Название | Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary |
Автор произведения | Norbert Shadeg |
Жанр | Книги о Путешествиях |
Серия | |
Издательство | Книги о Путешествиях |
Год выпуска | 0 |
isbn | 9781462910786 |
hancabang pass be made to jump.
hancabhancab intrans go up and down, walk up and down.
hancaghancag adv suddenly.
hancak 1 n fence, trellis, grille (mancak intrans =ma-hancak).
hancakhancak n the loosely-woven bottom of a basket (of bamboo); a loosely woven fence.
hancak saji n a wooden or stone trellis in front of palace or temple.
hancak 2 n the bodhi tree.
hancang 1 n sharp sticks of bamboo stuck in the top of a wall to deter climbers; rib of palm leaf.
hancang 2 (=hancangan) n overseer, one appointed to do a task; temporary substitute (man); waiter, shop assistant.
hancangin pass be waited on, served.
hancap n the tip of sth (ngancap trans).
hancapin pass have the tip cut off, be reduced.
hancar 1 n upas tree, poison tree.
hancarhancar n one who uses poisoned darts in a blowpipe.
hancar 2 adj continual, uninterrupted.
hancar 3 intrans (ngancar trans) leap, jump.
hancat intrans roast, toast.
hanceng 1 n a wooden peg, used to keep a larger thing in place; a pole; intrans (nganceng trans) peg support on a pole; give a cash advance.
hanceng-in M pass be given a deposit on goods bought but not paid for; be given a cash advance; be pegged, supported.
hanceng wirama n the baton of the conductor of an orchestra.
hanceng 2 n a précis, a note, a documentary proof; a blot.
haksara hanceng n the elaborate sign, based on nga, used in the titles of books or at the end of stanzas.
hancenghanceng n limit, boundary.
hancer n limit, boundary; intrans limit, bound.
hancerhancer n boundary, mark, sign.
hanceruk n a grub in the arén tree.
hanci n lipstick (nganci trans).
hancinin pass be reddened (lips).
hancih intrans be undecided as to one’s view.
hancihhancih intrans be very undecided.
hancit intrans (ngancit trans) draw, pull.
hancitang pass be drawn for someone.
hanco intrans (nganco trans) catch with a scoop net; n a small scoop net.
hancona pass be caught with a scoop net.
hancog intrans (ngancog trans) leap, jump, hop.
hancoghancog intrans hop about, jump about.
hancol intrans (ngancol trans) stick out the penis.
hancolang pass be stuck out continually.
hancolhancol intrans stick out a long way.
hancor n glue.
hancrag adv suddenly (=hancag).
hancrog intrans hop, leap (=hancog).
hancruk n a grub in the arén-tree (=hanceruk).
hancuk intrans (nganyuk trans) poke, prod, prick; esp break fruit off trees from below with a spear or a stick.
hancukang pass be broken off (fruit).
hancung intrans (ngancung trans) set alight, set fire to.
hancungang pass be set on fire.
hancungin pass be deliberately fired, set alight by someone.
hancunghancung intrans travel alone, walk alone.
hancunghancungin pass (Raf) be stuffed into a hole.
hancur n glue (=hancor) (ngancur trans).
hancut n an isolated, faraway, solitary place (ngancut trans).
hanjähanja 1 n a ghost that walks on its head and hands; a term of abuse.
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