Professor Herzlinger documents how the consumer-driven health care movement is being implemented and its impact on insurers, providers, new intermediaries, and governments. With additional contributions by health care’s leading strategists, innovators, regulators and scholars, Consumer-Driven Health Care presents a compelling vision of a health care system built to satisfy the people it serves. This comprehensive resource includes the most important thinking on the topic and compelling case studies of consumer-driven health care (CDHC) in action, here and abroad, including new consumer-driven intermediaries for information and support; types of insurance plans; focused factories for delivering health care; personalized drugs and devices; and government roles.
Now in its fourth edition, Rational Diagnosis and Treatment: Evidence-Based Clinical Decision-Making is a unique book to look at evidence-based medicine and the difficulty of applying evidence from group studies to individual patients. The book analyses the successive stages of the decision process and deals with topics such as the examination of the patient, the reliability of clinical data, the logic of diagnosis, the fallacies of uncontrolled therapeutic experience and the need for randomised clinical trials and meta-analyses. It is the main theme of the book that, whenever possible, clinical decisions must be based on the evidence from clinical research, but the authors also explain the pitfalls of such research and the problems involved in applying evidence from groups of patients to the individual patient. For this new edition, the sections on placebo and meta-analysis and on alternative medicine have been thoroughly updated, and there is more focus on insufficient reporting of harms of interventions. The sections on different research designs describe advantages and limitations, and the increased medicalisation and the effects of cancer screening on health people are noted. A section on academic freedom when clinicians collaborate with industry and ghost authors is added. This essential reference work integrates the science and statistical approach of evidence-based medicine with the art and humanism of medical practice; distinguishing between data, sets of data, knowledge and wisdom, and their application. Such an intellectually challenging book is ideal for both medical students and doctors who require theoretical and practical clinical skills to help ensure that they apply theory in practice.
Medication Management in Care of Older People is an accessible introduction to medication management and its role in the management of older people and their medicines. It addresses key issues in medication management, evaluates professional roles and clinical practice initiatives and explores healthcare policy and prescribing initiatives. This text explores the biology and neurobiology of ageing, pathological conditions such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease, medication errors, issues of concordance, long term conditions and the older person, the principles of applied pharmacology and its relationship to older people. Medication Management in Care of Older People will be of interest to health care professionals who either have an interest in medication management and older people, or who are qualified independent or supplementary prescribers, and will enable them to comprehend the principles of applied pharmacology and medication management to enable them to use this knowledge in their daily practice. Illustrates the current issues, concerns and approaches used to manage older people and their medicines. Builds on pertinent current policy and research initiatives including the NSF for Older People and 'Building a Safer NHS for Patients: the role of medication safety' Each chapter features case studies, learning outcomes and implications for practice “I found this book to be interesting and highly relevant to OT practice. I would recommend this book as a learning resource to inform, review and support clinical therapy practice. Occupational Therapists could well appreciate many of the contributory factors relating to medication problems with Older People, using this resource could raise own standards, but also assist with reducing the negative impacts of medication issues on older people.” – Sarah Montgomery, A&E Occupational Therapist and Communications Officer, (COT Specialist Section Older People), London, UK
Vital Notes on Accountability is a concise, accessible guide which provides students and newly qualified staff with an understanding of key issues in professional practice. Nurses are accountable for their own practice and require a thorough understanding of their core responsibilities which underpin everyday practice in the health service today. This introductory text in the ‘Vital Notes for Nurses’ series sets out a framework for accountability which consists of four ‘pillars’ – legal, ethical, employment and professional accountability – against which clinical issues can be considered. * Presents legal, ethical, employment and professional issues in an accessible way * Explores accountability, professional regulation, sources of funding and treatment in the health service * Examines complaints, human rights, negligence, consent, and confidentiality * Explores further applications in accountability * Each chapter includes learning objectives, scenarios and case studies
Insulin pump therapy is now a well-established option for treating diabetes. This method of insulin delivery offers the opportunity for people with diabetes to manage their diabetes confidently and competently to achieve good glycaemic control and a better quality of life. Using Insulin Pumps in Diabetes covers all aspects of insulin pump therapy in a clear and informative style, and is an essential guide for all health professionals involved in caring for people with diabetes using insulin pumps. Using Insulin Pumps in Diabetes explores issues such as the advantages and disadvantages of insulin pump therapy; the experiences of insulin pump users, how to set up an insulin pump service, how to set and adjust insulin doses and optimising glycaemic control. It also includes chapters on insulin pumps in pregnancy, and in babies, toddlers and young children.
Healthcare organisations have to manage change in order to evolve and improve care. This book explores the use of reflective practice as a practical tool to examine growth and change and to develop an effective health care organisation.
This is an accessible guide aimed at student nurses, introducing them, and guiding them through the Nursing and Midwifery Council's approved programmes of education for Registered Nurse status. Every programme of study that prepares a student to become a proficient registered nurse must be approved by the NMC and adhere to its standards and guidelines. The book is broken in to four sections based on the four proficiencies stated by the NMC: Professional and Ethical Practice; Care Delivery; Care Management and Personal and Professional Development. It presents these proficiencies in an easy to understand and implement way, making it easily accessible for both students, and registered nurses who will find it a useful reference for their work and development.
This latest contribution to the FAAM series provides a comprehensive and up to date discussion of anaesthetic management in pregnancy, during delivery, and in patients undergoing gynaecological surgery. With authoritative contributions from international experts it is a practical reference for all anaesthetists and specialist clinicians.
Vital Notes for Nurses: Professional Development, Reflection and Decision-making provides a concise, accessible introduction to professional development, reflective practice and clinical decision-making. Vital Notes for Nurses: Professional Development, Reflection and Decision-making explores the core strategies of reflective practice and decision-making underlying professional nursing development. Separate chapters on reflective writing, evidence-based practice, clinical supervision and portfolios demonstrate the inter-relationship between professional development and professional practice. It is aimed at both student and qualified nurses, recognising that professional development is a life-long commitment. It provides clear guidance to help practitioners think critically about their actions, work within professional boundaries, be accountable for their actions and plan for their future. * Provides a concise introduction to professional development, reflective practice, and clinical decision-making * Written in a clear accessible style which assumes no prior knowledge * Enables students to consider and develop their practice in order to become competent practitioners * Each chapter includes learning objectives, scenarios and case studies * In the Vital Notes for Nurses series
This is a scholarly exploration of the subject of spirituality and health and is relevant to all health care practitioners and those who support them. Drawing on the author' s rich personal experience in the field, his previously published material on the subject in professional journals and a wide range of research and other relevant literature, the book explores a diverse range of themes relevant to the everyday work of the health care practitioner. Is spirituality of any relevance to the work of carers? How is it best integrated? How do we address the spiritual needs of health care staff? What are the implications for leadership, professional boundaries, education, health care knowledge and practices? These and many other subjects and perspectives are debated and discussed in a lively and imaginative way that is accessible and authoritative, challenging and thought provoking.