Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

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Название Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary
Автор произведения Norbert Shadeg
Жанр Книги о Путешествиях
Издательство Книги о Путешествиях
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781462910786

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adj sportive, wanton.

      bahu 3 (=busan) H adj new; adv newly, just now, already (mara L).

      bahud intrans tell jokes, curiosities; H adj merry, facetious, witty (pangus R, banyol L).

      bahudanda H n ‘hand-staff’ =officer, official, commander.

      bahuh 1 adj fat, stout.

      bahuh 2 (Badung) adj curved; n curve.

      bahuk (Raf) adj rotten.

      ba-hulu adv above.

      bahunam (Raf) adv lately.

      bahung 1 (=bawung) n a ghost in the shape of a pig.

      bahung 2 (Raf) n jackal.

      bahur intrans be confused, be in disorder; munyi bahur n unclear speech.

      bahus n a species of flower.

      bahut n bolt, screw (D bout).

      bahya (=bahiya) K n misfortune, bad luck.

      baja intrans (maja-hang trans) sound (depth), examine; fish for sth.

      bajag n pirate, sea-rover; intrans be a pirate.

      bajang adj young, unmarried (hanom R); n young person (male or female), youth (majang trans); bajang cerik a young child. bajangbajang pl young people.

      men bajangan n a good spirit that guards the graves of children.

      bajangbajang n a kind of grass.

      bajeg intrans be straight up, vertical; bajeg surya the sun is directly overhead, i.e. it is high noon.

      bajing (J av) n squirrel (semal L).

      bajingan n a criminal.

      bajo n a big fish dried in the sun.

      sudang bajo, wong bajo n fisherman, esp Buginese, likely to be also a pirate.

      bajog intrans (majog trans) have just arrived (=pajog).

      bajra n mace, club (S vajra-); a padanda’s bell (=genta).

      baju n a general word for a garment for the upper part of the body; the usual meaning is ‘coat, jacket’ (kulambi C, kwaca R).

      bajubaju n clothes.

      bajun the garment (of).

      baju bapang n a sleeveless jacket.

      baju besi n a vest of mail (chain mail).

      baju jas L (kwaca jas H) n coat.

      baju kahos n singlet, undershirt.

      baju kutang n brassiere.

      baju rok n European dress (for women).

      bak n Chinese ink; basin, bowl (D bak).

      baka 1 K n a kind of heron (cangak L); n the name of a raksasa.

      baka 2 K n hypocrite; padanda baka a priest whose conduct is unbecoming.

      bakal 1 prep for, intended for; intrans be intended for, be going to be; the L word is used before a vb (pacang H, jaga C) to indicate future action; in a predicate where English would have ‘to be,’ bakal =‘shall be’; if used as a n (=babakalan) it means ‘something intended to be,’ e.g. draft (of a book), bakal baju cloth for a jacket, bakal basa spices for preserving the body (Lk 24), bakal hubuhan fodder for cattle, bakal sepatu leather for shoes.

      bakal 2 intrans (makal trans) prepare a field, plough.

      tanah bakalan n a clod in a ploughed field.

      bakang, bakangbakang n a special kind of oath-taking, done in the village temple.

      bakar H intrans (makar trans) roast at or on a fire (tunu intrans, nunu trans L).

      bakar-an n a kind of offering of uncooked foods.

      bakas n a sort of grass.

      bakat 1 L intrans (makat trans) get back, receive (keni, polih H); find, get back something that one has lost; be able, may, obtain (=makatang, kabakatanga); bakat hanu be extremely angered.

      bakat 2 n talent, gift (Mal).

      bakbak intrans (makbak trans) go apart leaving an opening between.

      bakbakang pass be opened (a road, path).

      baki 1 n a tray of wood or woven bamboo.

      baki 2 n failure to menstruate; intrans reach menopause.

      bakicot n a kind of land-snail.

      baksa H intrans bite, chew, masticate (pakpak L).

      bakta intrans (makta trans) carry, bring, take away (haba L).

      baktahan n thing carried.

      baktanida pass were carried by her.

      bakti C n worship (S bhakti-); intrans (mbakti, makti trans) honor, worship, respect, praise (God); bakti ring be respectful towards.

      baktimarga n the religious life of surrender to God; adj pious, righteous.

      baktinin imp worship, serve (God) (see mabakti, ngabakti).

      bakuh 1 L adj hard, inflexible (wood); strong, unbending, firmly convinced.

      bakuh 2 intrans (makuh trans) perform a ceremony of installation.

      bakul n a small basket.

      bakung n lily.

      bunga bakungé the lilies.

      bakutis (bekutis) n maggots in cow dung.

      bal n ball (D bal); mahin bal play ball.

      bala K n army, host, troops; subjects; camp. (S bala-); bala di pungkur rearguard.

      balané the army.

      balaning the army of.

      bala déwa n the name of the 25th week of the Balinese year of 210 days.

      baläbala (NBali) n reel, spool.

      baläbretya n peoples, hosts.

      balätani n battalion, troop, army.

      balabar (=belabar) n flood, inundation.

      balah 1 n clod, lump of earth.

      balah 2 n a side dish, eaten with rice.

      balan n the weal raised by a blow with a thin stick or lash; intrans (malan trans) lash, whip, thrash.

      balang n grasshopper, locust.

      pan balang tamak ‘Mr Greedy Locust,’ the name of the shrewd peasant hero of folktales.

      balap n race, contest in running; intrans race, run races.

      balapa pass be overtaken in a race.

      balap-an n a shoal of fish floating on the surface of the sea.

      balé n a platform, raised on pillars, with a thatched roof, and walls on one or two sides; most houses have more than one of these in the complex, and the life of the family is lived on them, though the parents and the young children do not sleep on them but in a walled house. There are also balés in temples and in public places in villages.

      baléné the balé; there are many sizes and shapes, and they are often reserved for particular uses.

      balé bandung a balé in a temple, with twelve pillars below and decorated posts above.

      balé banjar the meeting place of the sub-community called banjar (see banjar), which builds and maintains it.

      balé buga in the Bali Haga village of Tenganan, the home of the girls’ society during the period of initiation.

      balé gedé the big balé in the complex where visitors are entertained and meetings held.

      balé gong the balés in temple complexes where the gagambelans play music for religious ceremonies

      balé hagung a big balé in the village temple