Прочая образовательная литература

Различные книги в жанре Прочая образовательная литература

EPR Spectroscopy

Stefan Stoll

This unique, self-contained resource is the first volume on electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy in the eMagRes Handbook series. The 27 chapters cover the theoretical principles, the common experimental techniques, and many important application areas of modern EPR spectroscopy. EPR Spectroscopy: Fundamentals and Methods is presented in four major parts: A: Fundamental Theory, B: Basic Techniques and Instrumentation, C: High-Resolution Pulse Techniques, and D: Special Techniques. The first part of the book gives the reader an introduction to basic continuous-wave (CW) EPR and an overview of the different magnetic interactions that can be determined by EPR spectroscopy, their associated theoretical description, and their information content. The second provides the basics of the various EPR techniques, including pulse EPR, and EPR imaging, along with the associated instrumentation. Parts C and D builds on parts A and B and offer introductory accounts of a wide range of modern advanced EPR techniques, with examples of applications. The last two parts presents most of the new advances that do not appear in most of the classical EPR textbooks that focus on CW EPR. EPR Spectroscopy: Fundamentals and Methods contains, in concise form, all the material needed to understand state-of-the-art EPR spectroscopy at the graduate school/research level, whilst the editors have ensured that it presents the topic at a level accessible to newcomers to the field and others who want to know its range of application and how to apply it.


Jean-Claude Mounolou

The title provides an overview of the current knowledge about the diversity of the living world and the various problems associated with its conservation and sustainable use. Covering both the fundamentals of the subject, along with the latest research, Biodiversity presents key conservation issues within a framework of global case studies. Starting with a summary of the concept of biodiversity, the text then explores such subjects as species richness, ecological systems, the consequences of human activities, diversity and human health, genetic resources, biotechnology and conservation. Comprehensive introduction to key issues surrounding the study of biodiversity. Extensive bibliography and references to numerous relevant websites. Introduces current research in the field within a framework of useful case studies.


Noah Hardy

This book is an excellent introductory text describing the use of bioinformatics to analyze genomic and post-genomic data. It has been translated from the original popular French edition, which was based on a course taught at the well-respected École Polytechnique in Palaiseau. This edition has been fully revised and updated by the authors. After a brief introduction to gene structure and sequence determination, it describes the techniques used to identify genes, their protein-coding sequences and regulatory regions. The book discusses the methodology of comparative genomics, using information from different organisms to deduce information about unknown sequences. There is a comprehensive chapter on structure prediction, covering both RNA and protein. Finally, the book describes the complex networks of RNA and protein that exist within the cell and their interactions, ending with a discussion of the simulation approaches that can be used to model these networks. Praise from the reviews: “In context of the new developments the genomic era has brought, Bioinformatics: Genomics and Post-Genomics becomes a fundamental and indispensable resource for undergraduate and early graduate students…insightfully authored…will immensely help students…in establishing important foundations while shaping their careers.” NEWSLETTER, BRITISH SOCIETY OF CELL BIOLOGY


Richard Hazlett W.

Volcanoes are essential elements in the delicate global balance of elemental forces that govern both the dynamic evolution of the Earth and the nature of Life itself. Without volcanic activity, life as we know it would not exist on our planet. Although beautiful to behold, volcanoes are also potentially destructive, and understanding their nature is critical to prevent major loss of life in the future. Richly illustrated with over 300 original color photographs and diagrams the book is written in an informal manner, with minimum use of jargon, and relies heavily on first-person, eye-witness accounts of eruptive activity at both «red» (effusive) and «grey» (explosive) volcanoes to illustrate the full spectrum of volcanic processes and their products. Decades of teaching in university classrooms and fieldwork on active volcanoes throughout the world have provided the authors with unique experiences that they have distilled into a highly readable textbook of lasting value. Questions for Thought, Study, and Discussion, Suggestions for Further Reading, and a comprehensive list of source references make this work a major resource for further study of volcanology. Volcanoes maintains three core foci: Global perspectives explain volcanoes in terms of their tectonic positions on Earth and their roles in earth history Environmental perspectives describe the essential role of volcanism in the moderation of terrestrial climate and atmosphere Humanitarian perspectives discuss the major influences of volcanoes on human societies. This latter is especially important as resource scarcities and environmental issues loom over our world, and as increasing numbers of people are threatened by volcanic hazards Readership Volcanologists, advanced undergraduate, and graduate students in earth science and related degree courses, and volcano enthusiasts worldwide. A companion website is also available for this title at www.wiley.com/go/lockwood/volcanoes


Kevin Hiscock M.

Hydrogeology: Principles and Practice provides a comprehensive introduction to the study of hydrogeology and the significance of groundwater in the terrestrial aquatic environment. Earlier chapters explain the fundamental physical and chemical principles of hydrogeology, and later chapters feature groundwater investigation techniques and contaminant hydrogeology. A unique feature of the book is a chapter on the application of environmental isotopes and noble gases in the interpretation of aquifer evolution. The last chapter discusses groundwater resources and environmental management, and examines the role of groundwater in integrated river basin management, including the possible impacts of climate change. Throughout the text, boxes are used to explain special topics and to illustrate international case studies. The appendices provide useful reference material and include review questions and exercises to develop the reader's knowledge and problem-solving skills in hydrogeology. This accessible textbook is essential reading for undergraduate and graduate students in earth and environmental sciences taking a course in hydrogeology or groundwater science. An Instructor manual CD-ROM for this title is available. Please contact our Higher Education team at [email protected] for more information.

Faszination Lebenswissenschaften

Erwin Beck

Beeinflusst unser Verhalten die Gesundheit? Liegt unser Schicksal in den Genen? Wie funktioniert der Lotus-Effekt? Antworten auf diese Fragen finden Sie in diesem reich bebilderten Buch. In 15 spannenden Beitragen erzahlen Biologen Wissenswertes aus den verschiedenen Disziplinen der Biologie. Kaum ein anderes Fach ist so facettenreich und sogleich faszinierend. Kaum ein anderes Fach beruhrt unser Leben und unser Weltbild in so bedeutender Weise wie die moderne Biologie. Zum Abschlu? des «Jahr der Lebenswissenschaften» legt die «Union Deutscher Biologischer Gesellschaften» ihren Beitrag zum Verstandnis der Situation der Biowissenschaften mit diesem Buch vor. In leicht verstandlicher Weise werden die Meilensteine der Forschung, aber auch die Chancen und Risiken erklart. Die Bandbreite erstreckt sich von Pflanzenwissenschaften, der Zoologie und Parasitologie bis hin zur Genetik, Entwicklungsbiologie und Mikrobiologie. Am Ende der Lekture ist man auch als «nicht gelernter» Biologe in der Lage, die moderne Forschung zu verstehen und mitzureden. Diejenigen, die die Begeisterung fur die «lebendige Wissenschaft» nicht mehr loslasst, finden wertvolle Hinweise und Tipps zum Studium der Biologie. Ein Buch zum Genie?en und zum Verschenken.

Invasion Ecology

Michael Marchetti P.

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to all aspects of biological invasion by non-native species. Highlighting important research findings associated with each stage of invasion, Invasion Ecology provides an overview of the invasion process from transportation patterns and causes of establishment success to ecological impacts, invader management, and post-invasion evolution. Increasing awareness of the problems associated with invasion has led to a rapid growth in research into the dynamics of non-native species and their adverse effects on native biota and human economies. This book provides a synthesis of this fast growing field of research, and is an essential text for undergraduate and graduate students in ecology and conservation management.

Seismic Engineering

Jacques Betbeder-Matibet

This title offers a comprehensive coverage of the many facets of seismic engineering. The first half of the book is devoted to seismic phenomena and hazards, detailing the causes of earthquakes, the parameters used to characterize earthquakes, strong ground motions, seismic hazards and their evaluation, and seismic action. The second half discusses the effects of earthquakes and tools used to assess and reduce risk, including the effects of vibratory motions and induced phenomena, seismic calculations and technical aspects of prevention. The importance of keeping orders of magnitude in mind (i.e. through reasoning or very simple equations) when discussing seismic phenomena and their effects is emphasized, a task which most people overlook because of their rarity and the brevity of their manifestations.

Subsurface Hydrology

Kamini Singha

Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 171. Groundwater is a critical resource and the PrinciPal source of drinking water for over 1.5 billion people. In 2001, the National Research Council cited as a «grand challenge» our need to understand the processes that control water movement in the subsurface. This volume faces that challenge in terms of data integration between complex, multi-scale hydrologie processes, and their links to other physical, chemical, and biological processes at multiple scales. Subsurface Hydrology: Data Integration for Properties and Processes presents the current state of the science in four aspects: Approaches to hydrologie data integration Data integration for characterization of hydrologie properties Data integration for understanding hydrologie processes Meta-analysis of current interpretations Scientists and researchers in the field, the laboratory, and the classroom will find this work an important resource in advancing our understanding of subsurface water movement.

Groundwater Hydrology

K. Rushton R.

Groundwater is a vital source of water throughout the world. As the number of groundwater investigations increase, it is important to understand how to develop comprehensive quantified conceptual models and appreciate the basis of analytical solutions or numerical methods of modelling groundwater flow. Groundwater Hydrology: Conceptual and Computational Models describes advances in both conceptual and numerical modelling. It gives insights into the interpretation of field information, the development of conceptual models, the use of computational models based on analytical and numerical techniques, the assessment of the adequacy of models, and the use of computational models for predictive purposes. It focuses on the study of groundwater flow problems and a thorough analysis of real practical field case studies. It is divided into three parts: * Part I deals with the basic principles, including a summary of mathematical descriptions of groundwater flow, recharge estimation using soil moisture balance techniques, and extensive studies of groundwater-surface water interactions. * Part II focuses on the concepts and methods of analysis for radial flow to boreholes including topics such as large diameter wells, multi-layered aquifer systems, aquitard storage and the prediction of long-term yield. * Part III examines regional groundwater flow including situations when vertical flows are important or transmissivities change with saturated depth. Suitable for practising engineers, hydrogeologists, researchers in groundwater and irrigation, mathematical modellers, groundwater scientists, and water resource specialists. Appropriate for upper level undergraduates and MSc students in Departments of Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Earth Science and Physical Geography. It would also be useful for hydrologists, civil engineers, physical geographers, agricultural engineers, consultancy firms involved in water resource projects, and overseas development workers.