Aquaculture has become of the fastest growing segments of agriculture around the world, but until recently many people have been unaware of its existence. The practice of raising fish is centuries old with a rich history of techniques and scientific advances. The History of Aquaculture traces the development of fish farming from its ancient roots to the technologically advanced methods of today. The History of Aquaculture is a comprehensive history of captive fish production from its small scale prehistoric roots through to the large-scale industrialized practices of today. Thirteen chapters take readers chronologically through the evolution of this important discipline. Chapters cover key periods of advancement and trace changes in the field from subsistence fish farming in the Middle Ages through the efforts to build global capacity for fish production to meet the needs of the world's ever growing population. Informative and engaging, The History of Aquaculture will broadly appeal to aquaculture scientists, researchers, professionals, and students. Special Features: Comprehensive history of advances in aquaculture production from prehistoric origins to industrialized practices Written by a revered scientists with decades of experience working in the aquaculture field Engaging and informative it will broadly appeal to individuals involved in all facets of aquaculture
The book is composed of 12 chapters and three appendices, and can be divided into four parts. The first part includes Chapters 2 to 7, which discuss the concepts, models, methods and data in probabilistic transmission planning. The second part, Chapters 8 to 11, addresses four essential issues in probabilistic transmission planning applications using actual utility systems as examples. Chapter 12, as the third part, focuses on a special issue, i.e. how to deal with uncertainty of data in probabilistic transmission planning. The fourth part consists of three appendices, which provide the basic knowledge in mathematics for probabilistic planning.
There is a software gap between the hardware potential and the performance that can be attained using today's software parallel program development tools. The tools need manual intervention by the programmer to parallelize the code. Programming a parallel computer requires closely studying the target algorithm or application, more so than in the traditional sequential programming we have all learned. The programmer must be aware of the communication and data dependencies of the algorithm or application. This book provides the techniques to explore the possible ways to program a parallel computer for a given application.
This book provides a comprehensive account of fiber-optic communication systems. The 3rd edition of this book is used worldwide as a textbook in many universities. This 4th edition incorporates recent advances that have occurred, in particular two new chapters. One deals with the advanced modulation formats (such as DPSK, QPSK, and QAM) that are increasingly being used for improving spectral efficiency of WDM lightwave systems. The second chapter focuses on new techniques such as all-optical regeneration that are under development and likely to be used in future communication systems. All other chapters are updated, as well.
A very broad range of professionals are using immunoassay technology daily to analyze genetically engineered (GE) crops and related areas, and many of these professionals are completely new to this technology. There is a great need for users to have a book containing technical and practical guidance, and describing limitations and pitfalls of applying immunoassay in agricultural biotechnology. This book focuses on the application of immunoassays to GE plants and related areas. A group of international experts from government agencies, academics and industries, who have many years of related experience, contribute high quality chapters in their areas of expertise. This book covers topics including principles of immunoassay, antibody engineering in AgBiotech, current technologies (formats, kit development, manufacturing and quality control), method validation, applications in trait discovery and product development, applications in grain products and food processing, applications in environmental monitoring, automation and high throughput, reference materials, data interpretation and source of error, and future perspectives and challenges. In addition, to meet the practical needs for a variety of readers from different backgrounds, methods and protocols are included as well.
This volume, like those prior to it, features chapters by experts in various fields of computational chemistry. Volume 27 covers brittle fracture, molecular detailed simulations of lipid bilayers, semiclassical bohmian dynamics, dissipative particle dynamics, trajectory-based rare event simulations, and understanding metal/metal electrical contact conductance from the atomic to continuum scales. Also included is a chapter on career opportunities in computational chemistry and an appendix listing the e-mail addresses of more than 2500 people in that discipline. FROM REVIEWS OF THE SERIES «Reviews in Computational Chemistry remains the most valuable reference to methods and techniques in computational chemistry.» —JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR GRAPHICS AND MODELLING «One cannot generally do better than to try to find an appropriate article in the highly successful Reviews in Computational Chemistry. The basic philosophy of the editors seems to be to help the authors produce chapters that are complete, accurate, clear, and accessible to experimentalists (in particular) and other nonspecialists (in general).» —JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY
This book serves as a reference for engineers, scientists, and students concerned with the use of materials in applications where reliability and resistance to corrosion are important. It updates the coverage of its predecessor, including coverage of: corrosion rates of steel in major river systems and atmospheric corrosion rates, the corrosion behavior of materials such as weathering steels and newer stainless alloys, and the corrosion behavior and engineering approaches to corrosion control for nonmetallic materials. New chapters include: high-temperature oxidation of metals and alloys, nanomaterials, and dental materials, anodic protection. Also featured are chapters dealing with standards for corrosion testing, microbiological corrosion, and electrochemical noise.
Horticultural Reviews presents state-of-the-art reviews on topics in horticultural science and technology covering both basic and applied research. Topics covered include the horticulture of fruits, vegetables, nut crops, and ornamentals. These review articles, written by world authorities, bridge the gap between the specialized researcher and the broader community of horticultural scientists and teachers.
A comprehensive reference of cutting-edge advanced techniques for quantitative image processing and analysis Medical diagnostics and intervention, and biomedical research rely progressively on imaging techniques, namely, the ability to capture, store, analyze, and display images at the organ, tissue, cellular, and molecular level. These tasks are supported by increasingly powerful computer methods to process and analyze images. This text serves as an authoritative resource and self-study guide explaining sophisticated techniques of quantitative image analysis, with a focus on biomedical applications. It offers both theory and practical examples for immediate application of the topics as well as for in-depth study. Advanced Biomedical Image Analysis presents methods in the four major areas of image processing: image enhancement and restoration, image segmentation, image quantification and classification, and image visualization. In each instance, the theory, mathematical foundation, and basic description of an image processing operator is provided, as well as a discussion of performance features, advantages, and limitations. Key algorithms are provided in pseudo-code to help with implementation, and biomedical examples are included in each chapter. Image registration, storage, transport, and compression are also covered, and there is a review of image analysis and visualization software. The accompanying live DVD contains a selection of image analysis software, and it provides most of the algorithms from the book so readers can immediately put their new knowledge to use. Members of the academic community involved in image-related research as well as members of the professional R&D sector will rely on this volume. It is also well suited as a textbook for graduate-level image processing classes in the computer science and engineering fields.
The ultimate guide for bank management: how to survive and thrive throughout the business cycle An essential guide for bankers and students of finance everywhere, The Principles of Banking reiterates that the primary requirement of banking—sound capital and liquidity risk management—had been forgotten in the years prior to the financial crash. Serving as a policy guide for market practitioners and regulators at all levels, the book explains the keys to success that bankers need to follow during good times in order to be prepared for the bad, providing in-depth guidance and technical analysis of exactly what constitutes good banking practice. Accessible to professionals and students alike, The Principles of Banking covers issues of practical importance to bank practitioners, including asset-liability management, liquidity risk, internal transfer pricing, capital management, stress testing, and more. With an emphasis on viewing business cycles as patterns of stable and stressful market behavior, and rich with worked examples illustrating the key principles of bank asset-liability management, the book is an essential policy guide for today and tomorrow. It also offers readers access to an accompanying website holding policy templates and teaching aids. Illustrates how unsound banking practices that were evident in previous bank crashes were repeated during the creation of the 2007-2008 financial market crisis Provides a template that can be used to create a sound liquidity and asset-liability management framework at any bank An essential resource for the international banking community as it seeks to re-establish its credibility, as well as for students of finance Explains the original principles of banking, including sound lending policy and liquidity management, and why these need to be restated in order to avoid another bank crisis at the time of the next economic recession Covers topics of particular importance to students and academia, many of which are marginally—if ever—addressed in current text books on finance Offers readers access to a companion website featuring invaluable learning and teaching aids Written by a banking practitioner with extensive professional and teaching experience in the field, The Principles of Banking explains exactly how to get back to basics in risk management in the banking community, essential if we are to maintain a sustainable banking industry. “engaging and interesting and, more importantly, easily understood, allowing a clear picture to emerge of how the principle or concept under discussion is to be applied in the real world.” – Graeme Wolvaardt, Head of Market & Liquidity Risk Control, Europe Arab Bank Plc