Over the last few years, near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy has rapidly developed into an important and extremely useful method of analysis. In fact, for certain research areas and applications, ranging from material science via chemistry to life sciences, it has become an indispensable tool because this fast and cost-effective type of spectroscopy provides qualitative and quantitative information not available from any other technique. This book offers a balanced overview of the fundamental theory and instrumentation of NIR spectroscopy, introducing the material in a readily comprehensible manner. A considerable part of the text is dedicated to practical applications, including sample preparation and investigations of polymers, textiles, drugs, food and animal feed. However, special topics, such as two-dimensional correlation analysis, are also covered in separate chapters. Written by eight experts in different fields, this book presents an introduction to the current state of developments and is valuable to spectroscopists and to practitioners applying NIR spectroscopy as a daily analytical tool.
Providing an exhaustive review of this topic, Inorganic Mass Spectrometry: Principles and Applications provides details on all aspects of inorganic mass spectrometry, from a historical overview of the topic to the principles and functions of mass separation and ion detection systems. Offering a comprehensive treatment of inorganic mass spectrometry, topics covered include: Recent developments in instrumentation Developing analytical techniques for measurements of trace and ultratrace impurities in different materials This broad textbook in inorganic mass spectrometry, presents the most important mass spectrometric techniques used in all fields of analytical chemistry. By covering recent developments and advances in all fields of inorganic mass spectrometry, this text provides researchers and students with information to answer any questions on this topic as well as providing the basic fundamentals for understanding this potentially complex, but increasingly relevant subject.
This comprehensive overview of biomedical applications of vibrational spectroscopy focuses on methodologies that are most relevant to biodiagnostics. After a few introductory chapters that summarize the current status of the field, the reference covers current spectroscopic applications; new spectroscopic directions; and study design and the analysis of vibrational spectral fingerprints from complex biological and clinical samples . With chapters contributed by leading international experts, Biomedical Vibrational Spectroscopy is a core resource.
NMR Spectroscopy Explained : Simplified Theory, Applications and Examples for Organic Chemistry and Structural Biology provides a fresh, practical guide to NMR for both students and practitioners, in a clearly written and non-mathematical format. It gives the reader an intermediate level theoretical basis for understanding laboratory applications, developing concepts gradually within the context of examples and useful experiments. Introduces students to modern NMR as applied to analysis of organic compounds. Presents material in a clear, conversational style that is appealing to students. Contains comprehensive coverage of how NMR experiments actually work. Combines basic ideas with practical implementation of the spectrometer. Provides an intermediate level theoretical basis for understanding laboratory experiments. Develops concepts gradually within the context of examples and useful experiments. Introduces the product operator formalism after introducing the simpler (but limited) vector model.
For more information on this title, including student exercises, please visit , http://www.people.ex.ac.uk/DAColey/ Energy and Climate Change: Creating a Sustainable Future provides an up-to-date introduction to the subject examining the relationship between energy and our global environment. The book covers the fundamentals of the subject, discussing what energy is, why it is important, as well as the detrimental effect on the environment following our use of energy. Energy is placed at the front of a discussion of geo-systems, living systems, technological development and the global environment, enabling the reader to develop a deeper understanding of magnitudes. Learning is re-enforced, and the relevance of the topic broadened, through the use of several conceptual veins running through the book. One of these is an attempt to demonstrate how systems are related to each other through energy and energy flows. Examples being wind-power, and bio-mass which are really solar power via another route; how the energy used to evaporate sea water must be related to the potential for hydropower; and where a volcano’s energy really comes from. With fermi-like problems and student exercises incorporated throughout every chapter, this text provides the perfect companion to the growing number of students taking an interest in the subject.
The first book to cover this innovative topic provides readers with the laws and products applied in modern-day packaging technology before using numerous fascinating illustrations to show proven packaging solutions found in nature. The authors formulate strategies and concrete action plans for using biological examples and bionic methodologies to solve and prevent current technical problems. The whole has but one overriding aim: sustainable development while balancing economic and environmental concerns. The goal is to motivate student and professional engineers to take more interest in the natural biological solutions and to systematically learn from these examples.
With the continual growth of the world's urban population, biodiversity in towns and cities will play a critical role in global biodiversity. This is the first book to provide an overview of international developments in urban biodiversity and sustainable design. It brings together the views, experiences and expertise of leading scientists and designers from the industrialised and pre-industrialised countries from around the world. The contributors explore the biological, cultural and social values of urban biodiversity, including methods for assessing and evaluating urban biodiversity, social and educational issues, and practical measures for restoring and maintaining biodiversity in urban areas. Contributions come from presenters at an international scientific conference held in Erfurt, Germany 2008 during the 9th Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biodiversity. This is also Part of our Conservation Science and Practice book series (with Zoological Society of London).
This book provides a hands-on introduction to the construction and application of models to studies of vertebrate distribution, abundance, and habitat. The book is aimed at field biologists, conservation planners, and advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students who are involved with planning and analyzing conservation studies, and applying the results to conservation decisions. The book also acts as a bridge to more advanced and mathematically challenging coverage in the wider literature. Part I provides a basic background in population and community modeling. It introduces statistical models, and familiarizes the reader with important concepts in the design of monitoring and research programs. These programs provide the essential data that guide conservation decision making. Part II covers the principal methods used to estimate abundance, occupancy, demographic parameters, and community parameters, including occupancy sampling, sample counts, distance sampling, and capture-mark-recapture (for both closed and open populations). Emphasis is placed on practical aspects of designing and implementing field studies, and the proper analysis of data. Part III introduces structured decision making and adaptive management, in which predictive models are used to inform conservation decision makers on appropriate decisions in the face of uncertainty—with the goal of reducing uncertainty through monitoring and research. A detailed case study is used to illustrate each of these themes. Numerous worked examples and accompanying electronic material (on a website – http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/conroy – and accompanying CD) provide the details of model construction and application, and data analysis.
Today's top athletes understand that meeting one's nutritional needs is critical when competing. Those who perform heavy physical activity must receive an increased level of nutrients, fluid and energy. This book offers a concise introduction to the links between nutrition and physical performance.
The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss results. The Novartis Foundation, originally known as the Ciba Foundation, is well known to scientists and clinicians around the world.