
Различные книги в жанре Медицина

Pediatric Solid Organ Transplantation

Deirdre Kelly A.

Pediatric Solid Organ Transplantation is a comprehensive and succinct text on all aspects of pediatric solid organ transplantation. It provides a ready source of reference, to both the basic science and organ specific surgical technique and after care. This second edition has been extensively updated in light of recent developments in this rapidly advancing area. The only textbook devoted to the field of pediatric transplantation A definitive reference for all those interested in improving the care and quality of life of children undergoing solid organ transplantation Section on immunosuppression has been expanded by four chapters to include sections on; – mechanisms of action – therapies for the sensitized patient – post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders – organ toxicities of immunosuppressive therapy A new section has been added on the many topics related to quality of life that effect survivors of pediatric transplantation International editorial and contributor team represents a wide geographical range and contains both recognized leaders and emerging experts Whether you are an established sub-specialist in pediatric transplantation, a transplant surgeon, or a pediatric specialist in a related area, this book will answer all your questions about care of the pediatric patient before, during, and after transplantation.

Health Promotion in Practice

Joan Arnold

Health Promotion in Practice is a practice-driven text that translates theories of health promotion into a step-by-step clinical approach for engaging with clients. The book covers the theoretical frameworks of health promotion, clinical approaches to the eleven healthy behaviors—eating well, physical activity, sexual health, oral health, smoking cessation, substance safety, injury prevention, violence prevention, disaster preparedness, organizational wellness, and enhancing development—as well as critical factors shaping the present and the future of the field. Written by the leading practitioners and researchers in the field of health promotion, Health Promotion in Practice is a key text and reference for students, faculty, researchers, and practitioners. «Finally, a signature book in which practitioners of health promotion will find relevant guidance for their work. Sherri Sheinfeld Gorin and Joan Arnold have compiled an outstanding cast of savvy experts whose collective effort has resulted in a stunning breadth of coverage. Whether you are a practitioner or a student preparing for practice, this book will help you to bridge the gap between theory and practice-driven empiricism.» —John P. Allegrante, professor of health education, Teachers College, and Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University «The models of health promotion around which Health Promotion in Practice is built have a sound basis in current understanding of human development, the impact of community and social systems, and stages of growth, development, and aging. This handbook can provide both experienced health professionals and students beginning to develop practice patterns the content and structure to interactions that are truly promoting of health.» —Kristine M. Gebbie, Dr.P.H., R.N., Columbia University School of Nursing

Planning Health Promotion Programs

Gerjo Kok

This guide to the planning of health promotion programs uses the increasingly popular Intervention Mapping approach, a theory- and evidence-based interactive process that links needs assessment with program planning in a way that adds efficiency and improves outcomes. Students, researchers, faculty, and professionals will appreciate the authors’ approach to applying theories of behavior and social change to the design of coherent, practical health education interventions. Written by internationally recognized authorities in Intervention Mapping, the book explains foundations in Intervention Mapping, provides an overview of the role of behavioral science theory in program planning¾including a review of theories and how to assess theories and evidence¾and a step-by-step guide to Intervention Mapping, along with detailed case examples of its application to public health programs. Planning Health Promotion Programs is the second and substantially revised edition of the bestselling resource Intervention Mapping.

Measurement in Health Behavior

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Measurement in Health Behavior offers faculty, students, researchers, and public health professionals the information they need to improve their knowledge of instrument development and testing and their understanding of reliability and validity testing discussed in articles and reports. The book also helps improve students’ and professionals’ ability to conduct basic tests for reliability and validity and hones their skills in interpreting the results of data analysis. Based on data collected from the author’s more than ten years of research and program development, Measurement in Health Behavior provides realistic examples from the public health arena to clearly demonstrate the book’s concepts.

Minority Populations and Health

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The text is state-of-the-art in its analysis of health disparities from both domestic and international perspectives. Minority Populations and Health: An Introduction to Health Disparities in the United States is a welcome addition to the field because it widens access to the complex issues underlying the health disparities problem. – Preventing Chronic Disease/CDC, October 2005 «This is a very comprehensive, evidence-based book dealing with the health disparities that plague the United States. This is a welcome and valuable addition to the field of health care for minority groups in the United States.»– Doody's Publishers Bulletin, August 2005 "Health isn’t color-blind. Racial minorities disproportionately suffer from some diseases, but experts say race alone doesn’t completely account for the disparities. Newsweek's Jennifer Barrett Ozols spoke with Thomas LaVeist, director of the Center for Health Disparities Solutions at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and author of the upcoming book, «Minority Populations and Health: An Introduction to Health Disparities in the U.S.» (Jossey-Bass) about race and medicine. "– MSNBC/Newsweek interview with author Thomas L. LaVeist, February 2005 «The book is readable and organized to be quickly read with specifics readily retrievable. It is comprehensive and visual.»– Journal of the American Medical Association, September 2005 Minority Populations and Health is a textbook that offers a complete foundation in the core issues and theoretical frameworks for the development of policy and interventions to address race disparities in health-related outcomes. This book covers U.S. health and social policy, the role of race and ethnicity in health research, social factors contributing to mortality, longevity and life expectancy, quantitative and demographic analysis and access, and utilization of health services. Instructors material available at http://www.minorityhealth.com

Health and Health Care 2010

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Health and Health Care 2010, Second Edition, offers well-researched coverage of health insurance, managed care, health care providers, the health workforce, medical technologies, information technologies, consumerism, public health services, mental health, child health, health of the elderly, chronic care, and health behaviors, and more. Each of the volume's topics starts with historical background leading into the contemporary setting and is followed with predicted short-term developments and forecasts reaching to the year 2010. Acknowledging the difficulty of long-term predictions, even by experts, the projections are cast as «stormy,» «long and winding,» or «sunny.»

Health and Industrial Growth

CIBA Foundation Symposium

The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss results. The Novartis Foundation, originally known as the Ciba Foundation, is well known to scientists and clinicians around the world.

Teamwork for World Health

CIBA Foundation Symposium

The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss results. The Novartis Foundation, originally known as the Ciba Foundation, is well known to scientists and clinicians around the world.

Pharmacy Law and Practice

Jonathan Merrills

This textbook explains what pharmacy students and practicing pharmacists need to know about pharmacy and the law, including recent changes in the National Health Service. The book provides easy accessibility amd concise, yet comprehensive information. There have been many changes in the NHS and in the law relating to pharmacy since the first edition was written. Therefore, the book has been thoroughly revised, and the text re-organized.

Global Health and Global Aging

Mary Robinson

The book covers the fundamentals of global aging and health and provides real-world models from countries and regions that offer the best practices in current approaches. Global Health and Global Aging presents information about leadership and governance challenges as well as insights about aging in different cultures and countries in all regions of the world.