John Wiley & Sons Limited

Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited

    The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity Management

    Andrew Hiles

    With a pedigree going back over ten years, The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity Management can rightly claim to be a classic guide to business risk management and contingency planning, with a style that makes it accessible to all business managers. Some of the original underlying principles remain the same – but much has changed. This is reflected in this radically updated third edition, with exciting and helpful new content from new and innovative contributors and new case studies bringing the book right up to the minute. This book combines over 500 years of experience from leading Business Continuity experts of many countries. It is presented in an easy-to-follow format, explaining in detail the core BC activities incorporated in BS 25999, Business Continuity Guidelines, BS 25777 IT Disaster Recovery and other standards and in the body of knowledge common to the key business continuity institutes. Contributors from America, Asia Pacific, Europe, China, India and the Middle East provide a truly global perspective, bringing their own insights and approaches to the subject, sharing best practice from the four corners of the world. We explore and summarize the latest legislation, guidelines and standards impacting BC planning and management and explain their impact. The structured format, with many revealing case studies, examples and checklists, provides a clear roadmap, simplifying and de-mystifying business continuity processes for those new to its disciplines and providing a benchmark of current best practice for those more experienced practitioners. This book makes a massive contribution to the knowledge base of BC and risk management. It is essential reading for all business continuity, risk managers and auditors: none should be without it.

    Biological Chemistry of Arsenic, Antimony and Bismuth

    Hongzhe Sun

    Arsenic, antimony and bismuth, three related elements of group 15, are all found in trace quantities in nature and have interesting biological properties and uses. While arsenic is most well known as a poison – and indeed the contamination of groundwater by arsenic is becoming a major health problem in Asia – it also has uses for the treatment of blood cancer and has long been used in traditional chinese medicine. Antimony and bismuth compounds are used in the clinic for the treatment of parasitic and bacterial infections. Biological Chemistry of Arsenic, Antimony and Bismuth is an essential overview of the biological chemistry of these three elements, with contributions from an international panel of experts. Topics covered include: chemistry of As, Sb and Bi biological chemistry of arsenic biological chemistry of Sb and Bi arsenic and antimony speciation in environmental and biological samples arsenic in traditional chinese medicine arsenic in aquifers biomethylation of As, Sb and Bi uptake of metalloids by cells bismuth complexes of porphyrins and their potential in medical applications Helicobacter pylori and bismuth metabolism of arsenic trioxide in blood of the acute promyelocytic leukemia patients anticancer properties of As, Sb and Bi radio-Bi in cancer therapy genotoxicity of As, Sb and Bi metallomics as a new technique for As, Sb and Bi metalloproteomics for As, Sb and Bi Biological Chemistry of Arsenic, Antimony and Bismuth conveys the essential aspects of the bioinorganic chemistry of these three elements, making this book a valuable complement to more general bioinorganic chemistry texts and more specialized topical reviews. It will find a place on the bookshelves of practitioners, researchers and students working in bioinorganic chemistry and medicinal chemistry.

    Creative Accounting, Fraud and International Accounting Scandals

    Michael Jones J.

    Business scandals are always with us from the South Sea Bubble to Enron and Parmalat. As accounting forms a central element of any business success or failure, the role of accounting is crucial in understanding business scandals. This book aims to explore the role of accounting, particularly creative accounting and fraud, in business scandals. The book is divided into three parts. In Part A the background and context of creative accounting and fraud is explored. Part B looks at a series of international accounting scandals and Part C draws some themes and implications from the country studies.

    Nursing Care in Pediatric Respiratory Disease

    Concettina Tolomeo

    Pediatric respiratory disorders are responsible for a number of acute and chronic health conditions and are a leading cause of pediatric emergency room visits and hospitalizations. More than ever, nurses and nurse practitioners must have an understanding of the anatomy, pathophysiology, diagnosis and state of the art treatments in pediatric respiratory disease as they are often the first to come in contact with and recognize respiratory problems in children. Nursing Care in Pediatric Respiratory Disease seeks to provide both nurses and nurse practitioners with this information in order to aid them in the diagnosis and treatment of children suffering from acute and chronic respiratory disorders. Nursing Care in Pediatric Respiratory Disease opens with an overview of the anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system, best practices for assessing respiratory symptoms in children, and common respiratory therapies and treatment methods. It then proceeds through an examination of varying acute and chronic upper and lower respiratory diseases spanning from asthma and cystic fibrosis to vocal cord paralysis and sinusitis in both hospital and ambulatory settings. Nursing Care in Pediatric Respiratory Disease provides nurses and other health care providers with a comprehensive and practical resource which allows them to collaborate and advocate more effectively, as well as educate both the family and child in management of respiratory disorders.

    Guidelines for Process Safety in Bioprocess Manufacturing Facilities

    CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety)

    This book helps advance process safety in a key area of interest. Currently, no literature exists which is solely dedicated to process safety for the bioprocessing industry. There are texts, guidelines, and standards on biosafety at the laboratory level and for industrial hygiene, but no guidelines for large-scale production facilities. In fact, biosafety is largely defined as a field that promotes safe laboratory practices, procedures and use of containment equipment and facilities. Additionally, biomedical engineers, biologists, or other professionals without chemical engineering training or knowledge of inherently safe design are designing many of these facilities.

    Microstrip Filters for RF / Microwave Applications

    Jia-Sheng Hong

    The first edition of “Microstrip Filters for RF/Microwave Applications” was published in 2001. Over the years the book has been well received and is used extensively in both academia and industry by microwave researchers and engineers. From its inception as a manuscript the book is almost 8 years old. While the fundamentals of filter circuits have not changed, further innovations in filter realizations and other applications have occurred with changes in the technology and use of new fabrication processes, such as the recent advances in RF MEMS and ferroelectric films for tunable filters; the use of liquid crystal polymer (LCP) substrates for multilayer circuits, as well as the new filters for dual-band, multi-band and ultra wideband (UWB) applications. Although the microstrip filter remains as the main transmission line medium for these new developments, there has been a new trend of using combined planar transmission line structures such as co-planar waveguide (CPW) and slotted ground structures for novel physical implementations beyond the single layer in order to achieve filter miniaturization and better performance. Also, over the years, practitioners have suggested topics that should be added for completeness, or deleted in some cases, as they were not very useful in practice. In view of the above, the authors are proposing a revised version of the “Microstrip Filters for RF/Microwave Applications” text and a slightly changed book title of “Planar Filters for RF/Microwave Applications” to reflect the aforementioned trends in the revised book.

    Continuous Monitoring for Hazardous Material Releases

    CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety)

    Whether occurring accidentally or through acts of terrorism, catastrophic chemical releases must be identified early in order to mitigate their consequences. Continuous sensor monitoring can detect catastrophic chemical releases early enough to curb extreme amounts of damage. In several notable instances, such monitors have not been used appropriately, or have fallen short of what they should have been capable of delivering. This book provides the technical background and guidance needed to get the most from this emerging technique and details the essentials of preparing any workplace from falling victim to a gas-leak catastrophe.

    Advances in Enzymology and Related Areas of Molecular Biology

    Eric Toone J.

    This book covers important advances in enzymology, explaining the behavior of enzymes and how they can be utilized to develop novel drugs, synthesize known and novel compounds, and understand evolutionary processes.

    Positioning for Architecture and Design Firms

    Jack Reigle

    An essential guide for a firm of any size to effectively position itself in the marketplace For an architecture or design firm to survive and prosper in the new economy, it needs to redefine and reinvigorate its position in the marketplace. With dozens of how-to cases, examples, and guidelines, Positioning for Architecture and Design Firms provides the entire menu of tools, plus the inspiration needed, for making the changes required to stay competitive in the design world. Offering strategies for leveraging a firm's strongest assets into the formulation of a successful long-term plan, this book breaks with tradition to introduce the latest concepts specifically developed for building future business opportunities in an unstable economic landscape marked by shifts in competition, technology, and client expectations. With a wealth of information targeting the subject of positioning, readers will learn: Why the aftershocks of the Great Recession are likely to linger, and what you can do about it in relation to your firm's success How the coming generational shift will change the design business What positioning is, and how it needs to be developed to support and implement your strategic vision How your firm can establish a robust identity and operating model The importance of your firm's essential purpose How to turn your marketing department into a true marketing system, transforming it from production mode into an integrated positioning machine Why it is important to engage in advanced research and open innovation initiatives Addressing issues of firm identity, including an understanding of how to create the market positioning desired, Positioning for Architecture and Design Firms shows how a design firm—large or small, new or well established—can position itself to gain greater control over its destiny, and reach loftier levels of achievement. Learn about firm types, and match the right type to a firm's goals Develop and maintain a firm's identity in the marketplace Discover how organizational design and marketing support a chosen firm type

    A Primer on Experiments with Mixtures

    John Cornell A.

    The concise yet authoritative presentation of key techniques for basic mixtures experiments Inspired by the author's bestselling advanced book on the topic, A Primer on Experiments with Mixtures provides an introductory presentation of the key principles behind experimenting with mixtures. Outlining useful techniques through an applied approach with examples from real research situations, the book supplies a comprehensive discussion of how to design and set up basic mixture experiments, then analyze the data and draw inferences from results. Drawing from his extensive experience teaching the topic at various levels, the author presents the mixture experiments in an easy-to-follow manner that is void of unnecessary formulas and theory. Succinct presentations explore key methods and techniques for carrying out basic mixture experiments, including: Designs and models for exploring the entire simplex factor space, with coverage of simplex-lattice and simplex-centroid designs, canonical polynomials, the plotting of individual residuals, and axial designs Multiple constraints on the component proportions in the form of lower and/or upper bounds, introducing L-Pseudocomponents, multicomponent constraints, and multiple lattice designs for major and minor component classifications Techniques for analyzing mixture data such as model reduction and screening components, as well as additional topics such as measuring the leverage of certain design points Models containing ratios of the components, Cox's mixture polynomials, and the fitting of a slack variable model A review of least squares and the analysis of variance for fitting data Each chapter concludes with a summary and appendices with details on the technical aspects of the material. Throughout the book, exercise sets with selected answers allow readers to test their comprehension of the material, and References and Recommended Reading sections outline further resources for study of the presented topics. A Primer on Experiments with Mixtures is an excellent book for one-semester courses on mixture designs and can also serve as a supplement for design of experiments courses at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels. It is also a suitable reference for practitioners and researchers who have an interest in experiments with mixtures and would like to learn more about the related mixture designs and models.