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    Integrating Work in Theological Education

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    If only we could do a better job of helping students at «connecting the dots,» theological educators commonly lament. Integration, often proposed as a solution to the woes of professional education for ministry, would help students integrate knowledge, skills, spirituality, and integrity. When these remain disconnected, incompetence ensues, and the cost runs high for churches, denominations, and ministers themselves. However, we fail in thinking that integrating work is for students alone. It is a multifaceted, constructive process of learning that is contextual, reflective, and dialogical. It aims toward important ends–competent leaders who can guide Christian communities today. It entails rhythms, not stages, and dynamic movement, including disintegration. Integrating work is learning in motion, across domains, and among and between persons. It is social and communal, born of a life of learning together for faculty, staff, administrators and students. It is work that bridges the long-standing gaps between school, ministry practice, and life. It's a verb, not a noun. Here a diverse group of theological educators, through descriptive case studies, theological reflection, and theory building, offer a distinctive contribution to understanding integrating work and how best to achieve it across three domains: in community, curriculums, and courses.

    The Gospel of John

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    The Gospel of John: Theological-Ecumenical Readings brings together leading Catholic, Orthodox, and Evangelical theologians to read and interpret John's Gospel from within their ecclesial tradition, while simultaneously engaging one another in critical dialogue. Combining both theological exegesis and ecumenical dialogue, each chapter is uniquely structured with a main essay by a Catholic, Orthodox, or Evangelical theologian on a section of John's Gospel, followed by two responses from theologians of the other two traditions. The chapter concludes with a final response from the main author. Readers are thus provided with not only a deep and engaging reading of the Gospel of John but also the unfolding of a rich theological-ecumenical dialogue centered on an authority for all Christians, namely, the Gospel of John.

    For the Love of God

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    Compassionate missions constitutes a growing focus among evangelical denominations and agencies. Because of this, there exists a growing need to be guided by sound principles and best practices. This edited volume sets forth both the biblical foundations and preferred methods for churches wanting to engage in compassion as part of their missionary efforts. The aim throughout is that compassionate missions would be guided by indigenous principles that help establish autonomous local churches, capable of being salt and light in their communities. The contributors to this volume have over 200 years of missions experience. Through their first-hand knowledge of the challenges and pitfalls faced by missionaries engaging in compassion, these authors set forth foundational principles and practical guidelines related to some of the most pressing issues confronting missionaries today. These include HIV/AIDS, UPGs, human trafficking, orphans and vulnerable children, gender issues, and many more. Pastors, missionaries, missions boards, and educators will find this a valuable resource as the church in the twenty-first century continues to engage in the Great Commission.

    Conversaciones Teológicas del Sur Global Americano

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    Una coleccion de ensayos que parten metodologicamente de dos realidades, una local y la otra global, pero ambas derivadas de la crisis de desplazamiento forzado vivido en el sur global americano (Colombia, Latinoamerica y la diaspora latina estadounidense). Todo esto se da en funcion de fuerzas promotoras de la violencia sistemica y continental: globalizacion, neoliberalismo, corrupcion politica, deficit en el compromiso misional de la iglesia cristiana de las Americas, etc. A pesar de tales factores promotores de violencia, se vislumbra en esta coleccion una esperanza («teotopia») que da brillo a la historia aun por construirse en Nuestra America. Esta esperanza es expresada por medio de nuevos esfuerzos por entender las causas y consecuencias del desplazamiento forzado en Colombia y el resto de las Americas y por frescas maneras biblico-teologicas de responder a tales causas y consecuencias como iglesia de Jesucristo.

    Gathering Disciples

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    This collection of essays by British Baptists honors the work of Christopher Ellis amongst the Baptist community, recognizing in particular the contribution he has made to the practice and theology of Free Church worship. The book takes a selection of his hymns as a starting point for reflection on areas of worship, discipleship, the sacraments, and theology.

    Annual Review of Addictions and Offender Counseling, Volume III

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    The Annual Review of Addictions and Offender Counseling, Best Practices: Volume III is the third volume in a series of peer-reviewed, edited books sponsored by the International Association of Addiction and Offender Counselors (IAAOC), a division of the American Counseling Association (ACA). Continuing the mission of the first two volumes, this volume provides a forum for publications addressing a broad array of topics in the field of addictions and offender counseling. Experts in the profession present innovative strategies and recommendations for best practices in drug education, intervention strategies, multicultural considerations, and counselor education.

    The Gender Conversation

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    Conversations about gender, both inside and outside the church, can frequently degenerate into stale and rancorous disputes in which predictable arguments are traded back and forth, or fade awkwardly away into the tense silences of mutual misunderstanding. But the issue is an important one, and calls for a better conversation than either of those alternatives.
    In September 2015, Morling College hosted a one-day symposium entitled The Gender Conversation. A rich and diverse mix of contributors met to discuss issues of gender, theology, and Christian living, within a shared framework of evangelical conviction. Our aim in hosting the symposium was to deepen mutual understanding and respect, highlight common ground, clarify points of difference, and unite us all in a quest to learn from the Scriptures and live in the light of the gospel.
    This book brings together the papers presented at the symposium and the contributors' responses to one another, as a resource for further reflection and discussion.

    The Global Impact of Religious Violence

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    Acts of terror are everywhere! Not one day goes by without hearing about the latest suicide bomb in Baghdad, knife stabbing in Germany, or shooting spree in France or in the United States. A Christian extremist preacher claims that homosexuals deserve to die because he considers their lifestyle to be sinful; groups like ISIS perpetrate genocide against religious minorities and call for global jihad against infidels; Buddhist monks in Myanmar persecute the Rohingya for fear that the Muslim minority destroy their country and religion. All these actions seem to be somehow religiously motivated, where the actors claim to act in accordance with their beliefs. In the midst of this spiral of violence seen across traditions and geographical locations, there is a pressing need to understand why people act as such in the name of their faith. The Global Impact of Religious Violence examines why individuals and groups sometimes commit irremediable atrocities, and offers some solutions on how to counter religiously inspired violence.

    Handbook of Biblical Social Values, Third Edition

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    Values are culturally specific. This handbook explains select biblical social values in their Mediterranean cultural contexts. Some examples of values are altruism, freedom, family-centeredness, obedience, parenting, and power. Though the English words for the values described here would be familiar to readers (e.g., altruism) the meanings of such words differ between cultures. In the Mediterranean world, for instance, altruism is a duty incumbent upon anyone who has surplus. It is interpersonal and group specific. In the West, especially in the United States, altruism is impersonal and universally oriented generosity that operates in a highly organized context. This handbook not only presents the Mediterranean meanings of these value words but also contrasts those meanings with Western ones.

    Eucharist and Ecclesiology

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    In the late twentieth century and since, ecumenical discussions on the nature and unity of the church have often centered on the Eucharist. This book is focused on that intersection of church and Eucharist in current Christian relationships. In the first part of the book, representatives of the Orthodox tradition (Paul Meyendorff), the Roman Catholic tradition (Denis Farkasfalvy), and the Protestant tradition (Gary Badcock) discuss the relationship of Eucharist and church. These essays are followed by an overview and response to these theme essays by Everett Ferguson, who has published often on the topics. The second part of the book contains essays on particular issues important for understanding the Eucharist and Christian faith. These essays also come from the three theological traditions of the featured essays but focus on more specific issues behind the larger discussion. The essays address the New Testament texts on Eucharist and important later Christian writers. This book will be of value to scholars studying the Eucharist in the New Testament and the early Christian church, as well as to clergy who need to instruct congregations on the ecumenical discussions of the Eucharist.