Over the past two centuries the Christian faith has spread to all continents. Although more global than ever, Christians are religious minorities in most societies. Religious freedom is hardly universal. In the past fifty years, millions of people have been uprooted from their traditional homelands in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Some have emigrated to Western Europe and North America. The West has become the scene of cultural, linguistic, and religious variety on a scale unimagined in 1900. Today, the full range of faiths and religious practices from all continents are present in Europe and North America. Christians are challenged to come to terms with this changed situation. These developments have intensified religious plurality. Christians all over the world are being urged to understand and engage with this new situation. This volume highlights this new reality and specifies some sources for engagement, not least among them the Judeo-Christian scriptures–fundamental to all «Christianities»–that emerged out of religious plural contexts. On the basis of their faith in the Triune God disclosed in this text, all followers of Jesus Christ must interact with these opportunities in today's radically context-sensitive world.
The three years that Calvin spent in Strasbourg are often considered a simple gap between his two periods in Geneva (1536-1538 and 1541-1564). However, this period has been shown to be extremely fertile for Calvin in literary, theological, and pastoral fields, not forgetting his marriage to Idelette de Bure. It was in Strasbourg that Calvin published the second Latin edition, greatly increased, of his «Institution,» and where he wrote the first French version of this summary of the reformed religion. There he lectured on «Romans,» replied to Cardinal Sadolet, and wrote his «Little Treatise on Holy Communion,» intended to reconcile Protestants. There he became familiar with Martin Bucer's catechetical practice and with the songs of the Strasbourg parishes, which inspired his «Some Psalms and Canticles put into Song,» and there he gained the friendship of Philippe Melanchthon and the respect of other Reformers.
The call for gender equity in leadership has become a global concern. From a Christian perspective, all forms of gender prejudice are sinful because they violate God's intention for creating both men and women in God's image. Although many Christian authors have published books and journal articles to address gender-based injustice, very few publications have approached the subject from an African perspective. This book is meant to fill the existing gap. With a specific reference to the African context, this book explores the phenomenon of equity in leadership from various dimensions, such as African culture and traditional religion, church tradition, biblical interpretation, as well as from the perspective of contemporary socio-economic and political realities in Africa. By giving vivid examples of success stories of men and women working together, the authors have demythologized the view that women cannot be leaders. In addition, this book is intended for general readership by Christian men and women throughout the globe. For universities and colleges that teach gender studies as a subject, the book can serve as a class text or reference resource. Seminaries and theological institutions will also find it handy for training and mentoring Christians to promote equity in the church, ministry, business, and family.
The last few decades seem to have ushered in new levels of violence, challenging the notion that our globalized, interconnected world offers increased prospects for cooperation and peace. Many philosophers and theologians have offered various reasons for why this might be so, but none has come so close as the French philosopher Jacques Ellul to providing a comprehensive explanation for many of the pitfalls inherent in increasing levels of technological advance. The chapters in this book explore the phenomena of violence, terrorism, and war through the lens of Ellul's thought. Readers unfamiliar with Ellul will find as much to consider in these chapters as those who have studied Ellul extensively, and for both the novice and the expert, this book offers an opportunity to both evaluate and reevaluate Ellul's extensive thought on matters of importance to contemporary society.
Akashic will be promote the book to the trades and to Caribbean media.The title will be catalogued as already available with an July 2018 pub date.Featuring brand-new writing by: Tracy Assing (Trinidad and Tobago), Heather Barker (Barbados), Angela Barry (Bermuda), Cecil Browne (St Vincent and the Grenadines), Tammi Browne-Bannister (Antigua and Barbuda), Sabah Carrim (Mauritius), Damon Chua (Singapore), Marita Davies (Kiribati), Fetuolemoana Elisara (Samoa), Kendel Hippolyte (St Lucia), Erato Ioannou (Cyprus), Emma Kate Lewis (Malta), Karlo Mila (Tonga), Jacob Ross (Grenada), Melanie Schwapp (Jamaica), Mere Taito (Rotuma, Fiji), and Mikoyan Vekula (Niue). We are also making this title available in a simultaneous POD/NONRETURNABLE hardcover edition.
Atlanta Noir will be published simultaneously in paperback and eBook formats.Featuring brand-new stories by: Tananarive Due, Kenji Jasper, Tayari Jones, Dallas Hudgens, Jim Grimsley, Brandon Massey, Jennifer Harlow, Sheri Joseph, Alesia Parker, Gillian Royes, Anthony Grooms, John Holman, Daniel Black, and David James Poissant.The editor, Tayari Jones, is a successful novelist and one of the better-known writers coming out of Atlanta. She is also a fantastic and tireless self-promoter.Publicize to major dailies, weeklies, literary publications, alternative publications. Major radio and television push, with a strong local angle.Akashic's promotion will have a strong social media component that will rely heavily on the editor's phenomenal network of fans.
Akashic will be promote the book to the trades and to Caribbean media.The title will be catalogued as already available with an October 2016 pub date.Featuring speculative short fiction by Tammi-Browne Bannister, Summer Edward, Portia Subran, Brandon O’Brien, Kevin Jared Hosein, Richard B. Lynch, Elizabeth J. Jones, Damion Wilson, Brian Franklin, Ararimeh Aiyejina and H.K. Williams.
This is Akashic's first fully Spanish-language publication. It will be published simultaneously with a English-language edition of San Juan Noir. Both editions should be sold in both the US and Puerto Rico. All the stories are originally written in Spanish, except for 3 in English. Brand-new stories by: Wilfredo J. Burgos Matos, Ernesto Quiñonez, Myra Santos-Febres, José Rabelo, Luis Negrón, Yolanda Arroyo Pizarro, Ana María Fuster Lavin, Janette Becerra, Manolo Nuñez Negron, Tere Dávila, Edmaris Carazo, Alejandro Álvarez Nieves, Charlie Vázquez, and Manuel Meléndez. Publication to coincide with the Festival de la Palabra, held in both Puerto Rico and New York City in the fall of 2016. Puerto Ricans living in mainland US make up the second largest Latino group; the largest residing in New York City with Philadelphia being second; Chicago also has a significant number of Puerto Rican residents. Roughly 1/2 of the Puerto Rican population residing in the US are bilingual. Puerto Ricans have strong national pride and should celebrate the release of this anthology dedicated to their home island and available in both Spanish and English.
"Santos-Febres and 13 other contributors of Puerto Rican heritage take full advantage of San Juan's wide range of disparities between rich and poor, weak and powerful, tourists and residents, in this fine addition to Akashic's noir anthology series."–Publishers Weekly"A welcomed addition to the publisher's popular noir series, San Juan Noir has the distinction of being issued in two editions, English and Spanish, to more accurately reflect the Caribbean island's bilingual culture. Editor Santos-Febres gathers a varied collection of stories she expects will 'reveal a side of Puerto Rico otherwise obscured by the tourist trade and preconception.'"– NBC News Latino"The stories within San Juan Noir stare right into the face of colonialism as they examine the gaps between the city's rich and its poor, its residents and its constant flow of tourists, its colorful exterior and its gritty underbelly. This is noir with a bite, noir that enthralls with its dark tales even as it challenges the reader–do better, do better, do better."–Literary Hub"From the interiors of sleazy bars or chic resort hotels, shabby apartments and in open streets and avenues with no escape, the tales of San Juan Noir trace the doomed routes of their victims and villains with an acute social and tragic awareness. These journeys keep the reader transfixed and understanding this Caribbean city in entirely new ways."–InsightsAkashic Books continues its groundbreaking series of original noir anthologies, launched in 2004 with Brooklyn Noir. Each story is set in a distinct neighborhood or location within the city of the book.Brand-new stories by: Wilfredo J. Burgos Matos, Ernesto Quiñonez, Mayra Santos-Febres, José Rabelo, Luis Negrón, Yolanda Arroyo Pizarro, Ana María Fuster Lavín, Janette Becerra, Manolo Núñez Negrón, Tere Dávila, Edmaris Carazo, Alejandro Álvarez Nieves, Charlie Vázquez, and Manuel A. Meléndez. Translated by Will Vanderhyden.From the introduction by Mayra Santos-Febres:"Puerto Rico is often portrayed as sandy beaches, casinos, luxury hotels, relaxation, and never-ending pleasure–a place that satisfies all senses and appetites.Yet the city of San Juan is much more than that. The capital of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico is the oldest Spanish settlement in all the territories and colonies of the United States. Since Puerto Rico is economically dependent on the US, the financial downturn of 2008 hit us hard. Many Puerto Ricans have left the island, looking for a better life. Crime has risen and the black market has thrived. As in many crises, art, music, and literature have also flourished. Never before has there been so much literary production. We have responded to our crisis with many stories to tell. And, especially in these times, many of those stories are noir…I hope these stories spark your imagination, and reveal a side of Puerto Rico otherwise obscured by the tourist trade and preconceptions. Maybe it will also pique your curiosity, and you will come visit our 'pearl of the Caribbean.'"