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    Evangelization as Interreligious Dialogue

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    What does Jesus have to do with Buddha? What does Muhammad have to do with Krishna? One of the most important tasks for theology in the twenty-first century is interreligious dialogue. Given the rapid process of globalization and the surge of information via the Internet, travel, and library networking today, interreligious dialogue has become a necessary element within Christian theology that no longer can be avoided. Evangelization as Interreligious Dialogue features eleven essays, plus an extensive introduction, that exercise a live conversation between religious others. Divided into four thematic sections–(1) Catholic approaches to interreligious dialogue, (2) dialogues between Judaism and Christianity, (3) dialogues between Islam and Christianity, and (4) dialogues between Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity–this volume conducts a sustained theological reflection on the current state of interreligious dialogue by signaling its hopeful promises and unrelenting challenges. The reader will be invited to encounter the religious other firsthand and put his or her most cherished theological assumptions to the test. This book aims to provoke an expansion of horizons for theological imagination as it exposes the basic dialectic of identity and difference as played out in the interaction between diverse religious beliefs, practices, and experiences.

    Where Wisdom May Be Found

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    All Christian colleges and universities hail the integration of faith and learning as a premier mission objective. There is less agreement as to what the integration of faith and learning should look like in pedagogical and cross-disciplinary terms. This volume proposes that faith and learning are interrelated from the start. Discovery of truth within the academic disciplines cultivates discipline-specific wisdom that both accords with all reality and complements the whole counsel of God. Where Wisdom May Be Found brings together a faculty of twenty-seven accomplished voices from across curricula to celebrate each field's capacity for revealing wisdom from all corners of God's creative design. In synthesis, these voices declare the depth and richness of the wisdom and knowledge of God for the educational advancement and holistic equipping of the corporate people of God.

    Glory to the Three Eternal

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    This is the first critical study of the writings of the English Particular Baptist Benjamin Beddome (1718-1795), whose evangelical ministry stretched over the last half of the eighteenth century. Best known in the years following his death as a capable hymn writer, he was also a significant doctrinal preacher. John Newton, who had heard such preachers as John Wesley and George Whitefield, considered Beddome one of the finest preachers of his day. The articles in this critical study examine his sermons to delineate Beddome's view of God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit, as well as his position on the free offer of the gospel, a central issue among the Particular Baptists of his day. His important contribution to Christian hymnody is also detailed. A must-read for those interested in eighteenth-century evangelical thought.

    Sermons by Jonathan Edwards on the Church, Volume 1

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    In April 1740, Jonathan Edwards, minister of Northampton, Massachusetts, preached a discourse on Hebrews 12:22-24 comprising eight sermons. At this point, he had been the senior pastor of that town for just over a decade, and had seen his congregation through the historic Connecticut Valley Awakening of the mid-1730s, when several hundred souls were reportedly savingly converted. This first volume of Sermons by Jonathan Edwards on the Church contains the previously unpublished Hebrews discourse, «Christians Coming to Mt. Zion,» preached on the very cusp of the transatlantic religious movement that would become known as «The Great Awakening,» the New England phase of which began later that year. In addition to the complete and original text of Edwards' discourse, the volume includes two introductions that describe his preaching style and method and provide an historical context.

    The Visible Shape of Christ's Life in Us

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    How can we live in the world without falling either to the dangerous pitfalls of Christian legalism or the lure of unbridled hedonism, especially in a generation that rejects most formal expressions of Christianity? Saint Paul suggests that there is only one way–to walk in step with the Spirit, while bearing the fruit of the Spirit in our daily lives. Because this is a daily process, one fraught with success and failure, the following volume of essays seek to articulate how the Christian can prepare themselves for life in the Spirit, following Paul's admonition to «keep in step with the Spirit» (Gal 5:25) as we move closer and closer to meeting our Lord. The Visible Shape of Christ Life in Us: Meditations on the Fruit of the Spirit is a collection of essays originally preached in the Founders Chapel of Wycliffe College, University of Toronto, in the fall semester of 2018. Originally intended for a diverse audience of students, faculty, and professional clergy, these essays represent the best of Anglican theological insight in the context of the greater Christian community. They are intended for personal reflection, and daily devotion–a welcoming, accessible addition to any theological collection.

    Luther as Heretic

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    The publication of Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses in 1517 immediately elicited responses from dozens of Roman Catholics in Germany and beyond. While Luther's works and those of his leading supporters have been available in English translation for many years, those of most of his Catholic opponents have not. In order to address this imbalance, win a fairer hearing for the Catholic opposition, and make it possible for students to understand both sides of the sixteenth-century religious debates, translators have drawn on the rich resources of the Kessler Reformation Collection at the Pitts Theology Library to present here introductions to and translations of ten Catholic pamphlets. The volume begins with an essay sketching the larger background for these publications. The editors' hope is that this book will prove useful for teaching and research and will foster a deeper understanding of the sixteenth-century theological discussions by allowing today's readers to hear voices that have been mostly silent in the English-speaking world for centuries.

    Children’s Spirituality, Second Edition

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    The Society of Children's Spirituality: Christian Perspectives launched in 2003 with its first conference held at Concordia University Chicago, in River Forest, Illinois. An earlier edition of this book, composed of chapters based on presentations from that conference, was published in 2004. In 2018 a decision was made to revise this book from the inaugural conference, updating some chapters and providing a new perspective on the ongoing work of the organization, now called the Children's Spirituality Summit. For example, given the advances in what we are learning from brain research, a chapter on this topic has been extensively updated. What this revised volume provides is a collection of chapters offering theological perspectives, social science research, and insights on ministry practice about the spiritual lives of children: how they relate to God, how this relationship grows, and what helps in promoting the spiritual formation and vitality of children in the home, church, and school This book offers twenty-three chapters by professors, graduate students, social science researchers, and ministry leaders from different denominational traditions addressing a wide range of issues in theory, research, and ministry practice with children. This second edition offers much to learn from, stimulate your thinking, and improve your practice.

    Come Out from among Them, and Be Ye Separate, Saith the Lord

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    Believers' Churches have their origin in the Radical Reformation of the sixteenth century. Over the past 450 years the movement has included the Brethren, Mennonites, Hutterites, various types of Baptists, and the Restoration Movement. While never a unified denominational structure, the Believers' Churches together have been characterized by a strong personal faith in Christ, a call to discipleship and Christian activism, a high view of the authority of Scripture, and profession of faith in believers' baptism. The Believers' Churches have represented their beliefs in various ecumenical settings, missionary gatherings, and theological conversations. In the late 1950s, representatives of the several Believers' Churches began to meet in a series of conferences to explore their common views on doctrine, history, and ethics. Topics at the conferences have included baptism, Lord's Supper, the nature of the church, and religious voluntarism. In 2016, the 17th Believers' Church Conference was held at Acadia University and sponsored by Acadia Divinity College. The theme was «The Tendency Toward Separationism Among the Believers' Churches,» a key recurring characteristic. This volume includes the papers presented at the conference and examines the theme from an immediate post-Reformation perspective, including Baptists, Black Baptists, Restorationists (including the Churches of Christ), the Hutterites, Pentecostals, the role of women, and significantly, the separationist tendency as it occurs in New Religious Movements. Typologies and analyses are provided by leading historians, theologians, and social science specialists.

    Just in Time: Moments in Teaching Philosophy

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    "Serious philosophy is not an attempt to construct a system of beliefs, but the activity of awakening, the conversation passionately pursued. Only if professional philosophy reclaims this paradigm and finds ways to embody it, will it achieve an active place in the thought and life of our culture." –James Conlon, «Stanley Cavell and the Predicament of Philosophy.»
    This book is a collection of serious philosophical essays that aim to awaken readers, teachers, and students to a desire for conversation passionately pursued. The essays in this volume speak about sex, movies, poetry, and politics, in short, about those things contemporary Americans passionately discuss. These are the subjects that were taught for forty-three years in James Conlon's classroom at Mount Mary University, a Catholic urban university for women in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This volume celebrates Conlon's work while calling to all who continue to teach and learn about philosophy in contemporary times with the message that relevant philosophy deals with life as it is lived in the moment.

    The Interface of Science, Theology, and Religion

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    In celebration of Alister E. McGrath's sixty-fifth birthday in 2018, this Festschrift aims to highlight him as a lauded scholar, who exemplifies an interface of science, theology, and religion. It comprises works by McGrath's theological allies and colleagues from diverse ecclesial homes including Graham Ward, Oliver Crisp, Tony Lane, Sung Wook Chung, Randall Zachman, Veli-Matti Karkkainen, Jonathan Wilson, Jeffrey P. Greenman, Robert Kolb, Sister Benedicta Ward, Michael Lloyd, Bethany Sollereder, and Patrick Franklin. Critical but appreciative is the posture with which these contributors engage the wide range of McGrath's own scholarly pursuits and publications. This volume, edited by Dennis Ngien, covers these themes that are central to the life and witness of the church: atonement, Christology, Trinity, eschatology, mission, Reformation, science, nature, culture, evangelism, and theodicy–there is much to ponder and reap here. Readers will join with the contributors and pay tribute to McGrath who has risen to a life of significance as a scientist turned theologian, professor, author, Christian apologist, and churchman.