Baba Malay Dictionary. William Gwee Thian Hock

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Название Baba Malay Dictionary
Автор произведения William Gwee Thian Hock
Жанр Книги о Путешествиях
Издательство Книги о Путешествиях
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781462913008

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lunar month; March

      ■ bulan empat fourth lunar month; April

      ■ bulan lima fifth lunar month; May

      ■ bulan nam sixth lunar month; June

      ■ bulan tuju seventh lunar month; July

      ■ bulan lapan eighth lunar month; August

      ■ bulan semilan ninth lunar month; September

      ■ bulan sepuloh tenth lunar month; October

      ■ bulan sebelair eleventh lunar month; November

      ■ bulan dua belair twelfth lunar month; December

      bulang (bulang)

      ■ bulang-baling a stone or other missile to which a string is attached so that it may be whirled round the head and cast to a great distance (catapult)

      bulat (bulat) round; spherical

      ■ bulatkan ati determined; with single-mindedness

      bulu (bulu) hair on human body but not on head; plummage; bristles; woolly or feathery covering on animals

      ■ bulu abu grey

      ■ bulu anjing dog's hairs

      ■ bulu ayam fowl feathers; feather duster

      ■ bulu babi pig's bristles

      ■ bulu idong nasal hairs

      ■ bulu itek duck feathers

      ■ bulu kening eyebrows

      ■ bulu ketiak armpit hairs

      ■ bulu kotek male's pubic hairs

      ■ bulu kuching cat's hairs

      ■ bulu mata eyelash

      ■ bulu nonok female's pubic hairs

      ■ bulu pantat anal hairs

      ■ bulu roman fine hairs on the human body especially on the arms

      ■ bulu roman berdiri goose bumps

      ■ bulu selay derogatory description of an effeminate male

      ■ berbulu hairy

      bulut / balut (bulut) to wrap in; to bundle up

      bumbong (bumbung) main beam of a house

      bun (to be pronounced as in English) SEE roti bun, sanggol bun

      bunga (bunga) flower; interest from monetary investment or loan

      ■ bunga ambong ambong tiny paper flowers decorated in a semi-circle usually worn round a chignon or a hairbun

      ■ bunga api fireworks; sparks

      ■ bunga bukan sekuntum, kumbang bukan sekor nobody is irreplaceable in love

      ■ bunga butang globe amaranth flower

      ■ bunga chempaka frangipani

      ■ bunga Cheena Chinese rose; cape jasmine

      ■ bunga chingkeh clove

      ■ bunga chot band of artificial flowers worn on the hair

      ■ bunga jinggeh ayam coxcomb flower

      ■ bunga Jepun oleander

      ■ bunga kacha piring SEE bunga Cheena

      ■ bunga kantan wild ginger flower (Etlingera elatior)

      ■ bunga kek wa [菊花] chrysanthemum

      ■ bunga kemboja SEE bunga


      ■ bunga kretair paper flower

      ■ bunga kubor SEE bunga


      ■ bunga mawair rose

      ■ bunga melor jasmine flower

      ■ bunga melor Jawa a variety of jasmine flower

      ■ bunga rampay potpurri of shredded leaves and flower petals artificially scented

      ■ bunga raya hibiscus; shoeflower

      ■ bunga sendudok Singapore rhododendron

      ■ bunga siantan ixora flower

      ■ bunga suku dangan small white scented flower from a creeper

      ■ bunga sundal malam a name for the tuberose

      ■ bunga taik ayam prickly lantana marigold

      ■ bunga tajok aigrette of flowers

      ■ bunga telang a dark blue flower (Clitorea ternatea) for colouring Nyonya kuehs

      ■ bunga teratay lotus flower

      ■ bunga tongking small yellowish scented flower (Telosma cordata)

      ■ bunga Turki carnation

      bungkus (bungkus) wrap; bundle

      ■ bungkusan parcel; bundle

      bunoh (bunuh) to kill

      ■ bunoh diri to commit suicide

      ■ bunoh membunoh killing and slaughtering

      buntal (buntal) SEE ikan buntal

      buntat (buntat) precious calcareous stone

      bunting (bunting) pregnant

      ■ bunting anak SEE pontianak

      ■ bunting pelamin pregnancy resulting from wedding night consummation

      buntot (buntut) tail; hinderpart

      ■ buntot belangkair the gathering of hair at the back of the neck in a special Nyonya hair-style

      ■ buntot keronchong cat's tail with a curled end

      ■ buntot taon at the year's end

      bunyi (bunyi) sound

      ■ bunyi batu bunyilah dia a very silent type (of person)

      ■ bunyi meletop explosion sound; explosion

      bura (bura) gushing out as during a bad bout of diarrhoea

      burok (buruk) ugly; decayed

      ■ burok perangi ugly temperament

      burong (burung) bird; euphemism for the penis

      ■ burong antu owl

      ■ burong chenderawaseh bird of paradise

      ■ burong hong [鳳] phoenix

      ■ burong kakaktua parrot; cockatoo

      ■ burong kedidi sandpipers and small plovers

      ■ burong komba pigeon

      ■ burong lolang eagle; hawk

      ■ burong merak peacock

      ■ burong merbok ground dove bird

      ■ burong pipit Java sparrow

      ■ burong ponggok owl

      ■ burong serindet love birds

      ■ burong tiong mynah

      buru (buru) hurry; hunt

      ■ memburu hunting

      ■ terburu-buru hurrying

      busa (busa) foam; froth

      ■ berbusa frothing

      busok (busuk) smelly; putrid; stinking

      ■ busok-busok be that as it may; at least; even at its worst

      buta (buta) blind

      ■ buta baru menchelek, kudong baru mendapat a new-found state of wealth that has adversely affected a person's behaviour