Название | Baba Malay Dictionary |
Автор произведения | William Gwee Thian Hock |
Жанр | Книги о Путешествиях |
Серия | |
Издательство | Книги о Путешествиях |
Год выпуска | 0 |
isbn | 9781462913008 |
buang (buang) to throw away; to discard
■ buang ayer to urinate or pass motion
■ buang ayer besair to relieve one's bowels
■ buang ayer kechik to pass urine
■ buang bisa to relieve the throbbing pain of a festering wound; to neutralise venomous toxin
■ buang-buang exorcism rite
■ buang buang mata to keep an eye
■ buang di-laot ikan timbol refers to something totally worthless
■ buang diri to throw oneself; to throw oneself from a height or into water in a suicide bid
■ buang jiwa to sacrifice one's life
■ buang keroh punggot jernih let bygones be bygones
■ buang kreja dismissal from a job
■ buang mata to keep an eye
■ buang mulot to convey verbally
■ buang negri banishment
■ buang nyawa die in a sacrifice
■ buang pangkat stripped in rank
■ buang pelawair a casual verbal invite
■ buang sebelah aside from; besides
■ buang segan to stretch oneself when one wakes up
■ buang tebiat to throw a tantrum; change of temperament due to senility
■ buangkan mata to keep an eye
buat (buat) to do; making
■ buat-buat pretence
■ buat ati baik kena pukol petir a good deed is reciprocated with ingratitude
■ buat baik to do good; to be friendly to
■ buat bodoh to feign ignorance / stupidity / innocence
■ buat hiboh to create a fuss
■ buat kreja jahat to become immoral
■ buat mahal to play hard to get
■ buat main siak for fun only
■ buat mainan used as a plaything
■ buat malu to cause loss of face / embarrassment
■ buat modair to use as working capital; to use as tool for sarcasm
■ buat mungka to show a sour look on the face
■ buat papan terenan to use someone to insinuate against another
■ buat pelisay a pretence at being nice; to ingratiate
■ buat penat to tire oneself (needlessly)
■ buat suay to cause bad luck and ill-fortune
■ buat susah to cause problems or difficulties; to impose upon
■ buat tak dengair to pretend not to hear; to turn a deaf ear
■ buat tengkah to show a temper or tantrum
■ buat pa whatever for
■ buatkan to cause
buat SEE bawak
buaya (buaya) crocodile; avaricious (person); a skirt chaser
■ buaya tak tolak bangkay a person who will not turn down anything
bubor (bubur) porridge; broth; gruel
■ bubor ayam chicken porridge
■ bubor babi pork porridge
■ bubor cha-cha sweet potato with coconut milk gruel
■ bubor ikan fish porridge
■ bubor itek duck porridge
■ bubor kachang green or red bean porridge
■ bubor sagu pearl sago porridge
■ bubor terigu wheat porridge
■ bubor udang prawn porridge
budak (budak) child
■ budak-budak children
■ budak pakay kasot to celebrate a child's first birthday
■ budak setengah naik an adolescent; a teenager
■ budak taik the very young and immature
budi (budi) qualities of mind and heart; act of not forgetting a favour; act of wanting to reciprocate a favour; gratitude
■ budi bahasa / basa gracious acts and ways
■ budi di-bawak mati kindness takes a lifetime to repay
■ berbudi to show gratitude
bujang (bujang) widow; widower
bukak (buka) to open; removal of a veil or covering
■ bukak daon to show one's cards (in a card game)
■ bukak jalan opening of a road; to reveal a way or solution
■ bukak kasot to take off one's shoes
■ bukak kun [裙] lady assistant to the mistress of ceremony in the traditional Baba wedding whose primary duties include laying the folds of the bride's skirt when the bride kneels
■ bukak kitab to expound religious text
■ bukak kuping to prick the ears in order to gather information
■ bukak lima belair a variation of the Nyonya card game
■ bukak mata to observe closely; to open one's eyes
■ bukak mulot to open up verbally; to open the mouth
■ bukak napsu appetiser
■ bukak rumah to start a home
■ bukak rusia to reveal a secret
■ bukak sekopong card fortune telling
■ bukak tilek fortune telling
bukan (bukan) no; not
■ bukan baik orang not the desirable type of person; not a person to tangle with
■ bukan kah...? is it not?; in no small measure
■ bukan kechik anak a sharp person; not naive
■ bukan main very
■ bukan main lagik a comment on something extraordinary
■ bukan maknusia inhuman; not a human being
■ bukan sebarang orang somebody of importance; not just any person
■ bukan senang not that simple or easy
buket (bukit) hill
■ buket kalu changkol pun rata incessant expenditure will cause even the rich to become poor
■ buket sua jadi paya the wealthy is reduced to poverty
buku (buku) book; knuckle
■ buku chrita dulukala book of ancient Chinese tales translated into Baba language
■ berbuku in lumps; clots
bulan (bulan) moon; month
■ bulan-bulan every month
■ bulan di-pagar bintang someone surrounded by suitors / admirers; to be brightened (as the presence of a pretty girl)
■ bulan jatoh di-pangku exceptional good fortune
■ bulan makan rao eclipse of the moon
■ bulan pernama full moon which falls on a Friday eve
■ bulan