
Различные книги в жанре Медицина

Cardiac Pacemakers Step-by-Step

Roland Stroobandt X.

Over the years we have heard many complaints that there is no very simple book on cardiac pacing for real beginners. We have also heard that all the books on cardiac pacing are too complicated and impossible to understand by beginners. Many have voiced the hope that one day someone would write a book in the same style as Dubin’s book on basic electrocardiography which is a huge bestseller with well over a million sold in many languages. A ‘Dummy’ book on cardiac pacing would appeal to nurses, cardiology technicians, medical students and pacemaker companies for training their staff. We started with the assumption that the reader would know the principles of electrocardiography as in Dubin’s book but nothing about cardiac pacing. We carefully studied the Dubin book and believe that we have improved his teaching method. The book consists of numbered illustrations each illustrating a concept in the form of a diagram drawn professionally. We have been careful to make the artwork simple for easy comprehension. Each illustration will occupy a page and have several lines of text below it. We have already completed most of these. It is essential that there are all in color, this is a unique selling point. The 3 authors have had vast experience in the field. Dr Barold has published 10 books on cardiac pacing and wrote the section on cardiac pacing in the 4th and 5th Edition of Braunwald’s book, Heat Disease." S. Serge Barold, Roland Stroobandt and Alfons Sinnaeve Content: The plates depicting a concept with occupy 1 pages. Each plate consists of a diagram and a short text. All diagrams are in color. In black and white they would lose their teaching value There will be approx 200 plates. There will be approx 100 electrocardiograms. There will be a glossary, appendices and index

Symptoms in the Pharmacy

Alison Blenkinsopp

A practical and evidence-based guide for student, pre-registration and qualified pharmacists Symptoms in the Pharmacy is an indispensable guide to the management of common symptoms seen in the pharmacy. With advice from an author team that includes both pharmacists and GPs, the book covers ailments which will be encountered in the pharmacy on a daily basis. Now in its sixth edition Symptoms in the Pharmacy has been fully revised to reflect the latest evidence and availability of new medicines. There are new sections and case studies for 'POM' to 'P' switches including chloramphenicol, sumatriptan, diclofenac, naproxen and amorolfine. This edition features colour photographs of skin conditions for the first time enabling the differentiation and diagnosis of common complaints. The public health and illness prevention content have been expanded to support this increasingly important aspect of the pharmacist’s work. The book is designed for quick and easy reference with separate chapters for each ailment. Each chapter incorporates a decision making framework in which the information necessary for treatment and suggestions on ‘when to refer’ is distilled into helpful summary boxes. At the end of each chapter there are example case studies providing the view of pharmacists, doctors and patients for most conditions covered. These easy-to-follow- chapters can be read cover to cover or turned to for quick reference. This useful guide should be kept close at hand for frequent consultation.

Symptoms in the Pharmacy

Alison Blenkinsopp

Informed by the experiences and expertise of seasoned pharmacists and GPs, this reference guide provides pharmacists working in the community with the treatment information they need when they need it. Each chapter incorporates a decision-making framework which distills the information necessary for treatment along with suggestions on “when to refer” set off in summary boxes. Throughout elucidating case studies are provided in which pharmacists and doctors describe, in their own words, listening to and treating patients suffering with a range of common problems, from migraine to eczema to IBS. The indispensable guide to assessing and managing common symptoms seen in the pharmacy Includes information about medicines recently reclassified for OTC supply such as those for malaria prophylaxis and psoriasis Now includes more highlights of “Red Flag” signs and symptoms Covers respiratory, gastrointestinal, skin, ear and eye, cardiovascular, and pain conditions Offers specific recommendations for women’s, men’s and children’s health problems Provides decision making support for cases involving ethical dilemmas Features a visual display of guidelines Emphasizes the evidence base for OTC medicines With expert coverage of most common ailments which will be encountered by pharmacists on a daily basis, Symptoms in the Pharmacy, 8th Edition is a professional resource you’ll want to keep close at hand for frequent consultation.

Biosimulation in Drug Development

Martin Bertau

This first comprehensive survey to cover all pharmaceutically relevant topics provides a comprehensive introduction to this novel and revolutionary tool, presenting both concepts and application examples of biosimulated cells, organs and organisms. Following an introduction to the role of biosimulation in drug development, the authors go on to discuss the simulation of cells and tissues, as well as simulating drug action and effect. A further section is devoted to simulating networks and populations, and the whole is rounded off by a look at the potential for biosimulation in industrial drug development and for regulatory decisions. Part of the authors are members of the BioSim Network of Excellence that encompasses more than 40 academic institutions, pharmaceutical companies and regulatory authorities dealing with drug development; other contributors come from industry, resulting in a cross-disciplinary expert reference.

Symptoms in the Pharmacy

Alison Blenkinsopp

Symptoms in the Pharmacy presents a guide to the management of common symptoms seen in the pharmacy, with advice from an author team that includes both pharmacists and GPs. With the continued emphasis on the pharmacist's role as a 'first port of call' in response to symptoms, the need for effective communication and interpersonal skills remains paramount. This book provides the pharmacist with the appropriate techniques for gathering information to meet the needs of patient safety in a way that is acceptable to the public. Case studies and comments from the pharmacist's and doctor's perspective are included throughout. This is now the fifth edition of Symptoms in the Pharmacy. The text has been fully revised to reflect the latest 'prescription only medicine' to 'pharmacy medicine' switches. Changes in medicine use, cautions and contraindications where recent evidence has shown new safety concerns are also covered. Similarly, where new evidence has shown treatments to be less effective and thus superseded, they have been removed. Reviewer: A reader from Bradford UK This book is an excellent guide for either trainee or newly qualified pharmacists. It covers most ailments which may be encountered on a daily basis in the community pharmacy and describes features of more serious underlying disease to aid diagnosis or referral. It is well presented and clearly laid out with separate chapters for each ailment. At the end of each chapter are example case studies giving in summary both the view of a pharmacist and medical doctor for each condition. My only criticism is that there are no illustrations or diagrams which I feel would have been helpful when describing clinical features of some conditions. Nonetheless there are clear descriptions of each ailment, highlighting symptoms, possible causes and most appropriate treatments. Importantly it gives clear guidelines on when to refer presenting ailments to a doctor. It is comparable in style to the title Minor Illness or Major Disease, however this title is illustrated with photographs of illness to aid recognition. A useful guide for all student pharmacists, preregistration pharmacists and possibly newly qualified pharmacists.

Thermodynamics of Pharmaceutical Systems

Группа авторов

Studies of thermodynamics often fail to demonstrate how the mathematical intricacies of the subject relate to practical laboratory applications. Thermodynamics of Pharmaceutical Systems makes these connections clear, emphasizing specific applications to pharmaceutical systems in a study created specifically for contemporary curriculums at colleges of pharmacy. Students investigating drug discovery, drug delivery, and drug action will benefit from Kenneth Connors’s authoritative treatment of the fundamentals of thermodynamics as well as his attention to drug molecules and experimental considerations. An extensive appendix that reviews the mathematics needed to master the pharmacy curriculum proves an invaluable reference. Connors divides his one-of-a-kind text into three sections: Basic Thermodynamics, Thermodynamics of Physical Processes, and Thermodynamics of Chemical Processes; chapters include: Energy and the First Law of Thermodynamics The Entropy Concept Phase Transformations Solubility Acid-Base Equilibria Noncovalent Binding Equilibria Thermodynamics need not be a mystery nor be confined to the realm of mathematical theory. Thermodynamics of Pharmaceutical Systems introduces students of pharmacy to the profound thermodynamic applications in the laboratory while also serving as a handy resource for practicing researchers.

Drug Responses in Man

CIBA Foundation Symposium

The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss results. The Novartis Foundation, originally known as the Ciba Foundation, is well known to scientists and clinicians around the world.

Enzymes and Drug Action

CIBA Foundation Symposium

The Novartis Foundation Series is a popular collection of the proceedings from Novartis Foundation Symposia, in which groups of leading scientists from a range of topics across biology, chemistry and medicine assembled to present papers and discuss results. The Novartis Foundation, originally known as the Ciba Foundation, is well known to scientists and clinicians around the world.

G Protein-coupled Receptors

Georges Vauquelin

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) are membrane proteins that transduce a vast array of extracellular signals into intracellular reactions ranging from cell-cell communication processes to physiological responses. They play an important role in a variety of diseases from cancer and diabetes, to neurodegenerative, inflammatory and respiratory disorders. GPCRs are therefore of utmost interest in drug development: over half of all prescription drugs currently on the market act by targeting these receptors directly or indirectly. G Protein-coupled Receptors: Molecular Pharmacology provides a clear summary of the current knowledge in this fast-evolving field. The book sets out with an introduction to signalling molecules and their receptors, and an overview of the technical approaches used to investigate these interactions. Structural, functional and especially pharmacological aspects of GPCRs are then discussed in more detail and much attention is devoted to the analysis and interpretation of experimental data. The now widespread use of recombinant cell lies, receptor mutants and related artifices in drug research is critically evaluated. Special attention is also devoted to topical but often poorly understood concepts, such as insurmountable antagonism, inverse agonism and allosteric interactions. By combining general information with the major state-of-the-art concepts in GPCR-research, this outstanding book equips the reader with the necessary background for understanding and critically evaluating the current literature. Written by two experts from academia and industry, G Protein-coupled Receptors: Molecular Pharmacology offers a unique view of academic and applied approaches aiming to reveal new ideas in pharmaceutical research. The book is of interest to anyone involved in drug development and preclinical research and those who need to function within multi-disciplinary teams in the pharmaceutical industry: from investigators to product managers or clinicians who seek to have a broad mechanistic understanding of drug-receptor interactions. It is also an invaluable resource for final year undergraduate and postgraduate students in pharmacology and cell and molecular biology.

The Engines of Hippocrates

Sean Ekins

A unique, integrative look at information-based medicine The convergence of medical science, biology, pharmacology, biomedical engineering, healthcare, and information technology is revolutionizing medical and scientific practice, and has broader social implications still being understood. The Engines of Hippocrates provides a unique, integrative, and holistic look at the new paradigm of information-based medicine, covering a broad range of topics for a wide readership. The authors take a comprehensive approach, examining the prehistory, history, and future of medicine and medical technology and its relation to information; how history led to such present-day discoveries as the structure of DNA, the human genome, and the discipline of bioinformatics; and what the future results of these discoveries may hold. Their far-ranging views are their own and not necessarily those of the IBM Corporation or other employers. The Engines of Hippocrates helps readers understand: Forces shaping the pharmaceutical and biomedical industries today, including personalized medicine, genomics, data mining, and bionanotechnology The relationship between pharmaceutical science today and other disciplines such as philosophy of health, history, economics, mathematics, and computer science The integrated role alternative and non-Western medicines could play in a new, information-based medicine Practical, ethical, organizational, technological, and social problems of information-based medicine, along with a novel data-centric computing model and a self-adaptive software engineering model, and corresponding information technology architectures, including perspectives on sharing remote data efficiently and securely for the common good An unmatched, cross-disciplinary perspective on the big picture of today and tomorrow's medicine, The Engines of Hippocrates provides a reference to interested readers both inside and outside the pharmaceutical and medical communities, as well as a peerless classroom supplement to students in a wide variety of disciplines.