Прочая образовательная литература

Различные книги в жанре Прочая образовательная литература

Environmental Change and Human Health

Kate Ackrill

Discusses those aspects of environmental change which might have direct or indirect effects on human health. Includes discussions on water pollution, agricultural pollution, genetic disease and exotic tropical diseases as well as human nutrition and population growth.

Data Analysis and Presentation Skills

Jackie Willis

Data Analysis and Presentation Skills: An Introduction for the Life and Medical Sciences is an invaluable text allowing students to develop appropriate key skills when designing experiments, generating results, analysing data and ultimately presenting findings to academics and referees. Taking a hands-on approach, each of these key areas is introduced clearly and carefully, showing how to access and evaluate information using a variety of resources. Basic analytical theory is gradually introduced alongside practical applications to enhance student understanding. The reader is shown how to present data in charts using Microsoft Excel and statistical analysis is carefully explained showing clearly how to manipulate data in spreadsheets and analyse the results using commonly used tests. A section is also included on the use of PowerPoint as well as giving advice on how to prepare a short talk or seminar. Includes numerous relevant examples and case studies drawn from the Life Sciences Guidance on how to complete and present practical and project work through to postgraduate dissertation. Clear step-by-step introduction to Microsoft Excel, presentation skills and statistical analysis. Invaluable for all students within the Life and Medical Sciences

Selected Papers From Volumes 33 and 34 of Vychislitel'naya Seysmologiya

Alik Ismail-Zade

Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Computational Seismology and Geodynamics Series, Volume 8. The American Geophysical Union (AGU) and the Editorial Board of Computational Seismology and Geodynamics (CSG) are happy to present the eighth volume of CSG. This volume contains 19 selected, translated, and reviewed articles of volumes 33 and 34 of Vychislitel'naya Seismologiya (VS), which deal with seismicity and seismic hazard, forward and inverse problems in seismology, geodynamics, geomagnetism, and self-organized criticality. The Russian annual journal Vychislitel'naya Seysmologiya was established in 1966 by Volodya Keilis-Borok, one of most eminent geophysicists of our time, as a media for publication of the best results in the theoretical, computational and mathematical seismology. For a short period of time the journal had become a prominent and known among mathematical geophysicists around the world. In 1970s the journal began to publish also articles related to non-linear dynamics and earthquake prediction and later to computational geodynamics. Many distinguished seismologists, geophysicists, and mathematicians, like G. Barenblatt, A. Dziewonski, I. Gelfand, H. Huppert, H. Kanamori, L. Kantorovich, L. Knopoff, F. Press, D. Turcotte, and others, published their research articles in VS. Twenty-one volumes of the journal were translated and published by Allerton Press, USA. Since 1994 AGU agreed to publish selected and peer-reviewed articles in volumes entitled CSG. Volume 1 (159 pp.) 1994 selected articles from Volumes 22 & 23 Volume 2 (188 pp.) 1994 selected articles from Volumes 24 & 25 Volume 3 (236 pp.) 1996 selected articles from Volumes 26 & 27 Volume 4 (200 pp.) 1999 selected articles from Volumes 28 & 29 Volume 5 (132 pp.) 2003 selected articles from Volume 30 Volume 6 (102 pp.) 2004 selected articles from Volume 31 Volume 7 (250 pp.) 2005 selected articles from Volume 32 Volume 8 (186 pp.) 2008 selected articles from Volumes 33 & 34

Risk Analysis of Water Pollution

Jacques Ganoulis

This new edition of a classic text has now been extensively updated to include the latest developments in risk analysis and water quality assessment and management. It takes into account the role of ecological water quality in integrated regional and transboundary water resources management, according to the latest UNESCO programmes and the new EU-Water Framework Directive. This practice-oriented textbook is a unique tool for identifying and evaluating local and regional environmental risks from pollution hazards in groundwater, river water and coastal seawaters. The book explains different risk-based probabilistic methodologies and fuzzy logic-based approaches and includes various mathematical models for water quality simulation and theories, such as the decision analysis, the utility theory and the integrated risk-based multi-criteria assessment and management, in order to thoroughly evaluate several case studies from the real world. Questions testing the reader?s understanding are given at the end of each chapter, and a useful appendix provides hints for answering them as well the solutions themselves.

Vibrational Spectroscopy in Life Science

Friedrich Siebert

The authors describe basic theoretical concepts of vibrational spectroscopy, address instrumental aspects and experimental procedures, and discuss experimental and theoretical methods for interpreting vibrational spectra. It is shown how vibrational spectroscopy provides information on general aspects of proteins, such as structure, dynamics, and protein folding. In addition, the authors use selected examples to demonstrate the application of Raman and IR spectroscopy to specific biological systems, such as metalloproteins, and photoreceptors. Throughout, references to extensive mathematical and physical aspects, involved biochemical features, and aspects of molecular biology are set in boxes for easier reading. Ideal for undergraduate as well as graduate students of biology, biochemistry, chemistry, and physics looking for a compact introduction to this field.

NMR-Spectroscopy: Modern Spectral Analysis

Ursula Weber

The state-of-the-art in NMR spectral analysis. This interactive tutorial provides readers with a comprehensive range of software tools and techniques, as well as the necessary theoretical knowledge required to analyze their spectra and obtain the correct NMR parameters. Modern Spectral Analysis provides expert guidance, by presenting efficient strategies to extract NMR parameters from measured spectra. A database of selected spectra and modern, powerful WIN-NMR software designed by Bruker are provided on the enclosed CD-ROM. The programs provided are 1 D WIN-NMR, WIN-DAISY, WIN-DR and WIN-DYNAMICS, and direct data exchange between all these programs is possible. Readers are shown how they can obtain maximum structural information from their 1 D NMR spectra with time-saving computer assistance. Practical problems that can occur and their solutions are discussed at length using clear, easy-to-follow examples. Both homo- and heteronuclear and first- and second-order spin systems are demonstrated. Moreover, relaxation analysis, nuclear Overhauser effects and magnetic site exchange are all covered in this hands-on guide to NMR spectral analysis.

Integration of Omics Approaches and Systems Biology for Clinical Applications

Antonia Vlahou

Introduces readers to the state of the art of omics platforms and all aspects of omics approaches for clinical applications This book presents different high throughput omics platforms used to analyze tissue, plasma, and urine. The reader is introduced to state of the art analytical approaches (sample preparation and instrumentation) related to proteomics, peptidomics, transcriptomics, and metabolomics. In addition, the book highlights innovative approaches using bioinformatics, urine miRNAs, and MALDI tissue imaging in the context of clinical applications. Particular emphasis is put on integration of data generated from these different platforms in order to uncover the molecular landscape of diseases. The relevance of each approach to the clinical setting is explained and future applications for patient monitoring or treatment are discussed. Integration of omics Approaches and Systems Biology for Clinical Applications presents an overview of state of the art omics techniques. These methods are employed in order to obtain the comprehensive molecular profile of biological specimens. In addition, computational tools are used for organizing and integrating these multi-source data towards developing molecular models that reflect the pathophysiology of diseases. Investigation of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and bladder cancer are used as test cases. These represent multi-factorial, highly heterogeneous diseases, and are among the most significant health issues in developed countries with a rapidly aging population. The book presents novel insights on CKD and bladder cancer obtained by omics data integration as an example of the application of systems biology in the clinical setting. Describes a range of state of the art omics analytical platforms Covers all aspects of the systems biology approach—from sample preparation to data integration and bioinformatics analysis Contains specific examples of omics methods applied in the investigation of human diseases (Chronic Kidney Disease, Bladder Cancer) Integration of omics Approaches and Systems Biology for Clinical Applications will appeal to a wide spectrum of scientists including biologists, biotechnologists, biochemists, biophysicists, and bioinformaticians working on the different molecular platforms. It is also an excellent text for students interested in these fields.

Theory and Applications of Heat Transfer in Humans

Devashish Shrivastava

An authoritative guide to theory and applications of heat transfer in humans Theory and Applications of Heat Transfer in Humans 2V Set offers a reference to the field of heating and cooling of tissue, and associated damage. The author—a noted expert in the field—presents, in this book, the fundamental physics and physiology related to the field, along with some of the recent applications, all in one place, in such a way as to enable and enrich both beginner and advanced readers. The book provides a basic framework that can be used to obtain ‘decent’ estimates of tissue temperatures for various applications involving tissue heating and/or cooling, and also presents ways to further develop more complex methods, if needed, to obtain more accurate results. The book is arranged in three sections: The first section, named ‘Physics’, presents fundamental mathematical frameworks that can be used as is or combined together forming more complex tools to determine tissue temperatures; the second section, named ‘Physiology’, presents ideas and data that provide the basis for the physiological assumptions needed to develop successful mathematical tools; and finally, the third section, named ‘Applications’, presents examples of how the marriage of the first two sections are used to solve problems of today and tomorrow. This important text is the vital resource that: Offers a reference book in the field of heating and cooling of tissue, and associated damage. Provides a comprehensive theoretical and experimental basis with biomedical applications Shows how to develop and implement both, simple and complex mathematical models to predict tissue temperatures Includes simple examples and results so readers can use those results directly or adapt them for their applications Designed for students, engineers, and other professionals, a comprehensive text to the field of heating and cooling of tissue that includes proven theories with applications. The author reveals how to develop simple and complex mathematical models, to predict tissue heating and/or cooling, and associated damage.

Course Notes on the Interpretation of Infrared and Raman Spectra

Foil Miller A.

Interpretation of IR and Raman Spectra provides the fundamentals of interpreting IR and Raman spectra of complex molecules primarily organic molecules. Examinations of theory provide a basis for predicting functional group frequency location in new molecular structures. Generously enriched with sample exercises to help rapidly develop powerful interpretive skills. Includes appendices with fourteen bibliographies by subject area.