River restoration projects are designed to recreate functional characteristics within a context of physical stability. They tend to focus on the development and application of geomorphic principles for river restoration design. Due to different models obtaining different results on the same problem, incomplete or absent data, and climatic/social/cultural changes, the designers and managers of such projects frequently face high levels of uncertainty. This book will provide a systematic overview of the issues involved in minimizing and coping with uncertainty in river restoration projects. A series of thematic sections will be used to define the various sources of uncertainty in restoration projects and how these show at different points in the life cycle (design, construction and post-construction phases) of restoration projects. The structure of the book will offer a rational theoretical analysis of the problem while providing practical guidance in managing the different sources of uncertainty. A wide range of case studies will be included from Europe, North America and Australasia
Die lange erwartete, vierte Auflage des Lehrbuchklassikers zur IR-Spektroskopie! Will man Substanzen eindeutig charakterisieren und auf ihre Reinheit uberprufen, fuhrt kein Weg an der IR-Spektroskopie als Analysemethode vorbei. Prazise und leicht verstandlich, aktuell und sehr praxisbezogen lernen die kunftigen Anwender alles, was sie uber die IR-Spektroskopie wissen mussen: – Aufbau und Handhabung von Spektrometern, – Vorbereitung der Proben und deren Messung, – qualitative Interpretation der Spektren, – quantitative Bestimmungen, – spezielle Anwendungsgebiete und – spezielle und verwandte Methoden. Zahlreiche Hinweise auf weiterfuhrende Literatur vermitteln eine gute Orientierung bei speziellen Fragestellungen, und helfen dabei, sich zum Experten weiterzuentwickeln.
The richly illustrated book comprehensively explains the important principles of diatomic and polyatomic molecules and their spectra in two separate, distinct parts. The first part concentrates on the theoretical aspects of molecular physics, such as the vibration, rotation, electronic states, potential curves, and spectra of molecules. The different methods of approximation for the calculation of electronic wave functions and their energy are also covered. The introduction of basics terms used in group theory and their meaning in molecular physics enables an elegant description of polyatomic molecules and their symmetries. Molecular spectra and the dynamic processes involved in their excited states are given its own chapter. The theoretical part then concludes with a discussion of the field of Van der Waals molecules and clusters. The second part is devoted entirely to experimental techniques, such as laser, Fourier, NMR, and ESR spectroscopies, used in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology, and material science. Time-resolved measurements and the influence of chemical reactions by coherent controls are also treated. A list of general textbooks and specialized literature is provided for further reading. With specific examples, definitions, and notes integrated within the text to aid understanding, this is suitable for undergraduates and graduates in physics and chemistry with a knowledge of atomic physics and familiar with the basics of quantum mechanics.
Methodology and applications of redox proteomics The relatively new and rapidly changing field of redox proteomics has the potential to revolutionize how we diagnose disease, assess risks, determine prognoses, and target therapeutic strategies for people with inflammatory and aging-associated diseases. This collection brings together, in one comprehensive volume, a broad array of information and insights into normal and altered physiology, molecular mechanisms of disease states, and new applications of the rapidly evolving techniques of proteomics. Written by some of the finest investigators in this area, Redox Proteomics: From Protein Modifications to Cellular Dysfunction and Diseases examines the key topics of redox proteomics and redox control of cellular function, including: * The role of oxidized proteins in various disorders * Pioneering studies on the development of redox proteomics * Analytical methodologies for identification and structural characterization of proteins affected by oxidative/nitrosative modifications * The response and regulation of protein oxidation in different cell types * The pathological implications of protein oxidation for conditions, including asthma, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, preeclampsia, and Alzheimer's disease Distinguished by its in-depth discussions, balanced methodological approach, and emphasis on medical applications and diagnosis development, Redox Proteomics is a rich resource for all professionals with an interest in proteomics, cellular physiology and its alterations in disease states, and related fields.
Spin Dynamics: Basics of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Second Edition is a comprehensive and modern introduction which focuses on those essential principles and concepts needed for a thorough understanding of the subject, rather than the practical aspects. The quantum theory of nuclear magnets is presented within a strong physical framework, supported by figures. The book assumes only a basic knowledge of complex numbers and matrices, and provides the reader with numerous worked examples and exercises to encourage understanding. With the explicit aim of carefully developing the subject from the beginning, the text starts with coverage of quarks and nucleons and progresses through to a detailed explanation of several important NMR experiments, including NMR imaging, COSY, NOESY and TROSY. Completely revised and updated, the Second Edition features new material on the properties and distributions of isotopes, chemical shift anisotropy and quadrupolar interactions, Pake patterns, spin echoes, slice selection in NMR imaging, and a complete new chapter on the NMR spectroscopy of quadrupolar nuclei. New appendices have been included on Euler angles, and coherence selection by field gradients. As in the first edition, all material is heavily supported by graphics, much of which is new to this edition. Written for undergraduates and postgraduate students taking a first course in NMR spectroscopy and for those needing an up-to-date account of the subject, this multi-disciplinary book will appeal to chemical, physical, material, life, medical, earth and environmental scientists. The detailed physical insights will also make the book of interest for experienced spectroscopists and NMR researchers. • An accessible and carefully written introduction, designed to help students to fully understand this complex and dynamic subject • Takes a multi-disciplinary approach, focusing on basic principles and concepts rather than the more practical aspects • Presents a strong pedagogical approach throughout, with emphasis placed on individual spins to aid understanding • Includes numerous worked examples, problems, further reading and additional notes Praise from the reviews of the First Edition: «This is an excellent book… that many teachers of NMR spectroscopy will cherish… It deserves to be a ‘classic’ among NMR spectroscopy texts.» NMR IN BIOMEDICINE «I strongly recommend this book to everyone…it is probably the best modern comprehensive description of the subject.» ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE, INTERNATIONAL EDITION
The latest edition of a highly successful textbook, Mass Spectrometry, Third Edition provides students with a complete overview of the principles, theories and key applications of modern mass spectrometry. All instrumental aspects of mass spectrometry are clearly and concisely described: sources, analysers and detectors. Tandem mass spectrometry is introduced early on and then developed in more detail in a later chapter. Emphasis is placed throughout the text on optimal utilisation conditions. Various fragmentation patterns are described together with analytical information that derives from the mass spectra. This new edition has been thoroughly revised and updated and has been redesigned to give the book a more contemporary look. As with previous editions it contains numerous examples, references and a series of exercises of increasing difficulty to encourage student understanding. Updates include: Increased coverage of MALDI and ESI, more detailed description of time of flight spectrometers, new material on isotope ratio mass spectrometry, and an expanded range of applications. Mass Spectrometry, Third Edition is an invaluable resource for all undergraduate and postgraduate students using this technique in departments of chemistry, biochemistry, medicine, pharmacology, agriculture, material science and food science. It is also of interest for researchers looking for an overview of the latest techniques and developments.
With contributions from noted experts from Europe and North America, Mass Spectrometry Instrumentation, Interpretation, and Applications serves as a forum to introduce students to the whole world of mass spectrometry and to the many different perspectives that each scientific field brings to its use. The book emphasizes the use of this important analytical technique in many different fields, including applications for organic and inorganic chemistry, forensic science, biotechnology, and many other areas. After describing the history of mass spectrometry, the book moves on to discuss instrumentation, theory, and basic applications.
Tools, techniques, and progress in cancer biomarkers discovery The completion of a number of gene sequencing projects, recent advances in genomic and proteomic technologies, and the availability of powerful bioinformatics tools have led to promising new avenues and approaches in the search for cancer biomarkers. This book provides a comprehensive overview of current methodologies and technologies. It discusses biomarker discovery as a whole, rather than focusing on one specific marker or cancer. With information on both existing and potential biomarkers, Cancer Biomarkers: Analytical Techniques for Discovery: * Provides insights into the current technological platforms for biomarker discovery, including mass spectrometry combined with multidimensional chromatography, DIGE, and various chip technologies * Includes a detailed discussion of protein networks and protein phosphorylation in cancer * Details the use of imaging mass spectrometry, laser capture microdissection, serial analysis of gene expression, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, protein microarrays, antibody-based microarrays, and bioinformatics * Covers the emerging role of surface-enhanced laser desorption ionization (SELDI) and various tagging and labeling strategies * Discusses related regulatory and ethical issues With a wealth of information that can be applied to a broad spectrum of biomarker research projects, this is a core reference for biomarker researchers, scientists working in proteomics and bioinformatics, pharmaceutical scientists, oncologists, biochemists, biologists, and chemists.
Providing information on the main approaches for the analysis of metabolites, this textbook: Covers basic methodologies in sample preparation and separation techniques, as well as the most recent techniques of mass spectrometry. Differentiates between primary and secondary metabolites. Includes four chapters discussing successful metabolome studies of different organisms. Highlights the analytical challenges of studying metabolites. Illustrates applications of metabolome analysis through the use of case studies.
Written in dialog form, Gerhard Gottschalk's book provides surprising insights into the amazing world of bacteria. These microorganisms have changed the Earth more than any other life form and turned it into an inhabitable planet. Did you know, for example, that the human body contains more bacteria cells than human ones? Or that in each animal and plant cell the remains of former symbiotic bacteria maintain the metabolism? But bacteria also have their negative aspects: they cause illnesses and produce the strongest toxins known to mankind. Backed by more than 45 contributions from famous international scientists written especially for this book.