Baba Malay Dictionary. William Gwee Thian Hock

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Название Baba Malay Dictionary
Автор произведения William Gwee Thian Hock
Жанр Книги о Путешествиях
Издательство Книги о Путешествиях
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781462913008

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berak kapor passing whitish (lime-like) excrement

      ■ terberak-berak diarrhoea

      berandam (andam) in the traditional Baba wedding, the ritual of dressing the bride's hair above her forehead two days before the wedding

      berang (berang) fury; rising anger

      berangan (berangan) SEE mati


      berani SEE brani

      berapa (berapa) how much (if spoken interrogatively); to some extent

      ■ berapa chantek how lovely

      ■ berapa manyak? how much?; how many?

      berapi SEE api

      berarak / belarak (arak) procession

      ■ berarak wangkang religious procession involving a model of a Chinese ocean-going junk

      beras SEE berair

      berat (berat) heavy

      ■ berat sebelah heavy on one side; showing favouritism

      beray SEE cheray-beray

      berbana SEE rebana

      berbani (perbani) SEE ayer

      pasang berbani

      berbaok SEE baok

      berchang-chang long and pointed

      berchaya (percaya) to believe; to trust

      ■ keperchayaan belief

      berechik / merechik (recik) splash

      berenang (berenang) to swim

      berengair (lengas) to feel humid, sticky and clammy

      berenget (rengek) prolonged and non-stop

      berengkali / mengkali (barangkali) perhaps; maybe

      berenti (berhenti) to come to a stop; stop

      ■ berenti penat to rest; to recover one's breath

      beresing (bersin) sneeze

      beriani SEE nasik beriani

      bergangsi (gangsi) having the freedom of space and movement

      beridong SEE kasot beridong

      berkat (berkat) divine blessing; blessing

      berkelai / merkelai (berkelahi) to quarrel

      ■ berkelaian quarrelsome

      berkeliairan swarming all over

      berlaga (berlaga) to fight over; to rush over; to compete

      berlagau SEE lagau

      berongkong to crawl on all fours

      beroyan / meroyan (meroyan) nausea due to pregnancy

      bersemungka SEE mungka

      bersepah SEE sepah

      bersibair SEE sibair

      bersih (bersih) clean

      bersio / bersiol (siul) to whistle

      bersiol SEE bersio

      bersiong SEE siong

      bertapa (bertapa) to retire from the world and devote oneself to a life of austerity and asceticism and be a recluse in remote surroundings

      bertau (beritahu) SEE tau

      berteh (bertih) parched rice (used in spiritual rites)

      ■ berteh dalam kuali noisy chatterbox

      bertonya to mull over (as during a meal)

      beruang (beruang) bear

      berubah (ubah) to undergo a change

      ■ berubah pe'el to undergo a character change

      berus (berus) brush; to brush

      ■ berus dia to give a tongue-lashing

      ■ berus gigi toothbrush; brushing the teeth

      ■ berus kasot shoe brush

      ■ berus rambot hair brush

      besair / besar (besar) big

      ■ besair ati presumptuous

      ■ besair harapan hopeful; entertaining great hope

      ■ besair penipu a big fraud

      ■ besair periok kerak dia manyak the bigger the person, the bigger will be his problems and responsibilities

      besi (besi) iron

      ■ besi brani magnet

      ■ besi burok scrap iron

      besok (esok) tomorrow

      ■ besok belakang ari in future; in time to come

      ■ besok-besok in the future

      ■ besok kemdian ari in the future; in time to come

      ■ besok lusa in a few days' time; soon

      besu (besu) to scowl; moody

      Betawi (Betawi) Batavia (now Jakarta)

      betok (betuk) SEE ikan betok

      betol (betul) true; correct

      ■ betol-betol exactly; properly

      ■ betolkan to correct

      ■ kebetolan in actual fact

      betong SEE kodok betong

      biair / biar (biar)

      ■ biair karam di-laot jangan karam di-ati it is better to flounder at sea rather than at heart [better to suffer a small hurt rather than a big one]

      ■ biair berkelai dulu jangan berkelai belakang it is better to solve problems now than later

      ■ biairkan let it be

      ■ biair pechah di-perot jangan pechah di-mulot to keep strictly confidential

      biang (biang) SEE langgar biang

      biar SEE biair

      biasa (biasa) accustomed to; acquainted with

      ■ biasakan getting used to

      biawak (biawak) monitor lizard

      bibi SEE bibik

      Bibik / Bibi (bibi) form of address for Nyonya ladies

      bibir (bibir) lip

      ■ bibir paso Siam curled out lower lip

      bichak (lecak) moist and slippery; slushy; sodden

      bidang (bidang) breadth

      bijak (bijak) talkative

      bijan (bijan) sesame

      bijik (biji) seed; pip; number coefficient for small objects

      ■ bijik delima pomegranate seeds; a Nyonya syrupy drink containing fake sago-made pomegranate seeds

      ■ bijik gajus cashew nut

      ■ bijik kelentek clitoris

      ■ bijik mata eyeball; apple of my eye (as a term of endearment)

      ■ bijik saga red-coloured seeds from the pods of the Abrus precatorius tree

      ■ bijik selaseh basil seeds; a syrupy drink containing basil seeds

      ■ bijik tetek teat

      ■ sebijik one

      bikin (bikin) to make; to do; to produce

      biku (biku) Buddhist monk

      bila (bila) when; time when

      ■ bila-bila whenever; times when

      ■ bila-bila