Encyclopedia of Glass Science, Technology, History, and Culture. Группа авторов

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Название Encyclopedia of Glass Science, Technology, History, and Culture
Автор произведения Группа авторов
Жанр Техническая литература
Издательство Техническая литература
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781118799499

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10.12 A History of Glass Science 1 Introduction 2 The Invention of the Glass Museum 3 Glass Museums 4 Types of Glass Collections 5 The Corning Museum of Glass 6 Glass Museums: Purpose and Concerns 7 Perspectives Acknowledgments References 11.1 Postface – A Personal Retrospective References

      4  Subject Index

      5  Name Index

      6  End User License Agreement

      List of Tables

      1 General IntroductionTable A.1 Coordination numbers, effective ionic radii, field strengths, and e...Table A.2 S.I. units and physical constants.

      2 Chapter 1.1Table 1 Typical compositions of industrial glasses comprising main oxides onl...Table 2 Viscosity ranges of industrially manufactured glasses.Table 3 Empirical factors for the calculation of viscosities [19] and elastic...Table 4 Empirical factors for the calculation of the thermal expansion coeffi...

      3 Chapter 1.2Table 1 Natural and synthetic raw materials compositions and prices.

      4 Chapter 1.3Table 1 Maximum iron contents in various types of glasses, given in ppm of st...Table 2 Batch calculation scheme.Table 3 Redox factors R(i) of selected active raw materials i; these factors r...Table 4 Scheme for final batch adjustment with sodium sulphate set to 4 kg/t ...Table 5 Calculation scheme for the energetics of a soda‐lime silicate glass (...

      5 Chapter 1.4Table 1 Comparison of forming processes.Table 2 List of symbols regarding equilibrium thickness mechanism.

      6 Chapter 1.6Table 1 Composition of glass fibers found in literature and/or commercial mar...Table 2 Typical properties of fiberglass found in literature and/or commercia...Table 3 Top 10 fiberglass producers (2008 – 2013).Table 4 Classification and functionality of ingredients in fiber sizing/binde...Table 5 Common organosilanes.

      7 Chapter 1.7Table 1 Summary of simulation process steps.Table 2 List of commonly used transport equations in advection–diffusion form...Table 3 Interacting zones of a complete glass melting‐furnace model.Table 4 Required boundary conditions for a complete glass melting‐furnace mod...

      8 Chapter 2.1Table 1 Structural classification of commonly studied oxides in glasses. Freq...

      9 Chapter 2.2Table 1 Summary of techniques used to determine various features of glass str...

      10 Chapter 2.3Table 1 Composition of the MAS glass (at %),a where “pristine” denotes the ho...

      11 Chapter 2.6Table 1 Oxide composition (wt %) of common commercial glasses and glass of co...

      12 Chapter 2.7Table 1 Degrees of freedom (f) of d‐dimensional TD networks of rigid units ...

      13 Chapter 2.9Table 1 Comparison of various features of large‐scale computer simulations ca...

      14 Chapter 3.1Table 1 Critical cooling rate for some glasses, K/s.Table 2 Classification of cations according to Diezel's field strength.Table 3 Hausdorff dimensionality of the bonding system at glass transition.

      15 Chapter 3.2Table 1 Thermodynamic states in terms of affinity and its derivatives and in ...Table 2 Thermodynamic parameters measured from five different glass‐formers.

      16 Chapter 3.3Table 1 Transition temperatures of some materials.

      17 Chapter 3.5Table 1 Partial molar volumes, thermal expansions, and compressibilities of o...

      18 Chapter 3.6Table 1 Experimental calorimetric methods.Table 2 Partial molar relative entropies of oxides in silicate glasses, and e...Table 3 Partial molar heat capacities of oxides in glasses,Cpi = ai + bi T + Table 4 Partial molar heat capacities of oxides in melts,Cp i = ai + bi T + ciTable 5 Residual entropies of oxide glasses determined from calorimetric meas...Table 6 Determination of the Gibbs free energies of formation from the oxides...Table 7 Variations of the enthalpy (kJ/mol) of oxide glasses with the density...

      19 Chapter 3.7Table 1 Properties of glasses P‐SK57® and P‐LaSF47®.Table 2 Calculated versus measured refractive index values for glasses P‐SK57

      20 Chapter 3.11Table 1 Representative mechanical property ranges for different glass familie...

      21 Chapter 3.12Table