Baba Malay Dictionary. William Gwee Thian Hock

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Название Baba Malay Dictionary
Автор произведения William Gwee Thian Hock
Жанр Книги о Путешествиях
Издательство Книги о Путешествиях
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781462913008

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terngadah a mere acquaintance under forced circumstances

      bilair / bilas (bilas) a second washing

      bilalang (belalang) dragonfly

      bilang (bilang) to tell

      ■ terbilang well-known; famous

      bilas SEE bilair

      bilek (bilik) bedroom; room

      ■ bilek mandi bathroom

      bilis (bilis) SEE ikan bilis

      bim po SEE mim po

      bin po SEE mim po

      binasa / menasa (binasa) grave consequences; ruined

      binatang (binatang) animal; beast / as a term of abuse

      binchut (bincut) swelling on forehead; lump

      bingong (bingung) puzzled; perplexed, muddle-headed

      bini (bini) wife

      ■ bini besair first wife

      ■ bini kechik second wife

      ■ bini munda younger (second) wife

      binjay (binjai) SEE buah binjay

      bintang (bintang) star

      ■ bintang dia gelap a spell of misfortune

      ■ bintang dia terang lucky spell

      ■ bintang gajah / raja truly bright star; very bright fortune

      ■ bintang penyapu comet

      ■ bintang tiga communist (from cap with 3-stars motif worn by communist guerillas in the Malayan jungle during World War II and Emergency)

      ■ bintang timor the morning star

      bintat (bintik) weal due to insect bite or allergen

      bintel (bintil) pustule; pimple

      bio [廟] temple (usually Taoist)

      ■ bio keng [廟宮] Taoist temple

      biola (biola) violin

      birat (birat) purplish stain

      biri (biri)

      ■ biri-biri beri beri

      biri (biri) SEE kambeng biri-biri

      biru (biru) blue

      ■ biru laot sea blue

      ■ biru lebam blue-black (of bruises)

      ■ biru munda light blue

      ■ biru tua dark blue

      bisa (bisa) venomous; anything that gives a septic wound; blood-poison

      bisek (bisik) speaking in a whisper

      ■ berbisek whispering

      bising (bising) noisy

      biskot (biskut) biscuit

      bisol (bisul) boil; superficial abscess

      ■ bisol lada big-sized boil

      ■ bisol mengangkok nanah pus-filled boil coming to a head; a state of simmering anger or tension

      bisu (bisu) dumb; mute

      bo [磨] to mill; to grind

      ■ bo ta hu [磨豆腐] lesbian

      bo [無] without; absence

      ■ bo chai [無采] regretful

      ■ bo chai kang [無采工] wasted effort

      ■ bo cheng [無情] ungrateful

      ■ bo cheng bo gi [無情無義] very ungrateful

      ■ bo geh [無牙] toothless

      ■ bo gi go [無疑誤] least expected; without warning

      ■ bo huat [無法] at the end of the tether; extreme frustration

      ■ bo ian bo chiak [無影無跡] without truth or reliability

      ■ bo jin cheng [無親情] ungrateful

      ■ bo ka si [無教不] not properly brought up; rude

      ■ bo nai ho [無奈何] no alternative

      ■ bo peng ki chiak iok [無病去吃藥] to look for trouble unnecessarily; for no reason

      ■ bo pian [無變] no other alternative; at wit's end

      ■ bo puan piat [無半撇] lacking ability; good for nothing

      ■ bo pun su [無本事] lacking in ability; incapable

      ■ bo tan [無膽] lacking in courage

      ■ bo thau bo boey [無頭無尾] no head, no tail (disorganised); for no rhyme or reason

      ■ bo tian bo tiok [無正無着] with-out any direction; in a haphazard manner

      ■ bo toa bo soey [無大無小] lack-ing in respect for the elders

      bobotok SEE bobotot

      bobotot / bobotok / botot botot / bebotok (bebotok) spicy fish wrapped in mengkudu leaf

      bochor (bocor) leaking

      bodek (bodek) testicles

      ■ tak bodek cowardly; lacking manly courage

      bodoh (bodoh) stupid; unintelligent

      ■ bodoh jahat dull but naughty

      boek [襪] sock

      boey ta [沬帶] child's bib

      bogel (bogel) devoid of any covering; naked

      bogi (bogi) SEE kreta bogi

      bohong (bohong) lying; untruth

      ■ pembohong liar

      bok ji [木耳] an edible fungus

      bokok damaged; worse for wear

      bola (bola) ball

      boleh (boleh) can; to be able to

      ■ boleh di-ampon it is possible; forgivable; a phrase that expresses agreement or sympathy

      ■ boleh jadi perhaps; maybe

      ■ boleh jadi betol tu just fancy that

      ■ boleh jugak acceptable

      ■ boleh tahan not bad; endurable

      ■ boleh tak boleh must; at all cost

      ■ bolehkan make it possible

      ■ seboleh-boleh to the best of one's ability

      ■ tak boleh / takleh cannot; unable

      ■ tak boleh berubah not capable of change; incorrigible

      ■ tak boleh jadi this won't do; will not happen

      bolsa / bosa (bolsa) cloth bag

      bolu (bolu) SEE kueh bolu

      bomba (bomba)

      ■ bomba ayer fire fighting; fire brigade

      bomoh (bomoh) spiritualist; witch doctor

      bonchet (buncit) distended (of a stomach)

      bong pai [墓牌] central tombstone of a grave

      bongkair / bongkar (bongkar) to rummage thoroughly; to turn over or out (contents of boxes)

      bongkak SEE jongkak

      bongkal (bongkal) a measure of weight 832 grains or 16 maya m

      bongkar SEE bongkair

      bongkok (bongkok) hunched
