Despite many successes in the field of conservation, species extinction rates continue to climb and wild areas and habitats continue to be lost. Many look to more (or better) biology and ecology to solve the problem but the obstacles are not just scientific but political. To stop the 6th great extinction the conservation movement must become much stronger, more tenacious, and more effective. By learning from its own history and especially from the movements that abolished slavery, brought down apartheid, changed gender relations, and expanded democratic rights, conservationists can become more successful. This book brings together in one place and in a highly usable format the lessons of those movements culled from practitioners and academic analysts. «Protecting Earth's rich web of life, and our only known living companions in the universe, depends upon people caring enough to act. This book shows conservationists how to evoke the caring and action necessary to change policy and ultimately society.» Paul R Ehrlich, Bing Professor of Population Studies, Stanford University and author of The Dominant Animal: Human Evolution and the Environment “This timely book by David Johns explains why facts alone don’t motivate and mobilize people to care for the natural world. Even better, Johns spells out what will work, based on a frank and informed assessment of human nature applied to social and political movements. If you would rather see change than be right, this readable and authoritative guide should be your bible.” Michael Soulé, Professor Emeritus, Environmental Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz “For me, this is a truly fascinating book. I spend much of my time writing–trying to write the stories we need to tell–and the rest of it helping run national and global mobilizations on climate change (Step It Up and now I think David Johns has done a tremendous job of linking together insights about useful rhetoric and very practical notions about organizing. If you're trying to save a river, a forest, or a planet you need to read this book.” Bill McKibben, Scholar-in-Residence, Middlebury College
In the new edition of this highly successful book, Malcolm Hunter and new co-author James Gibbs offer a thorough introduction to the fascinating and important field of conservation biology, focusing on what can be done to maintain biodiversity through management of ecosystems and populations. Starting with a succinct look at conservation and biodiversity, this book progresses to contend with some of the subject's most complex topics, such as mass extinctions, ecosystem degradation, and over exploitation. Discusses social, political, and economic aspects of conservation biology. Thoroughly revised with over six hundred new references and web links to many of the organizations involved in conservation biology, striking photographs and maps. Artwork from the book is available to instructors online at and by request on CD-ROM.
Electric Currents in Geospace and Beyond Andreas Keiling, University of California at Berkeley, USA . Octav Marghitu, Institute of Space Sciences, Romania. Michael Wheatland, University of Sydney, Australia. Electric currents are fundamental to the structure and dynamics of space plasmas, including our own near-Earth space environment, or “geospace.”This volume takes an integrated approach to the subject of electric currents by incorporating their phenomenology and physics for many regions in one volume. It covers a broad range of topics from the pioneers of electric currents in outer space, to measurement and analysis techniques, and the many types of electric currents. First volume on electric currents in space in over a decade that provides authoritative up-to-date insight on the current status of research Reviews recent advances in observations, simulation, and theory of electric currents Provides comparative overviews of electric currents in the space environments of different astronomical bodies Electric Currents in Geospace and Beyond serves as an excellent reference volume for a broad community of space scientists, astronomers, and astrophysicists who are studying space plasmas in the solar system.
Textbooks on the principles of conservation biology abound. Yet, how does one put this theoretical knowledge into practice? The aim of The Conservation Handbook is to provide clear guidance on the implementation of conservation techniques. The wide range of methods described include those for ecological research, monitoring, planning, education, habitat management and combining conservation with development. Nineteen case studies illustrate how the methods have been applied. The book will be of interest to conservation biology students and practicing conservationists worldwide. For each copy of the book sold, another copy will be sent free to a practicing conservationist outside Western Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand and Japan. Foreword by E. O. Wilson. Concise, practical guide packed full of ideas, methods and advice. Provides solutions for the main conservation problems most commonly encountered. 18 global case studies illustrate the application of techniques. The Conservation Handbook Donations Project this book is being sent free to those practising conservationists outside Western Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand and Japan who are otherwise unlikely to obtain a copy. These copies are provided at cost price by Blackwell Science, the publisher, and paid for with the author''s royalties. Each book sold means another one will be donated.
Many recent developments in the field in recording, staining, genetic and stimulation techniques, in vivo, and in vitro have significantly increased the amount of available data on the primate visual system. Written with contributions from key neurobiologists in the field, The Primate Visual System will provide the reader with the latest developments, examining the structure, function and evolution of the primate visual system. The book takes a comparative approach as a basis for studying the physiological properties of primate vision and examines the phylogenetic relationship between the visual systems of different primate species. Taken from a neurobiologist’s perspective this book provides a unique approach to the study of primate vision as a basis for further study into the human visual system. Altogether an important overview of the structure, function and evolution of the primate visual system from a neurobiologist’s perspective, written specifically for higher level undergraduate and graduate students taking courses in neuroscience, physiology, optics/ visual science, as well as a valuable read to researchers new to the field.
Thorough coverage of space flight topics with self-contained chapters serving a variety of courses in orbital mechanics, spacecraft dynamics, and astronautics This concise yet comprehensive book on space flight dynamics addresses all phases of a space mission: getting to space (launch trajectories), satellite motion in space (orbital motion, orbit transfers, attitude dynamics), and returning from space (entry flight mechanics). It focuses on orbital mechanics with emphasis on two-body motion, orbit determination, and orbital maneuvers with applications in Earth-centered missions and interplanetary missions. Space Flight Dynamics presents wide-ranging information on a host of topics not always covered in competing books. It discusses relative motion, entry flight mechanics, low-thrust transfers, rocket propulsion fundamentals, attitude dynamics, and attitude control. The book is filled with illustrated concepts and real-world examples drawn from the space industry. Additionally, the book includes a “computational toolbox” composed of MATLAB M-files for performing space mission analysis. Key features: Provides practical, real-world examples illustrating key concepts throughout the book Accompanied by a website containing MATLAB M-files for conducting space mission analysis Presents numerous space flight topics absent in competing titles Space Flight Dynamics is a welcome addition to the field, ideally suited for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students studying aerospace engineering.
Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 182. This book presents a study of the «eruptive crisis» that took place at the Stromboli volcano from December 2002 to July 2003. It features an integrative approach to the monitoring of eruptive activity, including lava flow output, explosive activity, flank instability, submarine and subaerial landslides, tsunami, paroxysmal explosive events, and mitigation strategies. The book comes with a DVD with spectacular photos and video of The landslide and the tsunami that hit the coast of the island; The 5 April 2003 paroxysmal event; The whole eruption showing the stages of effusive activity and growth of the lava flow field; Selected data useful for testing geochemical, petrological, seismological, thermal, and ground deformation models. This multidisciplinary and multimedia experience, unique for the amount, quality, and variety of data it covers, can be applied to other active volcanoes. Stromboli will appeal to solid Earth scientists and students working in seismology, geodynamics, geochemistry, and mineral physics, as well as nonspecialists with an interest in the inner workings of our planet and others.
Um zuverlassig einschatzen zu konnen, welche okologische Wertigkeit ein Flie?gewasser hat, ist eine fundierte, ganzheitliche Bewertung notig. Wie das geht, zeigt das Handbuch anschaulich fur die Flie?gewasser der norddeutschen Tiefebene. Es beschreibt prazise, worauf die Typisierung beruht und welche Dimensionen das Okosystem Tieflandflie?gewasser pragen: Hydrologie, Bettgestalt, Tier- und Pflanzenwelt. Bestimmungstafeln und Atlasteil helfen, die Typen im Freiland sicher zu erkennen. Au?erdem steht im Handbuch, welche praktischen Gewasserschutz- und Managementma?nahmen nach EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie fur die verschiednen Typen erforderlich sind.
An Insightful Examination of Smart Water Systems and Technology Inland water supplies are under increasing pressure. Climate, social, and demographic change have begun tipping the balance toward demand management, as supplies begins to dwindle. Water and wastewater infrastructure will play a central role in the management of this increasingly valuable resource, and Smart Water Technologies and Techniques: Data Capture and Analysis for Sustainable Water Management provides insight on a key part of the solution. Smart water applications optimise the way water and wastewater services are used, allowing more efficient allocation of limited resources while adding flexibility to the system. Automation, real-time data capture, and rapid interpretation allow utilities and users to monitor, manage, and act on the part of the water cycle that matters to them, minimizing costs of providing service through optimal use of extant assets. This book brings together the core principles, key developments, and current state-of-the-art into a single resource that: Considers smart water within operational, economic, policy, and regulatory contexts Provides a comprehensive overview of the smart water concept and the latest advances in the field Examines key considerations and objections raised to date Discusses the potential value of smart water, from perception to policy Shows how smart water systems can optimize efficiency and flexibility of water and wastewater management Explores future directions for smart water development in the pursuit of balanced supply and demand Although primarily designed for water supply and sanitation, smart water systems may be applied to irrigation, reservoir and dam management, inland water flows, and more, making it a valuable asset as water scarcity begins to spread around the globe. This book answers the questions, assuages concerns, and explains the technology that could revolutionize the way water is accessed and supplied.
An updated guide to the most current information available for determining how to use NMR spectroscopy to differentiate chiral compounds Differentiation of Chiral Compounds Using NMR Spectroscopy offers a thoroughly revised second edition to the essential volume that puts the focus on the chiral systems that are commercially available and have been widely vetted for use in NMR spectroscopy. The text covers a broad range of reagents that make it possible to determine the enantiomeric purity and assign the absolute configuration of many classes of compounds. Comprehensive in scope, the text describes the chiral NMR differentiating agents as derivatizing agents, solvating agents, metal-based reagents and liquid crystals and gels, and explains the range and types of compounds for which they can be used for analysis. New to this edition are the most recent findings in the field as well as the development of advanced NMR measurement techniques that allow for the simplification of complex spectra resulting in more readily identified enantiodifferentiation. This important resource: Includes the most recent coverage of a large range of compounds that can be analyzed using chiral NMR reagents Explores the use of chiral NMR reagents and explains their relationship to the stereochemistry of the analyzed molecules Offers the essential information needed to help decide which method is the best NMR method to apply to a class or molecules Contains experimental strategies for using the reagents that are likely to improve the quality of the results Differentiation of Chiral Compounds Using NMR Spectroscopy is a comprehensive guide designed for investigators planning to use NMR spectroscopy to determine enantiomeric purity or assign the absolute configuration of a compound.