Прочая образовательная литература

Различные книги в жанре Прочая образовательная литература

Environmental and Low-Temperature Geochemistry

Peter Ryan

Environmental and Low-Temperature Geochemistry presents conceptual and quantitative principles of geochemistry in order to foster understanding of natural processes at and near the earth’s surface, as well as anthropogenic impacts and remediation strategies. It provides the reader with principles that allow prediction of concentration, speciation, mobility and reactivity of elements and compounds in soils, waters, sediments and air, drawing attention to both thermodynamic and kinetic controls. The scope includes atmosphere, terrestrial waters, marine waters, soils, sediments and rocks in the shallow crust; the temporal scale is present to Precambrian, and the spatial scale is nanometers to local, regional and global. This second edition of Environmental and Low-Temperature Geochemistry provides the most up-to-date status of the carbon cycle and global warming, including carbon sources, sinks, fluxes and consequences, as well as emerging evidence for (and effects of) ocean acidification. Understanding environmental problems like this requires knowledge based in fundamental principles of equilibrium, kinetics, basic laws of chemistry and physics, empirical evidence, examples from the geological record, and identification of system fluxes and reservoirs that allow us to conceptualize and understand. This edition aims to do that with clear explanations of fundamental principles of geochemistry as well as information and approaches that provide the student or researcher with knowledge to address pressing questions in environmental and geological sciences. New content in this edition includes: Focus Boxes – one every two or three pages – providing case study examples (e. g. methyl isocyanate in Bhopal, origins and health effects of asbestiform minerals), concise explanations of fundamental concepts (e. g. balancing chemical equations, isotopic fractionation, using the K eq to predict reactivity), and useful information (e. g. units of concentration, titrating to determine alkalinity, measuring redox potential of natural waters); Sections on emerging contaminants for which knowledge is rapidly increasing (e. g. perfluorinated compounds, pharmaceuticals and other domestic and industrial chemicals); Greater attention to interrelationships of inorganic, organic and biotic phases and processes; Descriptions, theoretical frameworks and examples of emerging methodologies in geochemistry research, e. g. clumped C-O isotopes to assess seawater temperature over geological time, metal stable isotopes to assess source and transport processes, X-ray absorption spectroscopy to study oxidation state and valence configuration of atoms and molecules; Additional end-of-chapter problems, including more quantitatively based questions. Two detailed case studies that examine fate and transport of organic contaminants (VOCs, PFCs), with data and interpretations presented separately. These examples consider the chemical and mineralogical composition of rocks, soils and waters in the affected system; microbial influence on the decomposition of organic compounds; the effect of reduction-oxidation on transport of Fe, As and Mn; stable isotopes and synthetic compounds as tracers of flow; geological factors that influence flow; and implications for remediation. The interdisciplinary approach and range of topics – including environmental contamination of air, water and soil as well as the processes that affect both natural and anthropogenic systems – make it well-suited for environmental geochemistry courses at universities as well as liberal arts colleges.

Retrosynthetic Analysis and Synthesis of Natural Products 1

Olivier Piva

For chemists, attempting to mimic nature by synthesizing complex natural products from raw material is a challenge that is fraught with pitfalls. To tackle this unique but potentially rewarding task, researchers can rely on well-established reactions and methods of practice, or apply their own synthesis methods to verify their potential. Whatever the goal and its complexity, there are multiple ways of achieving it. We must now establish a strategic and effective plan that requires the minimum number of steps, but lends itself to widespread use. This book is structured around the study of a dozen target products (butyrolactone, macrolide, indole compound, cyclobutanic terpene, spiro- and polycyclic derivatives, etc. ). For each product, the different disconnections are presented and the associated syntheses are analyzed step by step. The key reactions are described explicitly, followed by diagrams showing the range of impact of certain transformations. This set of data alone is conducive to understanding syntheses and indulging in this difficult, but worthwhile activity.

Chemie für Einsteiger und Durchsteiger

Thomas Wurm

Die zweite Auflage dieses beliebten Einsteiger-Buches vermittelt das unverzichtbare chemische Grundwissen für 'Chemie-Nebenfächler'. Die Studenten können sowohl Studenten der Lebenswissenschaften (Medizin, Biologie) als auch technischer Fachrichtungen (z. B. Maschinenbau, Umwelttechnik… ) sein. Mit dem didaktischen Ansatz, zuerst Problemstellung – dann Antwort, fördert das Buch die aktive Auseinandersetzung mit dem Stoff. Kompakt und auf den Punkt gebracht sind alle Hauptthemen der anorganischen und organischen Chemie äußerst verständlich erklärt und abgedeckt. Dabei unterstützen besondere Textelemente Ihren Lernerfolg: * Für inhaltliche Orientierung sorgen optisch hervorgehobene Schlüsselthemen am Kapitelanfang. * Das Wichtigste wird kurz und prägnant in Definitionen und Merksätzen zusammengefasst. * Beispiele helfen beim Anwenden des Lernstoffs. * Wissenstest und Prüfungsvorbereitung: Aufgaben mit Lösungen helfen ungemein beim eigenständigen Überprüfen des Gelernten.

Finite Element Method and Medical Imaging Techniques in Bone Biomechanics

Abdelwahed Barkaoui

Digital models based on data from medical images have recently become widespread in the field of biomechanics. This book summarizes medical imaging techniques and processing procedures, both of which are necessary for creating bone models with finite element methods. Chapter 1 introduces the main principles and the application of the most commonly used medical imaging techniques. Chapter 2 describes the major methods and steps of medical image analysis and processing. Chapter 3 presents a brief review of recent studies on reconstructed finite element bone models, based on medical images. Finally, Chapter 4 reveals the digital results obtained for the main bone sites that have been targeted by finite element modeling in recent years.

Choosing the Right Counselor For You

Samuel T. Gladding

This concise guide is for individuals seeking a counselor for themselves or others. It contains a treasure trove of information for the public on the nuts and bolts of counseling in an easy-to-read, question and answer format. Chapter topics include how to know when to seek help and what kinds of issues counselors assist with; the differences between individual, group, couples, family, and online counseling; the various theoretical approaches to counseling and how to choose; how to find a competent counselor; what questions you should ask before scheduling your first appointment; and how to determine if counseling is working. *Requests for digital versions from the ACA can be found on wiley. com. *To request print copies, please visit the ACA website.

Riflessioni Storiche Della Fisica: Da Archimede, …, Einstein A Oggi.

Santo Armenia

Questa è la 4° opera di una tetralogia ora voluta, che nasce dalla ricerca della Verità: la 1° è “Galilei e Einstein”, la 2° è “Archimede”, la 3° è “Archimede – Galilei – Newton – Einstein”. Questa 4° opera intende evidenziare il perpetuarsi dell’errore millenario di ritenere il peso immutabile e invariante rispetto alla forma del corpo stesso. A tale errore viene evidenziato come si sommano i due degli ultimi 40 anni fatti dalla Comunità Scientifica. Il primo quello di aver deciso che con le stesse bilance si misura la massa dei corpi, mentre prima si misurava il peso. Il secondo quello a partire dal 20 maggio 2019, in occasione delle nuove definizioni delle grandezze fondamentali, in relazione al kg massa non avendo fissato per il campione di riferimento né la materia e né la forma costituente.

Collins New Naturalist Library

Philip Chapman

Cave exploration has uncovered archaeological finds which have enhanced our understanding of human evolution, and fossil remains, such as woolly mammoths, which reveal something of the Pleistocene animal world. But perhaps most fascinating of all is the living natural history of caves.There are few unexplored places on earth, but caves still offer countless opportunities for discovery. From new passages to whole new cave systems, significant finds are still being made – recent exploration in South Wales revealed Britain's largest passageways.Caves are formed over many thousands of years, as subterranean waters seep slowly through the crevices of the buckled and twisted laters of limestone rocks. These cracks develop into fantastically shaped passages which stretch for miles, huge caverns housing vast, still lakes and deep potholes through which icy waterfalls tumble. Within them form arrays of stalactites and stalagmites, delicately twirling helictites, slender pillars of calcite and crystal pools. And it is these wonders that have encourages the adventurers who have explored and charted this underground world – descending on ropes into gaping pits, crawling and digging their way along tunnels and diving through freezing torrents to do so.Cave exploration has uncovered archaeological finds which have enhanced our understanding of human evolution, and fossil remains, such as woolly mammoths, which reveal something of the Pleistocene animal world. But perhaps most fascinating of all is the living natural history of caves.The study of cave biology is still in its infancy. Speculation and controversy abound, cavernicolous communities remain under-recorded and new species await discovery in most subterranean habitats. But in this book, Philip Chapman has drawn together his expert knowledge of caves and cave life to present an outstanding and cohesive account of what is now known in this extraordinary world, which for so many has remained unknown for so long.

The GnRH Neuron and its Control

Allan Herbison E.

The GnRH Neuron and its Control examines the developmental biology of GnRH neurons including their birth in the nasal placode of the early embryo, perinatal programming, and sexual differentiation, in addition to the hypothalamic mechanisms that control GnRH neurons in adulthood to generate pulsatile and surge modes of GnRH secretion throughout the major life stages including aging. The morphology, electrophysiology, signal transduction pathways, transcriptional regulators, and genomics underlying function of the adult GnRH neuron is discussed in detail, as is the neuroendocrinology and cell biology governing the generation of both modes of GnRH release. The book also reviews the neurobiological mechanisms and circuitry responsible for the modulation of the activity of GnRH neurons by season, stress, nutrition, and metabolism, and covers the current and potential therapeutic approaches to regulating GnRH secretion and action. Filled with newly identified research and classical fundamental knowledge to GnRH biology, it will provide students, researchers, and practitioners with an in-depth understanding of reproductive neuroendocrinology. This is the fifth volume in the Masterclass in Neuroendocrinology Series, a co- publication between Wiley and the INF (International Neuroendocrine Federation) that aims to illustrate highest standards and encourage the use of the latest technologies in basic and clinical research and hopes to provide inspiration for further exploration into the exciting field of neuroendocrinology.

Mathe für Biologen

Alan Cann J.

Um ein biologisches Experiment richtig planen, durchfuhren und auswerten zu konnen, muss man uber fundierte Kenntnisse grundlegender mathematischer und statistischer Operationen verfugen. Mathe fur Biologen bietet einen leicht verstandlichen Zugang zur Mathematik, Statistik und Datenverarbeitung. Ob in Form von Exponentialrechnungen, Logarithmen oder bei der Berechnung von Molaritaten, Verdunnungen und Volumina – ohne Mathematik geht im Labor gar nichts. Die Kenntnis aller relevanten Ma?einheiten und Umrechnungsverhaltnisse ist ebenso unverzichtbar wie eine sichere Beherrschung der wichtigsten statistischen Methoden und der Prinzipien der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung. All dies vermittelt Mathe fur Biologen. Besonders junge Wissenschaftler, Diplomanden, Doktoranden und Angehorige des technischen Personals durften die einfuhlsame Didaktik, den klaren Aufbau und die verstandliche Sprache des Bandes zu schatzen wissen. Jedes der elf Kapitel enthalt Kontrollfragen, anhand derer der Leser seine Lernfortschritte uberprufen kann. Die Losungen werden im Anhang ausfuhrlich hergeleitet und erlautert. Das umfangreiche Glossar erschlie?t die wichtigsten Fachbegriffe. So empfiehlt sich der Band sowohl als Begleiter bei der taglichen Laborarbeit als auch zum Nachschlagen beim Verfassen wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten.