Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Practice Management Consult, Second Edition has been extensively updated and expanded, with 55 new topics covering subjects such as online technologies, hospice care, mobile practices, compassion fatigue, practice profitability, and more. Carefully formatted using the popular Five-Minute Veterinary Consult style, the book offers fast access to authoritative information on all aspects of practice management. This Second Edition is an essential tool for running a practice, increasing revenue, and managing staff in today’s veterinary practice. Addressing topics ranging from client communication and management to legal issues, financial management, and human resources, the book is an invaluable resource for business management advice applicable to veterinary practice. Sample forms and further resources are now available on a companion website. Veterinarians and practice managers alike will find this book a comprehensive yet user-friendly guide for success in today’s challenging business environment.
A user-oriented approach to management accounting concepts and techniques This thoroughly revised new edition of Management Accounting in Health Care Organizations provides introductory-level instruction and a user-oriented approach to management accounting concepts and techniques that help prepare students for managerial work in health care. The new edition includes information regarding the role of management accounting in health care organizations, the impact of the Affordable Care Act on managerial responsibilities, recent changes in operational budgeting practices—including a focus on «budget drivers,» the importance of managing the revenue cycle, and other factors that have fundamentally altered the use of management accounting in health care organizations over the past several years. Throughout this edition, the author introduces concepts and techniques that will help students identify, analyze, and apply key management accounting principles. The use of practice case studies at the end of each chapter allows students to master the techniques rather than simply memorize them. Assesses the impact of health care's impending fiscal crisis on the management accounting needs of health care organizations Describes the essentials of full-cost accounting, differential-cost accounting, and activity-based accounting, while illustrating their use in health care organizations Explains responsibility accounting and provides guidance on designing a responsibility accounting structure
A straightforward, easy-to-read introduction to the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method Finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) is one of the primary computational electrodynamics modeling techniques available. Since it is a time-domain method, FDTD solutions can cover a wide frequency range with a single simulation run and treat nonlinear material properties in a natural way. Written in a tutorial fashion, starting with the simplest programs and guiding the reader up from one-dimensional to the more complex, three-dimensional programs, this book provides a simple, yet comprehensive introduction to the most widely used method for electromagnetic simulation. This fully updated edition presents many new applications, including the FDTD method being used in the design and analysis of highly resonant radio frequency (RF) coils often used for MRI. Each chapter contains a concise explanation of an essential concept and instruction on its implementation into computer code. Projects that increase in complexity are included, ranging from simulations in free space to propagation in dispersive media. Additionally, the text offers downloadable MATLAB and C programming languages from the book support site ( Simple to read and classroom-tested, Electromagnetic Simulation Using the FDTD Method is a useful reference for practicing engineers as well as undergraduate and graduate engineering students.
Chemistry and Technology of Emulsion Polymerisation 2e provides a practical and intuitive explanation of emulsion polymerization, in combination with both conventional and controlled radical polymerization. For those working in industry, coupling theory with everyday practice can be difficult. By carefully explaining the principles of the reaction, based on well-designed experimental investigation, the book explains how the principles relate to practical application. The second edition of this book includes a new chapter on morphology of latex particles, a rapidly progressing area where modelling the thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of phase separation and morphology has developed into a mature and powerful tool to predict and control morphology of latex particles. Another area that is rapidly progressing is the application of controlled radical polymerisation in emulsion polymerization. Controlled radical polymerisation is used in aiding encapsulation of inorganic particles like pigment particles and clay platelets. These latest developments are included in the second edition.
Illustrates theories and associated mathematical expressions with numerical examples using various methods, leading to exact solutions, more accurate results, and more computationally efficient techniques This book presents the derivations of the equations of motion for all structure foundations using either the continuous model or the discrete model. This mathematical display is a strong feature of the book as it helps to explain in full detail how calculations are reached and interpreted. In addition to the simple 'uniform' and 'straight' beams, the book introduces solution techniques for the complicated ‘non uniform’ beams (including linear or non-linear tapered beams), and curved beams. Most of the beams are analyzed by taking account of the effects of shear deformation and rotary inertia of the beams themselves as well as the eccentricities and mass moments of inertia of the attachments. Demonstrates approaches which dramatically cut CPU times to a fraction of conventional FEM Presents «mode shapes» in addition to natural frequencies, which are critical for designers Gives detailed derivations for continuous and discrete model equations of motions Summarizes the analytical and numerical methods for the natural frequencies, mode shapes, and time histories of straight structures rods shafts Euler beams strings Timoshenko beams membranes/thin plates Conical rods and shafts Tapered beams Curved beams Has applications for students taking courses including vibration mechanics, dynamics of structures, and finite element analyses of structures, the transfer matrix method, and Jacobi method This book is ideal for graduate students in mechanical, civil, marine, aeronautical engineering courses as well as advanced undergraduates with a background in General Physics, Calculus, and Mechanics of Material. The book is also a handy reference for researchers and professional engineers.
State-of-the-science methods, synthetic routes, and strategies to construct aromatic rings The development of new reactions for the synthesis of aromatic compounds is a highly active research area in organic synthesis, providing new functional organic materials, functional reagents, and biologically active compounds. Recently, significant advances in transition-metal-mediated reactions have enabled the efficient and practical construction of new aromatic rings with useful properties and applications. This book draws together and reviews all the latest discoveries and methods in transition-metal-mediated reactions, offering readers promising new routes to design and construct complex aromatic compounds. Integrating metal catalysis with aromatic compound synthesis, Transition-Metal-Mediated Aromatic Ring Construction offers a practical guide to the methods, synthetic routes, and strategies for constructing aromatic compounds. The book's five parts examine: [2+2+2], [2+2+1], and related cycloaddition reactions [4+2], [3+2], and related cycloaddition reactions Electrocyclization reactions Coupling and addition reactions Other important transformations, including methathesis reactions and skeletal rearrangement reactions Edited by Ken Tanaka, an internationally recognized expert in the field of transition-metal catalysis, the book features authors who are leading pioneers and researchers in synthetic reactions. Their contributions reflect a thorough review and analysis of the literature as well as their own firsthand laboratory experience developing new aromatic compounds. All chapters end with a summary and outlook, setting forth new avenues of research and forecasting new discoveries. There are also references at the end of each chapter, guiding readers to important original research reports and reviews. In summary, Transition-Metal-Mediated Aromatic Ring Construction offers synthetic chemists a promising new avenue for the development of important new aromatic compounds with a broad range of applications.
Diploma in Dental Nursing, Level 3 is the new edition of the must-have study companion for trainee dental nurses preparing for the City & Guilds Level 3 Diploma in Dental Nursing (formerly NVQ). The book offers comprehensive support on the units assessed by portfolio – from first aid and health and safety to specific chairside support procedures – as well as the four areas of the course tested by multiple choice questions: infection control, oral health assessment, dental radiography and oral health management. This third edition of an established revision text has been substantially revised and restructured in line with the new qualification and reflects changes in the regulations and legislature affecting dentistry and dental workplaces, all of which have an effect on the daily role and working life of the dental nurse. It will be an invaluable guide for dental nurse trainees, qualified dental nurses and course providers. – Expanded and revised, with extensive coverage of the fifteen Diploma units – In full colour throughout with over 400 illustrations – Companion website with downloadable glossary and MCQs for revision and self-assessment
Economic Theory and the Ancient Mediterranean presents a comprehensive introduction to the application of contemporary economic theory to the ancient societies of the Mediterranean Sea from the period of 5000 BCE to 400 CE. Offers an accessible presentation of modern economic theory and its relationships to ancient societies Presents innovative expositions and applications of economic theory to issues in antiquity not often found in the literature Features insightful discussions of the relevance of contemporary economic models to various situations in antiquity Written for a broad range of scholars of ancient Mediterranean regions, including archaeologists, ancient historians, and philologists
The production of low cost and environmentally friendly high performing carbon materials is crucial for a sustainable future. Sustainable Carbon Materials from Hydrothermal Processes describes a sustainable and alternative technique to produce carbon from biomass in water at low temperatures, a process known as Hydrothermal Carbonization (HTC). Sustainable Carbon Materials from Hydrothermal Processes presents an overview of this new and rapidly developing field, discussing various synthetic approaches, characterization of the final products, and modern fields of application for of sustainable carbon materials. Topics covered include: • Green carbon materials • Porous hydrothermal carbons • HTC for the production of valuable carbon hybrid materials • Functionalization of hydrothermal carbon materials • Characterization of HTC materials • Applications of HTC in modern nanotechnology: Energy storage, electrocatalysis in fuel cells, photocatalysis, gas storage, water purification, sensors, bioapplications • Environmental applications of HTC technology: Biochar production, carbon sequestration, and waste conversion • Scale-up in HTC Sustainable Carbon Materials from Hydrothermal Processes will serve as a comprehensive guide for students and newcomers in the field, as well as providing a valuable source of information for researchers and investors looking for alternative technologies to convert biomass into useful products.
Ant colony optimization is a metaheuristic which has been successfully applied to a wide range of combinatorial optimization problems. The author describes this metaheuristic and studies its efficiency for solving some hard combinatorial problems, with a specific focus on constraint programming. The text is organized into three parts. The first part introduces constraint programming, which provides high level features to declaratively model problems by means of constraints. It describes the main existing approaches for solving constraint satisfaction problems, including complete tree search approaches and metaheuristics, and shows how they can be integrated within constraint programming languages. The second part describes the ant colony optimization metaheuristic and illustrates its capabilities on different constraint satisfaction problems. The third part shows how the ant colony may be integrated within a constraint programming language, thus combining the expressive power of constraint programming languages, to describe problems in a declarative way, and the solving power of ant colony optimization to efficiently solve these problems.