John Wiley & Sons Limited

Все книги издательства John Wiley & Sons Limited

    Upstream Industrial Biotechnology, 2 Volume Set

    Michael Flickinger C.

    Biotechnology represents a major area of research focus, and many universities are developing academic programs in the field. This guide to biomanufacturing contains carefully selected articles from Wiley's Encyclopedia of Industrial Biotechnology, Bioprocess, Bioseparation, and Cell Technology as well as new articles (80 in all,) and features the same breadth and quality of coverage and clarity of presentation found in the original. For instructors, advanced students, and those involved in regulatory compliance, this two-volume desk reference offers an accessible and comprehensive resource.

    Organic Materials for Sustainable Civil Engineering

    Yves Mouton

    This book provides an inventory of organic materials and products, the major components of all civil engineering projects, in terms of their scientific and technical background, including the regulations that cover their use and their predicted useful life. Such materials include: bitumen on the roads; geotextiles for retaining walls; membranes for bridges; tunnel and reservoir waterproofing; paint binders to protect metallic and concrete structures or to realize road markings; injection resins; gluing products; concrete admixtures; and composite materials. The presentation is based on a physicochemical approach, which is essential if these products are to be considered as part of sustainable development: as such, those studying or working in these fields will find this an invaluable source of information.

    Reading the European Novel to 1900

    Daniel Schwarz R.

    Offers a close reading of individual texts with attention to their cultural and canonical context Examines the history and evolution of the novel to 1900 and defines each author’s aesthetic, cultural, political, and historical significance Covers essential and frequently taught masterworks up to 1900, including Cervantes’ Don Quixote; Tolstoy’s War and Peace and Anna Karenina; Dostoevsky’s Notes from Underground, Crime and Punishment, and The Brothers Karamazov; Stendhal’s The Red and the Black and The Charterhouse of Parma; Flaubert’s Madame Bovary and Sentimental Education; Balzac’s Pere Goriot; and Zola’s Germinal Written with students and teachers in mind, this book provides accessible and engaging discussions of each novel, along with important pedagogical tools

    Control of Non-conventional Synchronous Motors

    Jean-Paul Louis

    Classical synchronous motors are the most effective device to drive industrial production systems and robots with precision and rapidity. However, numerous applications require efficient controls in non-conventional situations. Firstly, this is the case with synchronous motors supplied by thyristor line-commutated inverters, or with synchronous motors with faults on one or several phases. Secondly, many drive systems use non-conventional motors such as polyphase (more than three phases) synchronous motors, synchronous motors with double excitation, permanent magnet linear synchronous motors, synchronous and switched reluctance motors, stepping motors and piezoelectric motors. This book presents efficient controls to improve the use of these non-conventional motors. Contents 1. Self-controlled Synchronous Motor: Principles of Function and Simplified Control Model, Francis Labrique and François Baudart. 2. Self-controlled Synchronous Motor: Dynamic Model Including the Behavior of Damper Windings and Commutation Overlap, Ernest Matagne. 3. Synchronous Machines in Degraded Mode, Damien Flieller, Ngac Ky Nguyen, Hervé Schwab and Guy Sturtzer. 4. Control of the Double-star Synchronous Machine Supplied by PWM Inverters, Mohamed Fouad Benkhoris. 5. Vectorial Modeling and Control of Multiphase Machines with Non-salient Poles Supplied by an Inverter, Xavier Kestelyn and Éric Semail. 6. Hybrid Excitation Synchronous Machines, Nicolas Patin and Lionel Vido. 7. Advanced Control of the Linear Synchronous Motor, Ghislain Remy and Pierre-Jean Barre. 8. Variable Reluctance Machines: Modeling and Control, Mickael Hilairet, Thierry Lubin and Abdelmounaïm Tounzi. 9. Control of the Stepping Motor, Bruno Robert and Moez Feki . 10. Control of Piezoelectric Actuators, Frédéric Giraud and Betty Lemaire-Semail.

    Western Art and the Wider World

    Paul Wood

    Western Art and the Wider World explores the evolving relationship between the Western canon of art, as it has developed since the Renaissance, and the art and culture of the Islamic world, the Far East, Australasia, Africa and the Americas. Explores the origins, influences, and evolving relationship between the Western canon of art as it has developed since the Renaissance and the art and culture of the Islamic world, the Far East, Australasia, Africa and the Americas Makes the case for ‘world art’ long before the fashion of globalization Charts connections between areas of study in art that long were considered in isolation, such as the Renaissance encounter with the Ottoman Empire, the influence of Japanese art on the 19th-century French avant-garde and of African art on early modernism, as well as debates about the relation of ‘contemporary art’ to the past. Written by a well-known art historian and co-editor of the landmark Art in Theory volumes

    Mathematics for Informatics and Computer Science

    Pierre Audibert

    How many ways do exist to mix different ingredients, how many chances to win a gambling game, how many possible paths going from one place to another in a network ? To this kind of questions Mathematics applied to computer gives a stimulating and exhaustive answer. This text, presented in three parts (Combinatorics, Probability, Graphs) addresses all those who wish to acquire basic or advanced knowledge in combinatorial theories. It is actually also used as a textbook. Basic and advanced theoretical elements are presented through simple applications like the Sudoku game, search engine algorithm and other easy to grasp applications. Through the progression from simple to complex, the teacher acquires knowledge of the state of the art of combinatorial theory. The non conventional simultaneous presentation of algorithms, programs and theory permits a powerful mixture of theory and practice. All in all, the originality of this approach gives a refreshing view on combinatorial theory.

    Transmission Electron Microscopy in Micro-nanoelectronics

    Alain Claverie

    Today, the availability of bright and highly coherent electron sources and sensitive detectors has radically changed the type and quality of the information which can be obtained by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). TEMs are now present in large numbers not only in academia, but also in industrial research centers and fabs. This book presents in a simple and practical way the new quantitative techniques based on TEM which have recently been invented or developed to address most of the main challenging issues scientists and process engineers have to face to develop or optimize semiconductor layers and devices. Several of these techniques are based on electron holography; others take advantage of the possibility of focusing intense beams within nanoprobes. Strain measurements and mappings, dopant activation and segregation, interfacial reactions at the nanoscale, defect identification and specimen preparation by FIB are among the topics presented in this book. After a brief presentation of the underlying theory, each technique is illustrated through examples from the lab or fab.

    Sport in Industrial America, 1850-1920

    Steven Riess A.

    Sport in Industrial America, 1850-1920 presents the second edition of Stephen A. Riess’s well-loved synthesis of the development of sport during one of the most transformational times in the nation’s history. New edition maintains the book’s acclaimed level of research, analysis, and readability Explores topics including urbanization, ethnicity, class, sport in educational institutions, women in sport, and sport’s role in manifesting city, regional, and national pride. Includes an entirely new chapter on the globalization of American sport Includes a new bank of photographs and images. Features a newly revised and updated Bibliographical Essay

    Kirk-Othmer Chemical Technology of Cosmetics


    Educating professionals and students about the chemistry, formulation technology, and related regulatory aspects of cosmetics and perfume Cosmetics and perfume comprise a multibillion-dollar global industry. Kirk-Othmer Chemical Technology of Cosmetics provides authoritative information on the substances and processes involved, including key product groups, ingredients, formulation technology, packaging, and regulatory topics in twenty-two articles. This resource makes sense of a vast group of consumer products designed to improve the health, cleanliness, and physical appearance of the human exterior. It identifies natural and synthetic ingredients and gives details on formulation of the product so that the cosmetic is safe, easy to use, and performs as described. Particular attention is paid to the technologies that have been developed to produce them, including emulsification, stick technology, powder blending, and aerosol technology. Packaging is also addressed, as it must be attractive to the consumer, be environmentally friendly, and keep the product safe as well. Regulatory information reinforces the safety aspect. Based on Wiley's renowned Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, this book presents new and carefully updated articles, and features the same breadth and quality of coverage and clarity of presentation found in the original. This comprehensive guide is a valuable resource for chemists, R&D professionals, dermatologists, patent attorneys, regulatory agencies, and other professionals in the field of personal care products. It is also a must-have reference for students who plan to enter the field.

    Surgical Essentials of Immediate Implant Dentistry

    Jay Beagle R.

    Surgical Essentials of Immediate Implant Dentistry provides a definitive text on this important treatment modality. Assisting readers to make sense of the various clinical techniques and protocols, Beagle discusses the available underlying evidence to provide a practical, comprehensive and navigable aid to attaining a thorough understanding of this complex and highly relevant subject. All aspects of immediate placement of endosseous implants are clearly and scientifically discussed, enabling the reader to survey the entire subject area, fusing clinical guidance with scientific discussion. Surgical Essentials of Immediate Implant Dentistry takes pre-operative risk assessment and indications and contraindications for immediate loading as its logical starting point. It then proceeds to examine the treatment of infected sites, extraction site healing, methods of extraction, surgical protocol, and finishes with a discussion of complications. Surgical Essentials of Immediate Implant Dentistry will find a ready place within libraries of oral and maxillofacial surgeons, periodontists and prosthodontists and will provide all dentists with an interest in implant dentistry with a useful and welcome companion to this expanding area of clinical practice and research.