Название | Baba Malay Dictionary |
Автор произведения | William Gwee Thian Hock |
Жанр | Книги о Путешествиях |
Серия | |
Издательство | Книги о Путешествиях |
Год выпуска | 0 |
isbn | 9781462913008 |
■ aphien sai [鴉片屎] opium addict
api (api) fire; flame
■ api-api to instigate
■ berapi / merapi on fire; in a fiery mood
apom (apam) pancake in general; slang for female private part
■ apom balek SEE kueh
■ apom balek; apom bokwah SEE (kueh)
apom bokwah
arah / harah (arah) direction
■ arah-arah in the general direction of
arak (arak) alcoholic liquor
■ arak Cheena samsu
■ arak puteh Chinese rice wine
arang (arang) charcoal
■ arang batu coal
■ arang kayu charcoal
ari / hari (hari) day
■ ari ampat / empat Thursday
■ ari anam / enam / nam Saturday
■ ari baik bulan baik an auspicious occasion or day
■ ari besair special big day [e.g. a festival, holiday]
■ ari dua Tuesday
■ ari lima Friday
■ ari mengoyak the auspicious day when the avowal ceremony costume of the traditional Baba wedding is sewn
■ ari minggu Sunday
■ ari satu Monday
■ ari tiga Wednesday
■ ari ujan rainy day
■ hari-hari everyday; daily
■ Hari Raya celebration of end of Muslim fasting month
■ Hari Raya Haji Muslim festival marking the end of pilgrimage to Mecca
■ sari-sari everyday; daily
ari-ari (ari-ari) part of the body from navel to pudendum
arimo (harimau) tiger
■ arimo keleng itinerant family group of Indian entertainers with the male lead dancer dressed as a tiger
■ arimo kumbang leopard
■ arimo mati tinggairkan belang, orang mati tinggairkan nama all the good deeds that a man does will be remembered long after his death
■ arimo semunyek kuku a person's full potential is concealed and not revealed or shown
■ arimo sua jadi kambeng the powerful has been humbled
■ arimo tak makan anak even the most vicious will not hurt its own young
aro (arah)
■ aro jalan passageway
aroda (aruda) SEE daon aroda
Aropah (Eropah) Europe
aruan (aruan) SEE ikan aruan
arus (arus) current in the sea or river
asa (asal) provided that; the moment
■ asakan so long as
asah (asah) grinding down; whetting; sharpening
■ asah gigi to file the teeth
■ asah piso knife sharpener; to sharpen a knife
asair SEE asal
asal / asair (asal) source; origin
■ asal pulang ke-asal back to one's origin, ashes to ashes
■ asal-usol origins; beginnings
asam (asam) sour; tamarind; acids
■ asam garam acids and salts (in cooking)
■ asam gelugor dried tamarind fruit for cooking
■ asam Jawa wet tamarind fruit for cooking
■ asam kelat soured relationship; sour and tart in taste
■ asam manis sourish-sweet taste
■ asam poey [皮] dried tamarind fruit for cooking
■ asam singting / sinting clam soaked in brine
asap (asap) smoke; vapour
■ asap api smoke from fire
■ asap kemenyan to smoke the house with benzoin; smoke from benzoin
■ asap rumah to smoke the house with benzoin
asek (asyik) earnest; wholly-devoted
asel SEE hasel
asin (masin) salty
asok / asot (asut) inciting; prompting; egging on
asot SEE asok
asta (hasta) the length from one's elbow to the fingertips
atair / atas (atas) position over or above
■ atair angin superior attitude
■ atair loteng upstairs
atap (atap) roofing-thatch
atap chi [籽] palm fruit
atas SEE atair
ati / hati (hati) liver
■ ati babi bungkus pork liver ball
■ ati baik kind-hearted
■ ati busok bad-hearted
■ ati it go it chap [一五一十] to be nervous and afraid of; to be on tenterhooks
■ ati pekong foul-hearted; evil
■ ati perot a person's manner or character
■ tak ati no feelings
■ tak ati perot no sense of responsibility; no concern for others
ato (atau) either; whether
ator (atur) arrangement; order
■ berator to queue up; to form a line
au ban [傲慢] selfish
aus (haus) thirsty; reduction in size through wear or friction
autah (autah) bluff; humbug; to deceive
awa / hawa (hawa) temperature; to yearn
■ awa napsu lusts of the flesh; deep yearning; passion
awan (awan) clouds
ayak (ayak) sifting
■ ayak nyeru to move a wicker tray in a circular motion while votive papers burn in it
■ ayakan a sieve
ayam (ayam) fowl; chicken
■ Ayam Brand simple-minded
■ ayam Belanda turkey
■ ayam berak kapor to be sick like a fowl passing whitish (limelike) excrement
■ ayam berlagar fighting-cock
■ ayam charek pagi makan petang, charek petang makan malam to earn just enough to make ends meet
■ ayam itek poultry
■ ayam jantan cockerel
■ ayam katek bantam; pygmy fowls
■ ayam kemiri capon
■ ayam mengeram the brooding hen; description of part of the Nyonya coiffure
■ ayam prompuan hen
■ ayam selaseh fowl