Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

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Название Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary
Автор произведения Norbert Shadeg
Жанр Книги о Путешествиях
Издательство Книги о Путешествиях
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781462910786

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of leaves in which the offering daksina is made.

      ba-béték-an n knapsack, bag (a particular specimen), a bag commonly carried by Balinese, used as a pocket.

      ba-bétél-an n way through, narrow passage, back door.

      ba-betén adv down (betén under).

      babi n (=bawi) fat pork, bacon; n a kind of mango (Jav).

      ba-bihag-an n fun, pleasure.

      ba-bihul-an n cramp (muscular).

      ba-bijal-an n teasing.

      ba-bikul-an n swollen muscles, contracted biceps.

      ba-bintang-an adj star-shaped (a kind of cartridge).

      ba-binjat n child of an unknown father, illegitimate child (=bebinjat).

      ba-bisik-an n whispering; intrans whisper.

      babit intrans (mabit trans) accuse of, charge with.

      ba-biyul-an n muscle cramp.

      ba-blanja-n L n cost, expenses, living (what one lives on) (tetebasan H).

      bablanjanné her living.

      ba-blenguh-an n stupidity, dullness of mind.

      ba-bokong n buttocks.

      ba-bokor-an n a small bowl.

      babon n mother (animal) (mababon intrans).

      ba-bondan n a religious teacher who fails in his duty.

      ba-bontot n a dish made with meat.

      ba-bongkos-an n a cloth for carrying things in.

      babongkosané the cloth bag.

      ba-boréh n face-powder, cosmetic cream.

      ba-boso n a freshwater fish with black scales.

      ba-botoh n dicer, gambler.

      ba-botoh-an n gambling, gaming, dicing.

      ba-branang-an n a robber band.

      ba-bras-an n rice, grain.

      ba-brata-n n abstinence, prohibition.

      babu n domestic servant, maid.

      ba-buduh-an n (=buduhan) fiancé, betrothed.

      babuk adj shallow.

      ba-buksah n Buddhist priest. (S bhiksu-)

      ba-bulung-an 1 n the earthen ridges on which tobacco is grown.

      ba-bulung-an 2 n husked rice that has not yet been winnowed.

      ba-buntil-an n pack, bundle; a sash, used as a pocket; pocket money; a knot in a handkerchief with money inside it.

      ba-bunuh-an adv straight on, forward.

      ba-bungkil-an coll n roots, tubers, used as medicine or spices.

      ba-buron (=buru-an) coll n game, animals, animals that are hunted.

      babusah n the name of a demon.

      ba-buta-n coll n the spirits, esp evil spirits.

      ba-buwan adv above, on top (OBali) (=baduhur).

      babuwan (babuwanan intrans) be over, on, above.

      babuwanan n what is above, over.

      babuwang 1 n a kind of large black ant.

      babuwang 2 intrans be above, be up; lutung babuwang di kayu the monkeys are up in the trees.

      babuwang interj amazement (NBal).

      babuyut-an 1 n a place of prayer.

      babuyutan 2 n trembling with age.

      ba-bwat-an H n load, what is carried on a vehicle (mwatan L).

      baca 1 (=waca, paca) intrans (maca, mamaca trans) read (normally aloud, even to oneself).

      baca 2 intrans speak with a defect.

      bacak intrans reckon, count.

      bacin R n dung, excrement, rust (tahi L).

      bacinin pass be covered with rust or excrement.

      baco adj not regular, not in order; baco nawah barang offer too low a price in bargaining.

      bacok intrans stab, pierce.

      bacoka pass be stabbed.

      bacokang pass be caused to be stabbed.

      bada L n stable, stall, sty; barn (mada trans) (kandang H); badan céléng n the pigsty in the house complex.

      badahang, badahin pass be put in a stable or stall.

      badah adj easy to catch (cow), tame, easy to catch up, easy to overtake.

      badah interj (of complaint, sadness).

      badan K n body (hawak L).

      badaśa n a skin disease consisting of many pimples that burst.

      badawang n a mythological turtle.

      badbad intrans (madbad trans) disentangle, open, clear.

      badé 1 n bier.

      badé 2 intrans (mbadé, madé trans) guess a riddle, judge, estimate; n a riddle, guess, estimate.

      badébadé-han n puzzle, riddle, guessing-game.

      badég Jav n palm wine.

      badeng adj colorless, unclear, black (dung); badeng kotot, badeng seged pitch-black.

      badengang pass be made black.

      badengin pass be painted black.

      bades 1 n very fertile soils.

      bades 2 n swollen belly (through dropsy or from eating rice).

      bades 3 intrans itch because of sweat.

      badi n a belly swollen with intestinal worms (a disease of children).

      badigal n an insect’s cocoon in cow dung.

      badih 1 n a slice, piece of a fruit, especially a natural division of orange or lemon.

      badih 2 n a sheaf of rice.

      badil intrans lisp, have a speech defect.

      bading intrans (mading, madingang trans) turn, twist, turn round.

      badingang pass be turned.

      badingin pass be returned, turned back.

      badog intrans eat, gobble (a coarse word).

      badogol n image; togogé hané huli batu hadanina badogol the images that (are) of stone are called badogol.

      badoh 1 adj lazy, indolent.

      badoh 2 intrans cover.

      badong (=babadong) n breastplate; also a metal plate worn over the vulva by Muslim girls; n an ornament worn on the neck by dancers.

      badongang pass be adorned with a badong.

      badongin pass be given a badong.

      ba-dugal, ba-dugal-an n the dried blood on the wounds of a fighting-cock.

      ba-duhur (=baduwur) adj being on top, above.

      baduhuran compr of higher rank, higher caste.

      badung 1 n a kind of sour, tart fruit.

      badung 2 n one of the kingdoms of Bali.

      badur n a species of sea fish.

      badusa n coffin.

      baga 1 n hole, gap, groove, ravine, vulva.

      bagan tambah the hole in a hoe where the haft is put in.

      baga 2 n (=bagi, bagi-yan) share, part, piece.

      bagal adj too large, too coarse (basketry, carving); n a piece that is too big (magal trans).