Care of Wounds addresses all aspects of holistic wound care management. The third edition of this successful text continues to reflect current research and evidence based practice, while incorporating the considerable developments which have occurred in wound care practice since the publication of the second edition. The third edition includes new chapters on evidence-based wound care and the organisation of wound management, together with new material on nurse prescribing and the management of wounds in the community; the development of nurse-led ulcer clinics and specialist wound management centres; details of new technologies and the use of pressure redistributing equipment. Although principally written for nurses, it is of value to all healthcare professionals working in the field of wound healing.
This book describes the current state of the art in the field of palliative care in children and adults. Special emphasis is placed on addressing the efficacy and effectiveness of palliative care models, pain and symptom management, and on measuring quality of life. In addition the book evaluates current research methods in palliative care and suggests suitable alternatives. Finally the book bridges the gap between science and practice by providing the reader with the current evidence and how it can be applied in the practice setting.
All children have a right to appropriate prevention, assessment and control of their pain. Managing Pain in Children is an evidence-based, practical guide to care in all areas of children's pain management, providing nurses and other health care practitioners with the skills and expertise necessary to manage children's pain effectively. The text first explores the relevant anatomy and physiology of children, the latest policy guidelines surrounding pain management and ethical issues involved in managing children's pain. It then goes on to look at the various pain assessment tools available for children and non-drug methods of pain relief. The text then goes on to apply these pain management principles to practice in relation to acute pain, chronic pain, palliative care and the management of procedural pain. Each of these chapters covers the evidence base, assessment techniques, pain relieving interventions, and guidance for best practice in both hospital and community settings. Special features: Practical and accessible, with 'best practice' points in each chapter Written in the context of latest policy developments Provides the necessary evidence-base for care throughout With contributions from experts in the field
Health care systems worldwide are faced with the challenge of improving the quality of care. Providing evidence from health research is necessary but not sufficient for the provision of optimal care and so knowledge translation (KT), the scientific study of methods for closing the knowledge-to-action gap and of the barriers and facilitators inherent in the process, is gaining significance. Knowledge Translation in Health Care explains how to use research findings to improve health care in real life, everyday situations. The authors define and describe knowledge translation, and outline strategies for successful knowledge translation in practice and policy making. The book is full of examples of how knowledge translation models work in closing the gap between evidence and action. Written by a team of authors closely involved in the development of knowledge translation this unique book aims to extend understanding and implementation worldwide. It is an introductory guide to an emerging hot topic in evidence-based care and essential for health policy makers, researchers, managers, clinicians and trainees.
This unique book presents a framework for the strategy and methodology of diagnostic research, in relation to its relevance for practice. Now in its second edition The Evidence Base of Clinical Diagnosis has been fully revised and extended with new chapters covering the STARD guidelines (STAndards for the Reporting of Diagnostic accuracy studies) and the multivariable analysis of diagnostic data. With contributions from leading international experts in evidence-based medicine, this book is an indispensable guide on how to conduct and interpret studies in clinical diagnosis. It will serve as a valuable resource for all investigators who want to embark on diagnostic research and for clinicians, practitioners and students who want to learn more about its principles and the relevant methodological options available.
This bestselling guide provides clear instructions on getting published in biomedical journals. Now in its fourth edition, How to Write a Paper has been fully revised and updated to include all aspects on writing each section of a structured paper incorporating the latest information on open access, electronic publication and submission. Written by editors of leading medical journals as well as publishing experts, this guide is relevant and easy to use for any novice writer wanting to publish in journals.
The revised 13th edition of the essential reference for the prescribing of drugs for patients with mental health disorders The revised and updated 13th edition of The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines in Psychiatry provides up-to-date information, expert guidance on prescribing practice in mental health, including drug choice, treatment of adverse effects and how to augment or switch medications. The text covers a wide range of topics including pharmacological interventions for schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression and anxiety, and many other less common conditions. There is advice on prescribing in children and adolescents, in substance misuse and in special patient groups. This world-renowned guide has been written in concise terms by an expert team of psychiatrists and specialist pharmacists. The Guidelines help with complex prescribing problems and include information on prescribing psychotropic medications outside their licensed indications as well as potential interactions with other medications and substances such as alcohol, tobacco and caffeine. In addition, each of the book’s 165 sections features a full reference list so that evidence on which guidance is based can be readily accessed. This important text: Is the world’s leading clinical resource for evidence-based prescribing in day-to-day clinical practice and for formulating prescribing policy Includes referenced information on topics such as transferring from one medication to another, prescribing psychotropic medications during pregnancy or breastfeeding, and treating patients with comorbid physical conditions, including impaired renal or hepatic function. Presents guidance on complex clinical problems that may not be encountered routinely Written for psychiatrists, neuropharmacologists, pharmacists and clinical psychologists as well as nurses and medical trainees, The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines in Psychiatry are the established reference source for ensuring the safe and effective use of medications for patients presenting with mental health problems.
Clinical Hypnosis has proved successful in a variety of clinical situations. This handbook, with its practical approach, covers both the scientific and clinical aspects of hypnosis providing information on a range of available psychological and physical treatments. * Explains how to learn and apply hypnosis in clinical situations * World renowned editors * Comprehensive coverage of relevant issues This title will be invaluable to practising psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, medical hypnotists and mental health care workers.