correlation between CO and NOx contents.

      59 Chapter 9.8Table 1 Characteristic dwell times τi, exponents mi, and effective volume...

      60 Chapter 9.9Table 1 2007 European statistics for glass cullet. End‐of‐waste (EoW) criteri...Table 2 2014 EU‐28 recycling rates.Table 3 Glass recovered and discarded in 2013 in the United States. Figures e...Table 4 Origin and possible applications for cullet.Table 5 Scrap from mono‐material collection in bottle banks (unpublished SSV ...Table 6 Scrap from multi‐material