Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

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Название Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary
Автор произведения Norbert Shadeg
Жанр Книги о Путешествиях
Издательство Книги о Путешествиях
Год выпуска 0
isbn 9781462910786

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      Suku is attached to the right-hand side of the foot of its consonant and is normally written as in the previous section, but is written very small below a conjunct consonant written beneath another consonant:

      Conjunct r, w, and y

      When conjunct r, w, and y are added to a conjunct consonant below another consonant, they are altered; r is put round the group and its right limb is continued up to the top of the letters; w and y are made much smaller:

      With conjunct r and y, short and long u (suku) have a different shape:


      Signs which indicate a consonant that ends a syllable (panganggé tengenan):

      h bisah, wisah, wisarga

      ng cekcek, cecek (see nga for the occasions when it is used)

      r surang

       tengenan, hadeg-hadeg (indicates that the haksara has no vowel)

      ng hulu candra (used only in religious contexts, only over o or m; the learned pronounce o with this sign as om)


      Also called pada, pemada (Jav), or palälingga.

      carik carik, hadeg-hadeg (please see paragraph five of the section on Balinese writing)

      used before direct speech, after a noun or verb which indicates that someone is speaking

      papanten (indicates the beginning of a prose paragraph or chapter)

      haksara swalita, modré (used at the beginning of a work, especially a poem, and at the end of every stanza of a poem)

      matan titiran hapit carik, pasalinan gaguritan (used at the end of a chapter or prose or the end of a poem; it may be used at the beginning of a poem)

      A device like this may stand on either side of a title of a work; it is also used on either side of the Sanskrit formula with which a piece of writing begins om awighnam astu ‘God, may it be without harm.’


      Numerals (hangka) are Indian numerals, used exactly the same way Arabic numerals are used


      When the numerals indicate a serial order they have written before and after them.


      a the most frequent Balinese vowel; at the beginning of words it is usually written ha- but in some names, and in S words the symbol for the initial vowel (called akara S) is used (other names: a gora, a wayah).

      a- the S negative prefix, also frequently written ha-.

      -a (=-an, -ang, -in) a suffix referring to the 3ps (sing or pl); it may be (1) the direct object of a trans vb: ngaliha ‘they sought him’ (2) the genitive of the pron: bwahha ‘its fruit’ (3) the suffix indicating the agent of a pass vb: bahana ‘was done, by him.’ -a originally began with h, and is sometimes so written: huningha ‘know it,’ or the h is assimilated to the final consonant of the root, which is then written twice.

      abhara logawa n (=haralagawa) moderation in food, drink, and the use of time.

      adi n (=hadi) younger sister, wife. minakadinyane used (them) as his wives.

      agama n (=gama, hagama) religion, religious law.

      ageng H adj (=agung, hagung) great, large, high (rank).

      agung L adj great, large, high (rank).

      a gora n the name of the letter a when used as an abbr of the five letters sa, ba, ta, a, i, which stand for Siwa.

      ahimsa, ahingsa n abstention from violence (S ahimsa-).

      akara n the name of the letter, and sound a (S).

      akrodha n the religious duty of keeping one's temper (S).

      aku L ps pron I (Jav haku).

      alas duwine ‘the place of the bush (the desert-thor),’ from the story of Moses and the burning bush (Lk).

      alengka n Sri Lanka, Ceylon (S Lanka-, in the Ramayana).

      aljabar n algebra (Arab).

      -an a suffix (originally -han) forming (1) abstract or collective nouns (2) modified adjectives, comparative or intensified (3) some types of verbs.

      anu (=hanu) in hi hanu L, sang hanu H pron an unspecified person, so-and-so; adj ‘a certain’: dina hanu a certain day.

      anugraha n gift, present (S).

      -ang a suffix (originally -hang) added to verbs, making them causative; making denominative verbs from nouns and adjectives (-yang H after a vowel).

      angsoka (hangsoka) n a species of tree valued for its flowers.

      aparamada n careful performance of religious duties and study (S).

      apotik n chemist’s shop (D apoteek).

      arca C n the image, or the golden ornaments, of a god.

      are n a measure of land (D, Fr), 100 square meters.

      arja n properly a dramatic performance, but often only a dance.

      artha n mind.

      astenya n honesty, not stealing or cheating (S).

      atawa K conj (=utawa) or.

      atma n soul, spirit (S atmd-). atmanné his soul.
