Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

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Название Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary
Автор произведения Norbert Shadeg
Жанр Книги о Путешествиях
Издательство Книги о Путешествиях
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781462910786

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meetings are held.

      balé mundak a six-pillared balé in a temple court.

      balé pamahyasan the place where dancers dress for ceremonies in the inmost court of a temple.

      balé pamujan the balé where the padandas perform their rites in a temple.

      balé panggung a specially high balé, like a tower.

      balé sakenemé a balé with six pairs of pillars, in a house-complex (sakenem with six), where most social activities take place (hence maheneman intrans chat, converse).

      balé sari a balé of nine pillars in a temple court.

      balébaléyan n a small model in the shape of a balé (this word-formation is frequent: reduplicated root + -an, indicating that the thing in question is a sham, an imitation of the thing named by the root).

      baled 1 n a firefly that can give a painful sting.

      baled-an n the stinging of this firefly.

      baled 2 n a current of white water spreading out amongst blue water.

      baleman n a fire, smoldering embers of wood, etc.; baleman sambuk embers of burning coconut husks.

      balenggu (=blenggu) n irons for the feet, fetters.

      ma-blenggu intrans be fettered.

      balér-an H compar more towards the north/south (see kalér H, kaja L).

      bales 1 n reward, recompense, desserts; intrans reward, repay, retaliate; respond, reply (to a letter) (=wales); bales budi gratitude.

      bales 2 L adj violent; heavy (rain).

      bales-an compar more violent, heavier (male-sang trans).

      balét n ballet (D); higel balét ballet dancing.

      baletek adj thick and short (body), stocky.

      bali 1 n Bali; adj Balinese.

      basa bali Balinese language.

      cara bali in the Balinese way.

      nusa bali, tanah bali island, land of Bali.

      bali 2 intrans make offerings, sacrifice.

      balinin pass was offered.

      baliyan n shaman, healer, Balinese medical practitioner; baliyan getih n surgeon; baliyan jaran n horse-doctor; baliyan ketakson n a shaman who goes into trance (taksu a benevolent spirit); baliyan manak (=baliyan manakan) n midwife; baliyan ngéngngéngan n a shaman who uses formulae of healing (mantras); baliyan siksik n a shaman who goes into trance; baliyan tenung n one who uses letters (sastra); baliyan wisada n a lettered shaman.

      bali 3 K adj very mighty, strong, able; n a hero.

      bali 4 K n a kind of cricket (insect).

      balih 1 L intrans (malih trans) look at, watch, inspect (tonton H).

      balihbalihan n spectacle, performance to be watched.

      balihin imp look at it!

      ma-balih L intrans be a spectator (nonton H).

      balih 2 intrans (malih trans) try, test, try on.

      balihin imp try it!

      balihina pass was tried by him.

      balik pass be wrong way round, be reversed, (come) from the opposite side, plough (a field) over (malik trans).

      balikan n returning; bwin habalikan ‘again one return’ (=in a future incarnation); adv (Raf) except, otherwise, nevertheless.

      balikin pass seek to return.

      balik sumpah n a ceremony to remove a curse (which returns to the one who placed the curse).

      balolot adj pitch black.

      balon n balloon (D).

      balon listrik electric light bulb.

      balong 1 n a tiny bat (animal).

      balong 2 n a weed that spoils rice.

      balongan n flying-fish.

      balongsong n a metal cover (not a lid).

      balu 1 L n (=balung) (rangda, randa H) widow, widower; adj widowed.

      balu bunter, balu putung widow(er) without children.

      balu ma-kabun widow left with daughters.

      balu ma-karang widow left with sons.

      balu mwani widower.

      balu remban widow(er) with many children.

      balu 2 n a bet on a cockfight (win or draw).

      balulang 1 n skin of an animal, leather.

      balulang mangap n herald, a king’s messenger.

      ha-balulang adj very many (as many as will go on a hide).

      balulang 2 n a kind of grass.

      baluluk n a species of fruit.

      balumbang n a hole in the earth, den, cave, mineshaft.

      balung 1 (=balu) n widow, widower.

      balung 2 n a large bone, a fishbone, a skeleton.

      balung hurip n a dressed skin with horns, tail, etc. left on it.

      balung pipi n the funny-bone in the elbow.

      balungbung n quiver for arrows.

      balungbung mas n a quiver of gold.

      balungking (=blungking) n a young melon, eaten as a vegetable.

      balur n lump, piece (of meat, fruit).

      balut n dim sight; intrans: see only dimly.

      baluwan n chameleon.

      bama n a kind of timber.

      bama déwa n Siwa.

      bambang L n (=song, bolong) hole, aperture (bangbang H).

      ban 1 n tire, band, ribbon (D band).

      ban 2 (=bän) (contr of bahan) intrans get, find, obtain (hantuk H); prep by (agent), in regard to, about; conj but.

      bana pass be done; aux vb (see bahan 4).

      bané, banné conj but; prep because of, through.

      banah 1 n a kind of yam.

      banah 2 n the umbilical cord of a baby.

      banas n a species of demon.

      banaspati n the lord of these demons.

      banat (=bagus) adj beautiful, nice, kind.

      banban 1 n a species of large sea fish.

      banban 2 intrans be played softly (music).

      banban 3 (=katugtugan) intrans have been attained (an end), fulfilled (a hope).

      bancana n danger, disaster (mancana trans).

      bancang 1 L adj (=bangkiang) middle (madya H); n waist, loins.

      bancang 2 intrans (mancang trans) disappoint.

      bancel intrans not run smoothly, stick, be clogged, jammed.

      banci n vegetable soup, with young coconut and spices.

      bancih n hermaphrodite.

      bancingah n an open space in front of a temple; the first courtyard of a palace, in which the king shows himself to his subjects.

      bancut intrans (mancut trans) draw, pull, lift up, take away.

      banda C n string, tie, bond (S bandha-); intrans bind a prisoner, tie up.

      bandanin pass be an artiste in dance and music.

      bandah n row, series, rank; intrans arrange in a row (mandah trans).

      bandahang pass be put in a row.