A practical guide to the maintenance and repair of old and historic buildings Carrying out work in accordance with the U.S. Secretary of the Interior's standards and guidelines can be a challenge for professionals charged with the preservation, restoration, and care of historic properties. This book-with-CD package facilitates the process with more than 400 field guidelines for the treatment of historic building structures, systems, and materials. It includes: Background and rationale for treatment Annotated standards and guidelines Step-by-step treatment instructions Information on energy conservation and meeting LEED and ADA requirements The treatment guidelines cover a wide range of issues, from how to replace broken glass in wood and metal windows to preparing historic mortar. Each guideline can be printed out individually from the accompanying CD for easy reference and on-site use. Well organized and easy to use, Maintaining and Repairing Old and Historic Buildings is a valuable resource for architects, engineers, facility managers, and related professionals working in the areas of building preservation and restoration.
Today, the silicon feedstock for photovoltaic cells comes from processes which were originally developed for the microelectronic industry. It covers almost 90% of the photovoltaic market, with mass production volume at least one order of magnitude larger than those devoted to microelectronics. However, it is hard to imagine that this kind of feedstock (extremely pure but heavily penalized by its high energy cost) could remain the only source of silicon for a photovoltaic market which is in continuous expansion, and which has a cumulative growth rate in excess of 30% in the last few years. Even though reports suggest that the silicon share will slowly decrease in the next twenty years, finding a way to manufacture a specific solar grade feedstock in large quantities, at a low cost while maintaining the quality needed, still remains a crucial issue. Thin film and quantum confinement-based silicon cells might be a complementary solution. Advanced Silicon Materials for Photovoltaic Applications has been designed to describe the full potentialities of silicon as a multipurpose material and covers: Physical, chemical and structural properties of silicon Production routes including the promise of low cost feedstock for PV applications Defect engineering and the role of impurities and defects Characterization techniques, and advanced analytical techniques for metallic and non-metallic impurities Thin film silicon and thin film solar cells Innovative quantum effects, and 3rd generation solar cells With contributions from internationally recognized authorities, this book gives a comprehensive analysis of the state-of-the-art of process technologies and material properties, essential for anyone interested in the application and development of photovoltaics.
Critical Care Medicine at a Glance is an accessible introduction and revision text for junior clinicians. Fully revised and updated to reflect changes to the content and assessment methods used by medical schools and postgraduate training programmes, this at a Glance provides a user-friendly overview of critical care medicine to encapsulate all that the student needs to know. This new edition of Critical Care Medicine at a Glance: • Is fully revised and updated to increase coverage of a rapidly expanding area of medicine • Provides a simple and straightforward, yet rapid, introduction to the care of the acutely ill • Features new 'Pearls of Wisdom', to aid learning and understanding • Includes an appendix of top nutrition tips from the Royal College of Physicians • Provides increased coverage of neurological emergencies, acute and abdominal emergencies, arrhythmias, imaging and fluid management Critical Care Medicine at a Glance is ideal for medical students, junior doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals expected to acquire the skills and knowledge needed to care for acutely ill patients.
The Chemistry of Food Additives and Preservatives is an up-to-date reference guide on the range of different types of additives (both natural and synthetic) used in the food industry today. It looks at the processes involved in inputting additives and preservatives to foods, and the mechanisms and methods used. The book contains full details about the chemistry of each major class of food additive, showing the reader not just what kind of additives are used and what their functions are, but also how they work and how they can have multiple functionalities. In addition, this book covers numerous new additives currently being introduced, and an explanation of how the quality of these is ascertained and how consumer safety is ensured.
The most up-to-date Visual Basic.NET programming textbook—covering both fundamentals and advanced-level programming techniques—complete with examples and solutions Visual Basic.NET (VB.NET) is an object-oriented computer programming language that can be viewed as an evolution of the classic Visual Basic (VB), which is implemented on the .NET Framework. Microsoft currently supplies two major implementations of Visual Basic: Microsoft Visual Studio (which is commercial software) and Microsoft Visual Studio Express (which is free of charge). Forgoing the large amounts of programming codes found in most database programming books, Practical Database Programming with Visual Basic.NET shows students and professionals both how to develop professional and practical database programs in a Visual Basic.NET environment by using Visual Studio.NET Data Tools and Wizards related to ADO.NET 4.0, and how to apply codes that are auto-generated by solely using Wizards. The fully updated Second Edition: Covers both fundamentals and advanced database programming techniques Introduces three popular database systems with practical examples including MS Access, SQL Server 2008, and Oracle Features more than fifty sample projects with detailed illustrations and explanations to help students understand key techniques and programming technologies Includes downloadable programming codes and exercise questions This book provides undergraduate and graduate students as well as database programmers and software engineers with the necessary tools to handle the database programming issues in the Visual Studio.NET environment.
This book explores chemical bonds, their intrinsic energies, and the corresponding dissociation energies which are relevant in reactivity problems. It offers the first book on conceptual quantum chemistry, a key area for understanding chemical principles and predicting chemical properties. It presents NBO mathematical algorithms embedded in a well-tested and widely used computer program (currently, NBO 5.9). While encouraging a «look under the hood» (Appendix A), this book mainly enables students to gain proficiency in using the NBO program to re-express complex wavefunctions in terms of intuitive chemical concepts and orbital imagery.
The plant hormone ethylene is one of the most important, being one of the first chemicals to be determined as a naturally-occurring growth regulator and influencer of plant development. It was also the first hormone for which significant evidence was found for the presence of receptors. This important new volume in Annual Plant Reviews is broadly divided into three parts. The first part covers the biosynthesis of ethylene and includes chapters on S-adenosylmethionine and the formation and fate of ACC in plant cells. The second part of the volume covers ethylene signaling, including the perception of ethylene by plant cells, CTR proteins, MAP kinases and EIN2 / EIN3. The final part covers the control by ethylene of cell function and development, including seed development, germination, plant growth, cell separation, fruit ripening, senescent processes, and plant-pathogen interactions. The Plant Hormone Ethylene is an extremely valuable addition to Wiley-Blackwell's Annual Plant Reviews. With contributions from many of the world's leading researchers in ethylene, and edited by Professor Michael McManus of Massey University, this volume will be of great use and interest to a wide range of plant scientists, biochemists and chemists. All universities and research establishments where plant sciences, biochemistry, chemistry, life sciences and agriculture are studied and taught should have access to this important volume.
Chairing an academic department comes with a multitude of responsibilities in a wide variety of areas. As a new department chair, you immediately confront many of the basics of academic leadership: managing budgets, supporting faculty, resolving conflict, and facilitating change, to name a few of the topics covered in The Essentials for New Department Chairs, the companion to this booklet. This collection is designed to help you navigate the further intricacies of your role. Bringing together in one place for the first time sound advice and proven strategies from experts in the field, these articles from The Department Chair provide practical tips on such topics as post-tenure review, work-life balance for faculty, fundraising, departmental planning, and preparing your administrative résumé. Every selection contains easily accessible strategies and advice that you can put to use immediately. The range of articles covers the important functions of academic departments, and the authors impart the skills and thinking you need to enhance your leadership capabilities. For brand-new department chairs this booklet will provide you with an overview of the complexities of the chair role. For those chairs with a year or two more experience this booklet will provide direction and guidance as you delve more deeply into your responsibilities. Designed to provide a wealth of strategies in five crucial areas?faculty recruitment and evaluation, faculty mentoring and development, enhancing teaching and building community, departmental initiatives, and chair development and next steps?the expert advice and field-tested techniques presented here offer essential insights into this important chair work. This collection will equip you with lessons to draw from and best practices for leading into the future.
A newly revised edition of the standard reference for the field today—updated with new terms, major discoveries, significant scientists, and illustrations Developmental biology is the study of the mechanisms of development, differentiation, and growth in animals and plants at the molecular, cellular, and genetic levels. The discipline has gained prominence in part due to new interdisciplinary approaches and advances in technology, which have led to the rapid emergence of new concepts and words. The Dictionary of Developmental Biology and Embryology, Second Edition is the first comprehensive reference focused on the field's terms, research, history, and people. This authoritative A-to-Z resource covers classical morphological and cytological terms along with those from modern genetics and molecular biology. Extensively cross-referenced, the Dictionary includes definitions of terms, explanations of concepts, and biographies of historical figures. Comparative aspects are described in order to provide a sense of the evolution of structures, and topics range from fundamental terminology, germ layers, and induction to RNAi, evo-devo, stem cell differentiation, and more. Readers will find such features of embryology and developmental biology as: Vertebrates Invertebrates Plants Developmental genetics Evolutionary developmental biology Molecular developmental biology Medical embryology The author's premium on accessibility allows readers at all levels to enhance their vocabulary in their field and understand terminology beyond their specific focus. Researchers and students in developmental biology, cell biology, developmental genetics, and embryology will find the dictionary to be a vital resource.
The only book to provide a unified view of the interplay between computational number theory and cryptography Computational number theory and modern cryptography are two of the most important and fundamental research fields in information security. In this book, Song Y. Yang combines knowledge of these two critical fields, providing a unified view of the relationships between computational number theory and cryptography. The author takes an innovative approach, presenting mathematical ideas first, thereupon treating cryptography as an immediate application of the mathematical concepts. The book also presents topics from number theory, which are relevant for applications in public-key cryptography, as well as modern topics, such as coding and lattice based cryptography for post-quantum cryptography. The author further covers the current research and applications for common cryptographic algorithms, describing the mathematical problems behind these applications in a manner accessible to computer scientists and engineers. Makes mathematical problems accessible to computer scientists and engineers by showing their immediate application Presents topics from number theory relevant for public-key cryptography applications Covers modern topics such as coding and lattice based cryptography for post-quantum cryptography Starts with the basics, then goes into applications and areas of active research Geared at a global audience; classroom tested in North America, Europe, and Asia Incudes exercises in every chapter Instructor resources available on the book’s Companion Website Computational Number Theory and Modern Cryptography is ideal for graduate and advanced undergraduate students in computer science, communications engineering, cryptography and mathematics. Computer scientists, practicing cryptographers, and other professionals involved in various security schemes will also find this book to be a helpful reference.